Boko-Haram is a local militia insurgent group hence; their activities have grown to be recognized as a TERRORIST GROUP. Boko Haram has its origin in the activities of their late leader “Yusuf”, a secondary school drop-out who later went to Chad and Niger Republic to study Quran. While in these two countries, he developed radical views against westernization and modernization just like the Maitatsine. Back here in Nigeria after his study, Yusuf established in 2001 what is today known a...
Abstract Nigeria: Corruption has been identified as one of the most aggrieving concepts hampering human and economic progress in developing countries; a finding particularly relevant to the Nigerian case. Corruption exacerbates economic growth, reduces economic efficiency and development despite the availability of enormous human and natural resources in the country of investigation. The cardinal thrust of the present paper is to inquire about corruption in the Nigerian context under apprecia...
PREFACE This term paper was written due to the rise in these evil vices in the society. It was prepared to bring to the knowledge of my readers the evil effect of these vices. Chapter one tells us about the definition of the terms and the relationships between these terms. Chapter two tells us about the Nigerian society and how these evil vices operate in the society. The causes of these vices and the hindrance to Nigerian development. Chapter three focuses on corruption in the Nigerian...
ABSTRACT The research work analyses the cause of child abuse and neglect. The various form of child abuse and their impact on the child and the society. Child abuse and neglect leads to denial of the child’s right which includes: education, food, health, medical care etc. to determine the trend and pattern of child abuse and neglect, identifying factors that lead parents/guardians engaging in abusing their children. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents in the study area. Data...
INTRODUCTION As the marriage in Islam is contract between two parties it is clear that it shall continue only so long as the parties carryout the terms and conditions of the contract. But if both or either of them should fail to carryout the term or fulfill their duties towards each other, then the contract may be broken. This is what we called divorce or Talaq. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0INTRODUCTION 1.1STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1.2SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.3PURPOSE OF THE STUDY 1...
INTRODUCTION The oxford advanced Dictionary (7th edition) describe the term alcoholism as “the medical condition caused by drinking too much alcohol regularlyâ€. While, the encyclopedia Encarta (2006) describes the term alcoholism as “the consumption of either spirits wine, bee and malt to such an extent that it affects the social or work related functioning of an individualâ€. Alcoholism has become a common practice especially among youths it in Chukun Local Governmen...
The aims of this study are as follows:(1)To examine whether marital infidelity influence divorce among couple.(2)To examine whether income influence divorce among couple.(3)To examine whether polygamy influence divorce among couple. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY PURPOSE OF THE STUDY STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS DEFINITION OF TERMS CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW THEORETICAL REVIEW THEORIES OF CONFLICT CONFLICT-SPIRAL MODEL STRUCTURAL CHANGE MODEL AGGRESSOR-DE...
ABSTRACTAbortion is a wide issue and the major concern in most of the discussion on abortion draws heavily from the fact that abortion constitutes severe danger to a woman’s health but at the same time when performed by medical specialist (i.e. abortion specialist) is safe for the woman. Abortion is accepted and also rejected by different societies and people indulge in abortion for a lot of reasons. some indulge in abortion so that they can complete their education, some because of the fea...
Introduction In recent times The orphanage home is one of the numerous social institution that have emerged over the years to carter for some of social need of orphanage associated with such problem(German and Marshall 2002). Motherless babies have nowadays become common because of the moral Decadences of the Society young people who cannot carter for themselves, find themselves put in the family way they end up find abandoning those innocent babies. The increases hardship because of the...
ABSTRACT Africa the cradle of civilization boasts of the best form of early life of human existence although if comparatively analyses in present day human developmental indices Africa posses the poorest form of human situation, but the heritage and traditions that still remains is a landmark which if retrace can produce and reproduce greatness and reduce the exploitation of the Africa continent as a whole. This study tries to evaluate the extent of the formal western form of edu...
ABSTRACT This study probes the impact which Tv has on the cultural values of the Nigeria youths. It specifically tackles the impact of western Tv programes on Nigeria University students. The research posits that the current trends in cultural behaviour of youths in Nigeria as observed among Caritas student Enugu is significantly associated with their perception of western culture and exposure to western Tv programmes. The assumption that foreign media content has direct powerful effects is s...
Abstract This seminar paper examines the influx of pornographic materials and their efects on youths. Two major and broad factors responsible for the widespread of pornography are identified and fully examined. These include the technological and sexual revolutions. While the former facilitated the ease with which pornography could be accessed, the latter liberalized the attitude toward pornography. How these were fully done are systematically explained in this paper. The paper also examines...
color:black;mso-themecolor:text1;mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language: EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">Security has to do with the process connected with mitigation, assuaging any kind of threat to man and his cherished values. color:black;mso-themecolor:text1;mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language: EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">One may infer that national security has attracted very little attention among our leaders and academician. Bluntly speaking, activities of criminals a...
ABSTRACTThe termination of pregnancies most generally known as “abortion” is a universal phenomenon occurring throughout all levels of societal organization and recorded history. often hundreds of thousands of women become pregnant without wanting to, and some of such women decide to terminate the pregnancy through induced abortion. Today, abortion is ...
AbstractThe presence of street trading in major cities of the world has transcended the level where it was viewed as strictly uncommon occurrence to a worrisome global problem. It is escalating and alarming. The global estimate of street trading has not only attracted public concern but has also become a matter of priority to Nigeria government as well a...