This study assessed the NGOs participation in empowering HIV/AIDS orphaned children in Njoro Sub County Nakuru County. In Kenya, 2.5 million children under the age of 18 years are orphans. Out of these 2.5 million children, 1.5 million are orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Children orphaned by HIV/AIDS are stigmatized and lack access to important life skills for survival due to poverty and illiteracy. This harms their self-esteem and denies them better job prospects, economic independence and a gene...
This study sought to examine the factors that influence social exclusion of elderly persons in Alego-Usonga Constituency, Siaya County. Social exclusion can be defined as a process by which individuals or social groups are detached from key social realms that determine an individual‟s integration in the society. The problem manifests itself among elderly persons in form of weak social ties with members of the community; limited income; lack of proper home-based care; poor health and nu...
This study sought to assess the influence of security agency organizational factors on the implementation of community policing strategy in Njoro Sub-County. It sought to establish the level of community policing strategy implementation by security agencies, and investigate the influence of two aggregate organizational factors (organizational structure and management styles) on the implementation of community policing. The study was guided by the contingency theory and diffusion of innov...
ABSTRACT This study sought to explore the effect of Dominion Irrigation Project on the household livelihoods of the residents of South Central Alego. It was motivated by continued agitation on the part of the locals arising from claims of territorial space and unfulfilled promises on the part of the Multinational Corporation. The specific objectives of this study were to: determine the role played by Dominion Irrigation Project on the economic empowerment of the households in the location; es...
ABSTRACT This study focused on Food Aid and food sovereignty among the Pokot of East Pokot district, Baringo County of Northern Kenya. Food aid by the colonial government was a reality in East Pokot as far back as 1930s. Civil societies/NGOs also joined in making this exercise a perennial phenomenon in this region to date. The study established the traditional coping mechanisms of the Pokot; examined the effects of food aid on the attitude and practice of the people towards their own food s...
ABSTRACT This study explored the strategies used by South Sudanese migrants in adapting to the new way of life in Nakuru municipality, Kenya. Migration is part of human life and involves peoples’ movement from one place to another depending on many factors that include resource distribution and the opportunities that some areas in the world present compared to other areas. As a result of the conflict in Sudan, 1983-2005, South Sudanese migrated to Kenya for fear of political persecution, h...
ABSTRACT This study examined employees' health care status andABSTRACT This study examined employees' health care status and provision of health care services under the National Health Insurance Scheme (NILIS) at the Universiry of Ibadan, Nigeria. Data were collected from 383 randomly selected respondents through survey method Ei&teen in-depth interviews DIs) were conducted among nine maIe and female respondents each to reflect greater balance. The data generated through the questionnaire we...
Abstract There is a growing view that for more success in mental healthcare, a contextual approach is necessary either as stand alone or complimentary to the orthodox approach. In this inquiry, the autochthonous Nsukka psychiatric system was studied using ethnographic approach, and compared with orthodox health system. The principal data collection strategy used was the full participant observation technique. This was supplemented with focus group discussion and indepth interview techniques....
ABSTRACT The persistence of high fertility among the lgbo of Nigeria is linked to the relative strength of the pronatalist tradition among them. Perceived relative benefits of male children as potential custodians of both identity and lineage have sustained this value over generations. A woman, who achieves recognition and status by the birth of at least one male child, is considered fulfilled and ultimately accorded greater respect relative to her counterparts who do not achieve the sa...
Abstract' Male role and responsibility in reproductive health matters JUIl'1:' become consistent prerequisites to understanding maternal issues generally., Through focus group discussions (FGDs};this. exploratory research investigates sexual behaviour of married men during pregnancy and after birth in .Ibadan Southwestern Nigeria as a way of highlighting the-/inks between these. periods and pregnancy Oil/comes and the health status of couples. The study '. shows lliut sexual behaviour of men ...
ABSTRACT Proofs have emerged in Psychology that people with negative life events can be subjected to various anti-social behaviors, especially ones that are very aggressive and very inimical to the peace and order of the society. This paper examines the negative life events of Madam Efunsetan Aniwura and the consequential effects of such events on her behavior. It traces the history of the woman and examines the negative life events she experienced. The paper diagnoses the effects of her p...
ABSTRACT Crime reporting practices are critical for effective policing and reduction of crime. Studies have shown that more crimes are committed than reported, while little research attention has been paid to the determinants of crime reporting among Nigerians. This study, therefore, examined the correlates of crime reporting among crime victims in Lagos State, Nigeria because its high crime rates are disproportionally reported. The Weberian Social Action theory provided the theoretical...
ABSTRACT The aspect this study is to assess the dowry system in Tanzania paid at the time of marriage between families involved. Also, this study is an attempt to fulfill the desire to shed light on the significance of dowry in Tanzania particularly in Karagwe district. In particular, the researcher examines how dowry in Karagwe district is significantly associated with better outcomes in terms of family wealth, particularly for physical assets and land. The instruments employed was b...
Abstract The study examined gender differences in retirement livelihood and living conditions of formal sector retirees in Lagos State. The relationship between sources of retirement livelihood arid living conditions of retirees in the public and organized private sector was essentially examined. The study covered retired men and women from three tiers of government -Federal, State and local Government as well as organized private sector retirees. This involved a cross-sectional survey of 1.3...