ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of social media on sexual behavior of undergraduates in te,tiary institutions. The study focused on the activities undergraduates regarding the use social media platforms; the positive and negative influence of social media on undergraduates' sexual behavior and strategies to curb or eliminate the negative effects of social media. The population of the study constituted undergraduates students in three tertiary institutions in Ekiti state namely...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the knowledge and attitude of students at Federal University of Oye Ekiti towards HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counselling and Test (VCT) in the campus: determine the knowledge of voluntary pre - test counselling for HIV among undergraduates students at FUOYE, examine respondents status of HIV/AIDS, determine their level of participation in pretest counselling, and ascertain their attitude towards VCT. A presented questionnaire was administered on a cross-section of 200 st...
ABSTRACT· This research evaluates the degree of cultural change in the structure of the family institution among the Yoruba of south west Nigeria. It aims at identifying the trends, patterns and changes in the institution. The value long associated with Africa system of marriage has now been overshadowed by European culture. There have been counter-currents to the Yoruba ideology of kinship and marriage, whi.ch operate to the disadvantage of women, as women now compete with their male count...
ABSTRACT The study examines child labour and family livelihood in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. In the process of sampling techniques, purposive and snowballing non-random sampling teclu1iques were adopted. Using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to analyze the information collected from 150 participants through questionnaire, while scheduled interview was conducted to gain information from 8 parents that have children that engage in income generating activities in their ...
ABSTRACT The banking industry in any economy is expected to be the engine room of economic growth and development. The industry globally, has employed practices that have challenged the continued relevance of the ideal bureaucratic model of Max Weber in order to improve in its service delivery. These global practices that are at variance with the bureaucratic model are regarded in this study as postmodern organization. Postmodern organization has contributed to quality service delivery in mos...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate correlates of delinquency among selected secondary school students in Oye-Ekiti. The Family, peer group influence and Economic factors was used as the independent variables to determine the association with delinquent behaviour. A cross sectional research design was used in the study with a population study of 200 students ( 40 students from each school) from Concentric International School, Ekiti State Government College,; Ilupeju High Sc...
ABSRACT The effect of drug abuse on the academic performance of students in Federal University Oye Ekiti and their entire lives across board cannot be overemphasized. The aim of this study is to primarily explore the effect of drugs on their academic performance and to investigate if there are common drugs likely to be abused by undergraduate's student infuoye. Drug abuse seems to undermine the ability of university undergraduates to learn. Drug also appears to contradict our values of ...
Abstract Efficiency in conflict management definitely has effect on institutional performance. In the course of this research, the meaning of confiict and its resolution 111ethodas re established and the preference of the 111anage111enatn d resolution measures and their effects on institutional performances as a study in the Federal University, Oye-Ekiti. In studying the effects. the various types, levels and dynamics of confiict are exa111inedto effectively establish the effect of connict 1...
ABSTRACT The role of rural infrastructural developmental policy in improving the weUare of rural inhabitant cannot be over-emphasized. Rural areas provide the general populace with food and also agricultural activities are carried out there, which is one of the main sources of expon for the economy. Agricultural produce in rural areas is one of the main sources of income for the farmer thereby providing them with source of income to make a living. Poor rural development policy can hampe...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the Factors in Employment and Employability of Female graduates in Ekiti state. The research work was conducted in Ado-Ekiti. Two sets of questionnaire were completed by Employed and unemployed graduates involved in this study respectively. The 50 employed and 50 unemployed graduates who were studied were selected through purposive sampling. The questionnaires were designed by the researcher with the aid or research expert to establish its validity and reliab...
ABSTRACT This study examined the perception of the effect of Migration on Non-Migrants in Oye Town, Oye Local Government, Ekiti State. This study specifically examined the causes and effect of migration on the non-migrants in Oye community. In carrying out the research, 200 copies of questionnaire were administered to the populace of Oye Town in which all were retrieved. The findings shows that people migrated from their place of residence due to some reasons perceived by the respondents, su...
ABSTRACT Discipline and academic performances are the core of our today's education. Some scholars have attributed poor performance of students in academic to high level of indiscipline among students while others disagreed. Neve11heless, it becomes essential in recent times that many schools have traded away discipline and as a result led to poor academic performance of students. This study was carried out to establish the relationships between schools discipline and students' academic perf...
ABSTRACT There are concerns about the feasibility of democratic governance in Africa generally, and in Nigeria particularly due to pervasive demagoguery in the practice of democracy, which is still relatively understudied (particularly as it relates to the Nigerian context). In spite the seemingly remarkable progress of democracy in Nigeria, its survival, deepening and dividends are threatened by anti-democratic behaviour and practices that are antithetical to the universally acknowledg...
ABSRACT The effect of drug abuse on the academic pe,:formance of srudents in Federal University Oye Ekiti and their entire lives across board cannot be overemphasized. The aim of this study is to primarily explore the effect of drugs on their academic performance and to investigare if there are common drugs likely to be abused by undergraduare 's student infuoye. Drug abuse seems to undermine the ability of university undergraduates to learn. Drug also appears to contradict our values of...
Abstract Agriculture, when properly harnessed, can generate food security. The avenue through which the potentials of agriculture are unleashed to become beneficial to the wellbeing of the people is through food production (Bhargava, 2008; Ojo & Adebayo, 2012). Food production involves the entire circle of agriculture from land preparation, planting and weeding to processing, and serving of food. It is a task that culminates in food security for a nation. Food security refers to a condition...