Psychology Research Papers/Topics

The Association Of Limbic System Activation With Dream, Bad Dream And Nightmare Generation

ABSTRACT Despite the fact that nightmares occur with regularity in the general population, most previous research has focused on clinical samples, and the genesis of idiopathic nightmares remains poorly understood. The aim of the present research was therefore to investigate the neuropsychological mechanisms of idiopathic bad dream and nightmare generation, with a particular focus on the limbic system. High versus low levels of limbic activation and its effect on the frequency of dream, bad d...

Social and health behaviors in youth of the streets of Ibadan, Nigeria

Abstract Objectives: This study documents the extent and impact of perceived patterns of behavior in a sample of youths of the streets of Ibadan, Nigeria, with the purpose of implementing a Life Skills Educational (LSE) intervention. Method: The study uses both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Qualitatively, two Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and two in-depth interviews (IDI) with 20 boys and 2 community leaders were conducted on separate occasions for the purpose of el...

Psycho-educational therapy among Nigerian adult patients with epilepsy: a controlled outcome study

Abstract Psychological interventions in relation to epilepsy are worthy of empirical investigation since there is broad agreement that the psycho-social problems of epilepsy are often more disabling than the seizure attacks. The present study using a controlled outcome design evaluated the efficacy of a 2-day psycho-educational program among patients with epilepsy in Nigeria. The psycho-educational program is the consequence of a two-stage study design, which set out to identify and evaluate ...

Knowledge, Attitude and Screening Behaviour of Benue State University Male Students towards Prostate Cancer Awareness

Abstract The study investigated the influence of knowledge, attitude and screening behaviour of Benue State University Male Students towards prostate cancer awareness. Five research questions and research hypotheses guided the study. The study was a cross-sectional design utilizing a pretested 34-item Prostate Cancer Questionnaire (PCQ) (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.62) to collect information about knowledge, attitude and screening behaviour regarding prostate cancer among Benue State University M...

The Impact of Tobacco Smoking on Health and Cessation among a Cohort of Smokers in Ibadan

Abstract This study was designed to assess the impact of tobacco smoking on health and cessation among a cohort of smokers in Ibadan, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design and the purposive sampling method was used to select seventy respondents from three Local Government Areas in Ibadan. Self validated questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. The results got revealed the most prominent health problems among the tobacco smoking motorcyclists. Therefore, there i...

Relationship between Psycho-demographic Factors and Civil Servants’ Attitudes to Corruption in Osun State, Nigeria

Abstract The relationship between psycho-demographic factors and attitude to corruption (ATC) was investigated. The cross-sectional survey included 600 local government civil servants following multi-stage sampling. A 58-item self report validated questionnaire was used for data gathering. There was significant relationship between; personality (r = 0.543, P

Majority Carry the Vote: Psycho-Demographic Influence on Voting Behaviour

 ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of-psychological and demographic variables  voung behaviour. 232 randomly selected participants (males and females) In Ibadan metror61is took part in the study. A questionnaire made up of 4 sections was used to collect information from the partie •.pant~. A multiple regression revealed that of all the psycho-demographic variables only age and self-esteem independently predicted vouug behaviour. Also, analysis of Variance 'showed an interaction e...

Managerial Psychology

Abstract Managerial psychology is a sub-discipline of Psychology or Management, focusing on understanding organization behaviour. Managerial psychology draws from frameworks and descriptions about the psychology and sociology of organizations and the institutional context of work and careers. This chapter introduces the reader to behavioural science concepts, constructs, theories, methods, and tools that are used and applied to issues that people encounter in their work and career. The chapte...

Psychosocial Factors Associated With Smoking Behavior Among Secondary School Adolescents In Ibadan Metropolis

ABSTRACT The use of tobacco among adolescents has been recognized as prominent problem behaviour in recent years. This study investigated the psychosocial factors associated with smoking behaviour among secondary school adolescent smokers (N=200) in Ibadan metropolis. One hundred and forty six (73%) were males while fifty four (27%) were females. The study is a cross-sectional survey which adopted the expost facto research design. Each participant was administered a questionnaire consist...

Evaluation of the effect of cognitive therapy on perioperative anxiety and depression among Nigerian surgical patients

Abstract Study Objective Des instruments Ies plus importants utilisCs dans cet Ctude surgical paients have been known to benefit immensely Ctaient sous balance d'ttat de I'inquibtude de speilberger state-Trait from psychological interventions. This study set out to assess Inqui?tude d'inventaire (STAI) et inquietude de l'h8~ital et the pre and postoperative anxiety levels and depression and l'inventaire de l'ht depressif. the effect of cognitive therapy among Nigerian surgical R~ultats~rinci~...

Impact Of Personality And Struc'i'ural Design On Job Satisfaction Among Bank Workers

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to examine the impact of personality and changes in office design on employees job satisfaction among bankers. The 98 participants were drawn from 4 commercial banks in 2 southwestern cities namely Lagos and Jbadan. The participants had a mean age of 51 years and standard deviation of 3.85 for males and a mean age of 32 years and a standard deviation of 3.3 for female participants. The instrument used for the collection of data were the introversion (extraver...

Role of Socio-Psychological Factors in Perceived Quality of Care Rendered by Traditional Medical Practitioners in Ibadan, Nigeria

Abstract Background: It was the aim of the current research to investigate perceived service quality rendered by traditional medical practitioners and the role of socio-psychological factors in the perception. Methods: The first part, a quantitative cross-sectional survey utilized a 93-item questionnaire to examine the influence of quality of life, general health perception, socio-economic status and personality factors on perceived service quality. The second part, a qualitative study utiliz...

The Relationships Among Psychosocial Work Environment, Job Stress Recovery Experiences, Psychological Capital And Occupational Wellbeing: A Study Among Nurses And Teachers In The Tamale Met

ABSTRACT This thesis tested and extended the Job Demands-Resources-Recovery model of work among nurses and teachers in the Tamale Metropolis in Ghana. First, it examined the direct effects of psychosocial work environment factors, job stress recovery experiences and psychological capital on specific employee wellbeing indicators such as burnout - exhaustion, cynicism, professional inefficacy; work engagement and career commitment. Second, it tested effects of certain psychosocial work environ...

Health Seeking Behaviour Among People Suffering From Cardiovascular Disorders

ABSTRACT The study explores health seeking behaviour among people suffering from cardiovascular disorders in the New Juaben Municipality of Ghana, as a result of relationship between their personal experiences and their cultural worldview. This study was undertaken in an environment predominantly inhabited by Akans who hold the notion that health is maintained when there is a harmonious relationship between the individual and the environment and that there is no distinction between the physic...

Leader Member Exchange, Psychological Empowerment, And Organizational Trust as Antecedent of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Teachers

ABSTRACT   This empirical study examined leader-member exchange, psychological empowerment, and organizational trust as antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour among teachers. Two hundred and fifty-five (255) teachers comprising 127 males and 128 females were randomly selected using a cross-sectional design from teachers of four secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area. Their ages ranged between 23 to 60 years. Four instruments that were locally standardized using Nige...

136 - 150 Of 263 Results