ABSTRACT The study investigated personality, family conflict and age in marriage as predictors of postpartum distress. Two hundred and seven (207) women in their postpartum period participated in the study and were purposefully drawn from Federal Medical Center and Specialist Hospital Lokoja. Three hypotheses were tested: Personality will not significantly related to postpartum distress. Family conflict will not significantly related to postpartum distress. Age in marriage will not significan...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the impact of mentorship and girl child education in secondary schools in Garowe, Puntland, Somalia. The study objectives were; to establish the relationship between guidance and counselling and girl child education in Garowe, Puntland, to find out the relationship between role modelling and parental attitudes toward girl child education in Garowe, Puntland and to establish relationship between learning environment and girl child education in Garowe, Puntl...
Table of Contents List of Tables ......................................................................................................................3List of Appendices .............................................................................................................4Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………….5Chapter IIntroduction ........................................................................................
ABSRACT This study investigated the role of religious commitment, coping strategies and social support in learned helplessness among HIV/AIDS patients. One hundred and eighty seven (187) patients (93 males and 94 females) between the ages of 19-64 (M=37.7, SD 11.55) receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) at the General Hospital Ogoja participated in the study. A convenient sampling method was employed for the study. Participants completed four instruments: Religious Commitment Inventor...
The study aims to determine if the transition from face-to-face learning to online learning during COVID-19 has affected the academic performance of honours students. Table of Contents Introduction. Background Rationale Aim and Objectives Research Questions Research Hypotheses Literature Review Theoretical Framework The Microsystem The Mesosystem The Exosystem The Macrosystem Method Research Design Participants. Data Collection Method/Procedure Data Analysis Ethical ...
The purpose of this study was to establish teachers’ causal attributions and their perceived self-efficacy in controlling adolescent health risk behaviors (bullying, early sex initiation and drug/substance abuse). Objectives included establishing: the prevalence of health risk behaviors among adolescents; teachers’ causal attributions for adolescent health risk behaviors; gender differences in causal attributions; differences in teacher causal attributions based on teaching experience; ...
Secondary school students’ performance in KCSE over the last four years (2013 to 2016) has been skewed towards low grades nationally and Nairobi County specifically. Much research effort has been directed at investigating psychological factors such as weak academic motivation and self-handicapping as possible causes of poor academic performance. Less focus has been on school psychological environment and achievement goals which may contribute towards students’ academic performance. The pu...
Globally, for the past decade there has been continuous growth of body of research on women in prisons with USA setting the pace. The studies have gained insights on female pathways to prison (see Collica-Cox, 2018; Bloom, Owen & Covington, 2005) necessitating the development and implementation of programs that are gender responsive to specific needs of women offenders. Such programs are those that address issues that may hinder rehabilitative success and eventually the reintegration of ...
ABSTRACT The study sought to find out whether students in the selected schools in Nakuru District feared revealing information to their teacher counsellors and whether there was a significant relationship between students’ fear of self disclosure and help seeking behaviour. It further investigated factors that lead to fear of self disclosure like content of disclosure, fear of lack of privacy/confidentiality, vulnerability avoidance, fear of perceived negative feed back and fear of change i...
ABSTRACT With the achievement of puberty, the adolescent becomes sexually active and competent. This maturity involves the whole process of physical development, emotional feelings and social conditioning. It may well be for the adolescent a period of turmoil and awkward adjustment, of mystery and exchange of wrong information with other adolescents. Adolescents, therefore, need the best possible preparation to enable them to cope well with their sexual development and avoid the most obvious...
ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between classroom environment and students’ aggressive behaviour. To achieve this, adolescents attending high school, specifically those in form three were investigated. An ex-post facto research design was used in the study. The respondents were drawn from three secondary schools in Keumbu Zone, Keumbu Division in Kisii District. Simple random sampling method was used to select the three secondary schools for the st...
ABSTRACT This Study aimed at investigating the relationships between Music Education, Music Performance and secondary school students‘ Self Concept and Academic Achievement. Researchers believe that music helps in enhanced brain activity which increases student‘s ability to perform certain academic tasks. There are, however, inconsistencies on how music influences Self Concept and Academic Achievement. The researcher aimed at seeking to establish the relationship between each of the indep...
ABSTRACT Substance abuse is a problem to many people across the world. Programs and activities have been put in place to fight drug and substance abuse in schools. The Ministry of Education through the report of the presidential party in education and manpower training for the next decade and beyond and the Commission of inquiry on the education system of Kenya recommended that peer counseling services be established in all educational institutions. Peer counseling was therefore integrated i...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between exams anxiety, academic performance and other selected correlates, which were, academic procrastination, Locus of control and academic resilience. Indeed, the phenomenon of exams anxiety has been widely studied in relation to academic performance. However, exams anxiety, as a psychological construct, also needs to be understood in terms of other related factors that might precipitate it. In addition, the study also inv...
ABSTRACT The ability to understand and use information from text is a key predict of a student’s success in school learning. Not all factors related to this ability have been adequately investigated. The purpose of this study was to examine metacognitive knowledge and cognitive reading strategy use as predictors of reading comprehension performance among form three students in Lari Sub County, Kiambu County. The study also tested for gender differences in metacognitive knowledge and cogniti...