ABSTRACT The twenty first century Nigeria is confronted with pervasive crime wave. In the cities, hoodlums unleash terror on unsuspecting citizens, and bandits are reported to man many Nigeria link roads. Both the print and non-print media suggest that crime is a growing industry in Nigeria. Judging by the upsurge in pervasive insecurity such as murder, attempted murder, robbery, assault, theft of various items, burglary and kidnapping, public commentators have tended to regard Nigeria as a ...
ABSTRACT Street hawking by children is a universal phenomenon. It is practiced by children in both industrialized and developing countries of the world. It is one of the most important labor problems which attract a lot of attention. In the traditional African societies, Street hawking by Children was not a common phenomenon and therefore does not constitute a serious problem. Today, street hawking by children in Nigeria is a very common phenomenon especially in urban areas such as Lagos, I...
ABSTRACT The problem of poor organization and access to child and maternal health services has always been a major challenge in Nigeria. In the recent past there has been a growing interest in Traditional medicine and their relevance to child and maternal health both in developed and developing countries. Diversity, flexibility, easy accessibility, broad continuing acceptance in developing countries and increasing popularity in developed countries, relative low cost, low levels of techn...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the perception among academic staff of Kaduna State University towards sexuality education. The study was to determine their perception on the importance of sexuality education, the role of sexuality education in improving the reproductive health status of young persons and the challenges of sexuality education. The population of the study consisted of one hundred and ninety three (193) respondents randomly selected from the Non- Academic st...
ABSTRACT Exclusive breast-feeding is internationally the preferred way of feeding infants during the first 6 months of their lives, and is recognized as being one of the most natural and best forms of preventive medicine. Early and exclusive breastfeeding is widely regarded as an important intervention that reduces neonatal, infant, and child mortality, and remains a basis for child survival strategies. The fact that preventable problems such as nipple cracks and breast engorgement were iden...
Abstract Marriage and family is designed for the development of human race but unfortunately many families are enduring what they ought to enjoy. It is the oldest social obligation in human society and it is a socially sanctioned union, typically between two or more persons usually called husband and wife. The concept of marital instability is confined here in connection with desertion, separation and divorce. It is the relationship in which couples living together in marriage, are not enjoyi...
ABSTRACT Throughout the world marriage is, regarded as a moment of celebration and a milestone in adult life. Sadly, as this study makes it clear, the practice of early marriage gives no such case for celebration. All too often, the imposition of marriage patter upon a child means that a girl or boy’s childhood is cut short and their fundamentalrights are compromised. Efforts towards the liberation of the girl-child from the shackles of early marriage have continued to be resisted with trad...
ABSTRACT Though, the Internet is a commonplace communication facility in different parts of the world, its discovery and widespread usage is a very recent event. The access to the use of the internet as a medium of communication diffused widely and swiftly across the globe. The internet is mostly popular am on students and influences them in so many ways. The aim of this research project is to investi...
ABSTRACT In recent times, stress has been a thing of concern in workplaces as it affects the efficiency of workers in one way or the other. Stress is any interference that disturbs a person’s healthy, mental and physical well-being. In the banking institution today most bank workers are facing the problem of frustration due to different reasons obstructing career mobility of worker(s) by unnecessary delays in promotion. The aim of this research project is to study how bank workers cope wit...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study .....................................................................1 1.2 Statement of research problem ………………………………………….3 1.3 Research question……………………………………………….………..….5 1.4 Research objectives ……………………………………………….........…6 1.5 Significance of the study ……………………………………�...
ABSTRACT The research is an in-depth analysis of childlessness and socio-cultural impact on married couples in idah urban community of Kogi State. The study explored ways of reducing pressure both from the family and the society as a whole with particular reference to examining the existing causes and effects of infertility in the society. The instrument for data collection used for this research was questionnaire. The sampling techniques used for this study was cross- sectional survey resear...
ABSTRACT The rising wave of incidence of commercial sex work has given serious concern to the government, parents, health workers and the society. The causes and effects of commercial sex work among AkwaIbom girls in Uyo Local Government is the main concern of this study. The study seeks to find out the possible ways in which the problem of commercial sex work can be eradicated in the society. The study was empirically conducted where data was obtained through the primary and secondary source...
ABSTRACT Given the history of ethnic politics in most Nigeria’s federal bureaucracies and the failure of the various governmental policies which have attempted to address it, this study was carried out to examine the impact of ethnicity on efficiency, a case study of University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) Benin-City, Edo State. The study adopted a survey research design, using a total of 120 respondents from tn departments in the hospital. The results obtained show that ethnic a...
ABSTRACT This study on the use of ICT in University of Jos Faculty of Social Science Students show that ICT facilities and that these facilities are used for educational purposes, (research and learning), communication purposes, recreation, entertainment and on-line shopping. The respondents stated that constraints to the use of ICT in university libraries include irregular power supply, lack of ICT skills, high cost of ICT facilities, constant breakdown and poor funding. It was recommen...
ABSTRACT This study on the use of ICT in University of Jos Faculty of Social Science Students show that ICT facilities and that these facilities are used for educational purposes, (research and learning), communication purposes, recreation, entertainment and on-line shopping. The respondents stated that constraints to the use of ICT in university libraries include irregular powe...