ABSTRACT Social movement generally seek to effect change in society, and in the process encounter challenges which could extend to physical and verbal threats on the actors involved. In some cases, these threats have extended to the families and close relations of the actors (activists). Despite these threats, there are activists who dare to be different to challenge the status quo to get things done right. The study therefore sort to understand what motivations there to such engagement...
ABSTRACT Lymphatic filariasis, a disease that is rarely fatal but it results in clinical conditions have devastating effects on persons infected by it. It causes long-term and permanent disability as well as social and psychological problems. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. The study was carried out to examine people’s opinion and beliefs about the causes and socio-economic effects of lymphatic filariasis infection. It was carried out in the Narkwa community of the Mfantseman Muni...
Festivals and ceremonies are part and parcel of African culture, usually in all its pump, merriment and pageantry. However, with the increasing wave of criminal activities in Nigeria especially in Edo state, festivals and ceremonies are being redefined and conceptualized in practice. Only recently a new festival ‘Festival of Curses’ was brought to the fore in combating crime in Edo state. The study therefore seeks to explain the festival as a traditional mechanism in crime control, t...
ABSTRACT Since the revival of the concept three decades ago by East European social scientists, the assumptions have been that the notion of civil society could be useful for public policy formulation and democratization. The key hypothesis of scholars, activists and donors is that civil society is the hitherto missing key to sustained political reforms, legitimate states and governments, improved governance, viable state and society, state-economy relationship and the prevention of the polit...
ABSTRACT The negative implications of sex work in Ekiti-State particularly among undergraduates has become a societal issues that need urgent attention-undergraduates sex work as a survival strategic behaviour had been identified to be common in hotels, bars, brothels, in their hostels around the campus and on the street as avenue/or action, (Onah, 2000) This study adopts the descriptive research design by making use of questionnaires in eliciting response on all the variables under investiga...
ABSTRACT There has been much outcry of international organizations about the state of mental illness and how it affects a person's ability to perform the tasks necessary for daily living. Depression in particular causes an adjustment from the psychological well-being of an individual which is indicated by his emotional and behavioral disposition. This study investigated the attitudes of the society to the mentally ill using depression a case. The population constituted all the adults in A...
Contemporary U.S. politics, especially after the 2016 election, have become more polarized than they ever were, with political candidates reflecting this. President Trump was one of the most inflammatory candidates ever to run for President, and on the left, polarization has proceeded as well, if more slowly—Trump, and before him, the Tea Party, is the face of the mainstream Republican Party, whereas more extreme left-wing figures such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders ar...
This research utilizes implementation of classic methods for systematic data collection using the medium of the Internet to investigate the idea of culture as a shared cognitive semantic structure. We used the material domain of automobile manufacturer brand names to investigate our intuition that a shared understanding exists within the American culture and is pervasive across a diversity of demographic groups. Semantic structure information for 48 automobile manufacturer brand names was obt...
This critical review will ascertain the extent to which the study by Drouin and Tobin 'Unwanted but consensual sexting among young adults: Relations with attachment and sexual motivations', can enhance the current area of study and attempts to point out where areas of exploration have been overlooked, or can be improved upon, for future study in this field.
This essay explores the nature of deviance within Australian culture and considers its usefulness within a postmodern setting. Durkheim’s mechanical and organic solidarity , and the manner in which they form social ties is identified, along with the development of multiculturism in Australia. The elaboration of deviance to mainstream activities is also shown. Additionally, the expansion of second phase postmodernism is explored and suggests that, due to the inefficiency of social controls, ...
The link between Violent Video Gaming (VVG) and aggression is a necessary field of study due to its potential impact upon society. This essay compares studies which identify links with aggressive behaviours. Western and Eastern cultures are considered in relation to each other, exploring the idea of attitude toward causal risk factors.
Introduction Homelessness in Melbourne is a pernicious social problem. It pervades every city in Australia. It causes death and infirmity for hundreds of citizens. Due to low structural availability, vulnerable individuals are prevented from entering safe and non-violent environments. Low investment from government, and gentrification of Melbourne’s suburbs, contribute to unavailability of suitable accommodation for vulnerable people, particularly victims of family violence, the highe...
This paper considers how the Sudanese community in Melbourne are portrayed by the media. Are there Sudanese icon who identify with their culture? We consider how racism is expressed and influences Melbourne's Sudanese community. Gang mentality has been attributed to Sudanese immigration, even though this has not been found by the evidence. Exclusion compounds racist perceptions. Two Sudanese celebrities, Yassmin Abdel-Magied and Majak Daw, show has 'otherness' project a positive view of the S...
Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and its second largest economy, as well as one of America’s top oil suppliers. Despite a return to civilian government in 1999 after a long spell of military dominance, Nigeria remains a fractious nation, divided along ethnic and religious lines. Nigeria is a country with a history of rigged and violent elections, however, a watershed presidential election held in 2011 April peacefully brought a southerner to power many years since the end o...
This study focuses on the street begging which has been an age-long problem in Sokoto North local government areas and the efforts made by the government in several instances involved giving beggars monthly survival allowance and enlightenment campaign to combat this ugly situation. But this has often proved to be a short term solution. The study is fully convinced that if the government and other relevant authorities should apply different strategies in order to tackle the menace of street...