Sociology Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Gender-Labour Relations In Tobacco Production On Socio-Economic Welfare In Kuria East And West Sub-Counties, Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined gender-labour relations in tobacco production and their implications on household‟s socio-economic welfare in Kuria Sub-Counties. The major issue that led to this study was and still remains that tobacco is being regarded as a crop belonging to men since its inception in the 1960‟s. Consequently, men have institutionalized restriction and constraints on women regarding the access to land resources and the benefits accrued from tobacco sales on one hand, while...

Vulnerability Of Pastoralist Livelihoods To Drought Hazards In Shanta-Abaq Division Of Lagdera District, Garissa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken in Lagdera District of Garissa County, a semi-arid area where nomadic pastoralism forms the bedrock of people’s livelihoods. The study aimed to analyze pastoralist’s household livelihood vulnerability to drought hazards over the last two decades. The study was motivated by several concerns. First, there is need to understand vulnerability of pastoralist livelihoods to drought hazards in the arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. This will help us understand...

Factors Affecting Adoption Of Urban Agricultural Interventions Among Hiv And Aids Affected Households In Nakuru Municipality, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on the socio-economic, social cultural and project design related factors affecting the adoption of urban agricultural (UA) intervention for the poor urban HIV and AIDS affected households in Nakuru Municipality. Objectives of the study were; to assess the link between socio-cultural and socio-economics status and adoption, to evaluate the link between project design’s related factors and adoption and to capture individual’s social life history and relate it t...

Old Peoples' Well Being In A Total: Institution And The Imperative Of New Policy Directive

ABSTRACT In contemporary times, African as well as Nigerian societies have experienced changes due to urbanization, globalization, and industrialization. This has resulted in a weakening of the hitherto existing bonds, norms, values and culture in the family structure with the attendant consequences of neglecting the elderly. While studies have focused on the factors militating against adequate care for the elderly, psychological well being of1he elderly as well as their unmet needs, dearth ...

Festival of Curses: A Traditional Crime Control Method In Edo State –Nigeria

Abstract Festivals and ceremonies are part and parcel of African culture, usually in all its pump, merriment and pageantry. However, with the increasing wave of criminal activities in Nigeria especially in Edo state, festivals and ceremonies are being redefined and conceptualized in practice. Only recently a new festival ‘Festival of Curses’ was brought to the fore in combating crime in Edo state. The study therefore seeks to explain the festival as a traditional mechanism in crime contr...


ABSTRACT In spite of prevailing challenges, many Yoruba women entrepreneurs have become successful in the informal textile trading.  Few empirical studies on Yoruba women textile traders who have attained this success had been carried out. This study, therefore, examined how Yoruba women at Balogun market known to be the largest market textile trading in south west Nigeria with a large proportion of female gender, and an international market that serves ECOWAS countries with high volume of ...

Implementation of Family Life and HIV/AIDS Education in Nigerian Schools: A Qualitative Study on Scope, Delivery and Challenges

Abstract This study utilized data from Focus Group Discussions and In-depth Interviews among secondary school students and teachers to examine the scope, delivery and challenges of FLHE implementation within states and across geopolitical zones in Nigeria. Structural Functionalism, Rational Choice and Differential Association theories were adopted as theoretical framework. Results show that several patterns in classroom teaching of FLHE are identifiable across the country. The study found th...

Leadership and Patient Satisfaction in a Tertiary Health Care System

Abstract Patient satisfaction is one of the best indicators for measuring the success of the services being provided in a health facility. This study investigates the leadership factors that influenced patient satisfaction in the tertiary health care facility of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City;Nigeria. This hospital based crosssectional study was anchored on the social action theory, Talcott Parsons sick role model and concept of bureaucracy. Using a multi-stage samplin...

Factors Influencing Street Children’s Resistance To Rehabilitation In Nakuru Town, Nakuru County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The phenomenon of street children in urban centres globally has been increasing at an alarming rate. However, the efforts to resolve it have failed partly due to lack of adequate knowledge by the concerned stakeholders on the strategies to employ because of the street children‟s way of life in the street. Children in the streets face many challenges as the life they lead is largely inhumane with unending abuse and suffering that affects their lives. Hence, it is important to unders...

The Lieutenant-Governorship of Andres Stockenstrom

This thesis covers a short but critical and decisive period in South African History — the crowded and fateful years about 1836. These years saw the final act in slave emancipation; large-scale settlement of Boers beyond the Orange; the application to the northern and eastern frontiers of a treaty policy, based on regard for native rights and interests; and finally a revolt against the liberal British policy and a Great Trek of irreconcilables, which turned the story of the Colony into that...

An Investigation Of Character Variation In Chaetobromus Nees (Danthonieae: Poaceae) In Relation To Taxonomic And Ecological Pattern.

ABSTRACT Character variation in Chaetobromus, a genus of palatable grasses endemic to the arid western areas of southern Africa, was used to derive a classification reflecting taxonomic and ecological pattern. The present study differs from earlier biosystematic investigations by its much more intensive approach to sampling, with 75 anatomical, morphological and cytological characters and 169 individual samples being used. The use of larger population samples permitted quantification o~ vari...

A Serological Study Of Some Cauliflower Mosaic Virus Isolates

ABSTRACT Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used successfully to detect cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) in crude leaf extracts. Small serological differences between CaMV isolates could be shown by ELISA and serum cross-absorption. Serological reactivity of CaMV was found to depend on the proteolytic degradation state of the virus coat protein so making it impossible to establish defi= nite serological relationships among the virus isolates tested. Proteolysis during purification o...

Challenges Facing Implementation Of Witness Protection Program In Kenya

ABSTRACT Witnesses in highly sensitive cases are often intimated and physically harmed by people they are witnessing against or their associated. Kenyan government has enacted witness protection laws as results of pressure from International Criminal Court as part of conditions in prosecution of Post-Election Violence (PEV). This study sought to identify and document challenges facing implementation of witness protection program in Kenya. Specifically, this current study sought to achieve fol...

Oil Producing Communities’ Initiatives And the Dynamics of Conflict and the Peace Building in Niger-Delta

ABSTRACT  Local initiatives in the dynamics of conflict and peace building are germane in understanding the actions and inactions of a people towards their plights and sustainable development. This study therefore adopts a qualitative methodology in investigating local communities’ initiative in the unending conflicts and peace building processes in Nigeria, using Gokana, Onelga, and Etche communities in Rivers State as case study. Major findings revealed that the roles and networks of ke...

An Examination Of The Implementation And Prioritization Of The Three-Pronged Anti-Corruption Strategy In Nairobi County, Kenya (2003-2011)

ABSTRACT This study examined the factors which influenced the implementation and prioritization of the three-pronged strategy which the Government of Kenya adopted in 2003 to fight corruption. Despite its adoption, the prevalence of corruption in the country remained high as reported in the anti-corruption commission reports, corruption perception surveys, parliamentary reports and in the media. The widespread corruption was an indication that the strategy faced challenges in reducing it and...

106 - 120 Of 504 Results