Sociology Research Papers/Topics

Practicable Solutions to the Problems of Ethnicity and Regionalism in Nigeria

Ethnicity is a popular cliché used to describe or analyze various forms of anomalies in the Nigerian nation building. It is defined as “a label for social groups who feel a distinct sense of difference by virtue of common culture and descent” (Glazer and Moynihan; 1975). In Nigerian context, ethnicity is defined as a social phenomenon associated with the identity of members of a competing communal group(s) seeking to protect and advance their interest in a political system. The relevant ...

Cultural History of the Ijebu Ethnic Group

The indigenes of Ijebuland are perceived to have an underlying belief of seniority in comparison to other kingdoms of the Yoruba tribe, owing to claims of being the first Yoruba settlers in Nigeria and consequently considering it somewhat belittling to be subject to the rulership of later settlers and their kings, the likes of the Ooni of Ife (King of Ife), Alaafin of Oyo (King of Oyo) and the Alake of Egbaland (King of the Egbas). 

The Media and Environmental Sanitation Communication in Awka South Local Government Area Anambra State.

ABSTRACT Communication campaigns in developing countries like Nigerian have not been so successful in driving demand using commercial techniques and also in appealing to consumer preferences for safety, cleanliness, and prestige for environmental sanitation. Thus, this study investigated media and environmental sanitation communication in Awka South Local Government Area, Anambra State. A cross-sectional research design was adopted for this study using multistage sampling procedures to draw a...

Cultural Feminism

cultural feminism talks about the type of feminism affecting women in regards to women empowerment. Cultural feminism developed from radical feminism. It is an ideology that attempts to revalidate what cultural feminists consider undervalued female attributes. It is also a theory that commends the differences of women from men (Alcoff, 2006). Brooke Williams is credited with introducing the term cultural feminism in 1975 in order to describe the depoliticization of radical feminism (Taylor an...

Gender and use of social media among undergraduates in lagos

CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1Background of StudyThe world is today celebrating the improvements in communication technology which hasbroadened the scope of communication through Information and CommunicationTechnologies (ICTs). Modern Technology in communication no doubt has turned the entireworld into a “Global village”. But as it is, technology like two sides of a coin, bring with itboth negative and positive sides. It helps people to be better informed, enlightened, andkeeping abreast wit...


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION  BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY All over the world, the importance and relevance of the police institution have been acknowledged. The acknowledgement is predicated on the need of community interest in terms of rights, duties and obligations which are different facts of the contractual nature of the human society (Smah, 2012; Zems, 2013). The police of the community are a beacon of hope and pride at any point in time. They owe the duty to protect the territorial integrity ...

Approaches to indigenous dispute resolution

ABSTRACTThe main goal of this study was to assess the approaches to indigenous dispute resolution inIkoro Ekiti in Ijero Local Government area of Ekiti State. Efforts of resolving disputes in thewestern part of the country most especially the community in question are proving futile.This is because, the efforts are largely conventional in nature. The applications of modern lawcourt system in dispute resolution have been very minimal as many prefer locally traditionalknowledge and procedure. T...

Education and Social Mobility Among Residents in Surulere Local Government

ABSTRACT The research work examined education and social mobility among the residents in Surulere Local Government Area, Lagos. Four Research questions and four Research hypotheses guided the study. To achieve this, a non-experimental research design of cross sectional survey method was adopted. The simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 200 residents from the age of 30 and above. The descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentage were used to analyze the d...

Improving youth employment in Botswana: The need for evidence based policy and programme development

Youth unemployment is a major policy concern that deserves urgent attention because it has become a threat to the social, economic and political stability of the country. It leads to a variety of social ills, including; poverty, alcohol abuse, crime and social unrests. Policy and programmes response to the problem of youth unemployment are many and varied but have almost always taken the form of social welfare provision and less on promotion of practical education and skills training. Governm...

Challenges to social policies: A critical analysis of youth intervention programmes in Botswana

Young people are an important human resource and Botswana is no exception. The critical challenge facing Botswana is to raise the rate of economic growth to levels incorporating broad based improvement in the standards of living and well-being of youth. The country faces high levels of poverty, unemployment and inequality which have hit the youth group so hard. Significant pockets of poverty remain, especially in rural areas. The living conditions of the vast majority of Botswana are deterior...

Poverty and Child Labour: Its Economic Implication on Itiam Community

Abstract: This study examined the issues relating to poverty and child labour, and its economic implication on Itiam Community with particular references to economic status of parents, income of parents, and economic status of parents at childhood. Using chi-square method for the analyses, a total of 473 questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected secondary schools in the three villages that make up Itiam Community. Out of the 473 questionnaires, only 316 were returned. Given the ab...

Impact of Mass Media on Students Academic Performance

ABSTRACT In recent times, mass media has become very essential in every sphere of human endeavour which has necessitated the use of more media medium such as the internet in educational institutions, modern and effective media systems have replaced the existing traditional ways of gathering information, and getting entertained. The objectives of this study are; to ascertain the level of importance of mass media preference on students’ academic performance, to discover how the nature of the...

Poverty, Illiteracy cum Prosperity Theology in Nigeria: A Quantitative Study

ABSTRACT Prosperity Theology is the teaching that believers have a right to the blessings of health and wealth and that they can obtain these blessings through positive confessions of faith and the “sowing of seeds” through the faithful payment of tithes and offerings.  However, the literature reveals that most adherents to the prosperity gospel are not prospering financially and prosperity preachers have been accused of feeding fat from the donations of church members.  Even at that, m...

Family Background and Involvement in Street Voilence Among Youths in Shomolu Local Government Area

ABSTRACT This study examined family background and involvement in street violence among youths in shomolu local government Lagos state. It investigates specific objectives such as family size, family type, parent’s educational status, parent’s occupational status and how they influence involvement in street violence among youths. The study further examined existing literature of various scholars; three theories were applied and used to explain the prevalence of street violence. The theor...


EFFECTS OF GENDER DISPARITY ON GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Gender inequality, gender disparity, gender segregation, gender conflict, gender liberation and gender discrimination of all sorts are critical points of references in documentary evidences in various conversations locally and worldwide. There is little denying  the fact that investing  in human capital is one of  the most effective means of reducing  poverty  and  encouraging  sustainable  development  in Nigeria, ye...

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