Sociology Research Papers/Topics

Migration And Rural Productivity In Ekiti State, A Case Study Of Ise/Orun Local Government Area.

ABSTRACT Migration in general has its benefits and adverse effect in rural society, the primary aim of this study was to examine migration and rural productivity in Ekiti State, a case study of Ise/Orun Local Government Area. The study further on rev1ewmg comprehensive and comparative literatures, which presented thematically, the study was supported by Push-Pull theory of migration and Dependency theory of development. For the purpose of this study, Survey design was adopted and missed meth...

Childlessness Among Married Couples In Ekiti State

ABSTRACT Studies have been carried out in both developed and developing countries in examining childlessness and its effects on the coping mechanisms employed by the' childless couples. This study investigates childlessness among married couples in Oye and Ado local Government Area in Ekiti state. The study focuses on couples without children from different ethnic and socio- economic backgrounds, with varied education. Data was collected using questionnaire and structured interviews. The...

Causes Of Mass Failure Of Students In Zanzibar Secondary Schools Between 2002-2012: A Case Of Mkoani District- Pemba

ABSTRACT The study‟s aim was to find out the causes of mass failure of Zanzibar O‟level examination for the period of 10 years from 2002-2012. The study was guided by three tasks. First, to find out the causes of mass failure in Zanzibar secondary schools from 2002 – 2012, Secondly, to examine the impact of having secondary school in every constituency in Zanzibar, finally, to suggest the possible ways of solving the problem of massive failure. The sample of the study constituted 116 r...

Attitudes towards the use of modern contraceptives in family planning: A case study of Serengeti district, Mara region.

ABSTRACT  This study examined Attitudes towards the use of modern contraceptives in family planning among the community of the selected four wards in Mugumu town, namly Machochwe, Natabigo and Kisangura of Serengeti district, Mara region. This study intended to examine attitude towards the use of modern contraceptives based on the following specific objectives: 1) to assess perception on the use of modern contraceptives, 2) to identify types of modern contraceptives that are commonly used, a...

Community Perceptions On Quality Of The Primary Health Services In Rural Tanzania: A Case Of Monduli District Council

ABSTRACT This study examined community perceptions on services quality of primary health care facilities in Rural Monduli District. This was accomplished through qualitative methods of data collection and analysis, namely semi-structured interviews and FGDs for primary data and review of related studies like scholarly publications and books. The study was conducted to 180 participants as an in-depth study and the sample was homogenous. Participants were community members, key informants and ...

Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Education Among Secondary School Students In Zanzibar: A Case Of Urban West Region

ABSTRACT  Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Education is a matter of concern for developed and developing countries due to the fact that most of adolescents suffered from Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) complications and problems including; teenage pregnancies, Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI‟s) including HIV/AIDS, early marriages and unsafe abortion, immoral sex including; homosexuality, sexual violence and unsafe sex are common practices among Zanzibar students. Accordingly, the o...

Factors Contributing To The Failure Of Modern Marriage In Tanzania: A Case Of Mbinga District

ABSTRACT This study examines the factors contributing to the failure of modern marriage in Mbinga district (Tanzania) as a case study. The objective of the study was to understand the main factors contributing to the failure of modern marriage especially social-cultural, economic, technological and political factors. The study employed a descriptive case study and exploratory research design, and deployed mixed method approach for triangulation purposes of data collection, presentation and a...

An Exploratory Study Of Automated Teller Machine And Its Effect Of Customer Satisfaction In Selected Towns In Ekiti State

ABSTRACT This project explore Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and its effect on customer's satisfaction in selected towns in Ekiti-State. It examine banking operation and services rendered by Automated Teller Machine (ATM). It also explore the level of knowledge of people about Automated Teller Machine and the functions it performs. It also examine the challenges experienced by customers of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in selected towns in Ado-Ekiti. It also examined the extent to which...

Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Maternal Health: A Study Of Owukpa Community, Ogbadigbo L.G.A, Benue State And Obolloeke Community, Udenu L.G.A, Enugu State

ABSTRACT For women of childbearing age, the major challenge is the risk of maternal death as a result of poor health during pregnancy and childbirth. Women face this challenge because of their reproductive biology, and in a country with one of the world’s highest maternal mortality ratio the dangers are particularly pronounced especially in rural areas. Deprivations and certain social cultural factors combine to create poor health for women in developing countries and most especially in ru...

Indigenous Knowledge for Forest Management and Climate Change Adaptation in Forest Dependent Communities of Cross River, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Climate change is a major global human development challenge. Modern technologies have been largely unsuccessful in tackling this challenge, thus indigenous knowledge for forestmanagement is being considered as an alternative solution. There is dearth of knowledge on the effects of cultural factors on climate change adaptation in forest-communities of Cross River, hence, this study examined the extent to which beliefs and practices of forestmanagement in forest-dependent communities...

Effects Of Income Diversification Strategies On Female Headed Household Livelihoods In Ilima Division, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on the effects of income diversification strategies on female headed household livelihoods in Ilima division of Makueni County, Kenya. Culturally, it is the responsibility of every female head to have a sustainable livelihood for her household. However, environmental changes have put pressure on natural resource base; a condition that has destabilized the sustainability of the female headed household livelihoods in Ilima Division. This occasioned the need for an e...

Selected Social Factors Influencing Parental Involvement In Class Seven Pupils’ Homework In Public Day Primary Schools Of Kaptumo Division, Nandi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Parental involvement has been found to positively impact student achievement. Researchers suggest that parent involvement with their children's homework is associated with improved academic performance. It has therefore been considered a possible solution to underachievement. In Kenya, most low socioeconomic status parents show little or no interest in their children’s homework. This practice denies children from such families the benefits that come with parental involvement in pu...

Impediments To Women’s Participation In Socio-Economic Activities In Dadaab Sub-County Of Garissa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on impediments to women’s participation in socio-economic activities in Dadaab Sub-County of Garissa County, Kenya. A review of literature on women’s participation in socio-economic activities revealed that women’s participation in these activities has remained substantially low despite the many campaigns globally aimed at improving their participation. The study examined common areas of women’s participation in socio-economic activities; analyzed the leve...

Dynamics Of Help Seeking Among Battered Women In Spousal Relationships In Nakuru West Subcounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT Family stability is the nucleus to a functioning society. Wife battering has been recognized as a hindrance to this stability as it not only adversely affects women but also their children who are the future of any society. It was against this background that this study was carried out to examine the dynamics of help seeking among battered women in spousal relationships in Nakuru West Sub County, Kenya. Nakuru West Sub-County was purposively selected because though the vice occurs i...

Factors Influencing Participation Of Elite Women In Political Leadership In The Maasai Community Of Narok South Subcounty, Narok County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the participation and ascendancy of elite women in political leadership as it is of a national concern in Kenya. However, the case of Maasai community; especially within Narok South Sub-County has been focused in this study. The objectives of the study were to explore the influence of historical trends, socio-cultural, economic and demographic factors on women’s political participation. On the strength of these objectives, a conceptual framework was de...

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