Search Results

Perspectives of Divorcees On Divorce and Remarriage in Selected Charismatic Churches in Adenta

ABSTRACT Although God intended marriage to be a lifelong relationship, the tragic fact is that divorce has become common occurrence in our society. Sadly, the dramatic rise in divorce rates in recent years has also affected the Christian community. Pastors and others providing counsel have become increasingly burdened with problems of divorce and remarriage, even among those regarded as active members of their congregations. This study seeks to highlight not only the perspectives of divorcee...


Abstract Conflicts between Jesus’ teachings on marriage and adultery and some church traditions have resulted in misinterpretation of some bible passages and wrongly premised church doctrines. Previous research has highlighted Jesus' teachings as a stratagem against the high rate of marital problems among Christians, but has not adequately examined the conflict between Jesus' teachings and church traditions on marriage and adultery. This study, therefore, examined Jesus’ teachings on mar...


The aims of this study are as follows:(1)To examine whether marital infidelity influence divorce among couple.(2)To examine whether income influence divorce among couple.(3)To examine whether polygamy influence divorce among couple. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY PURPOSE OF THE STUDY STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS DEFINITION OF TERMS CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW THEORETICAL REVIEW THEORIES OF CONFLICT CONFLICT-SPIRAL MODEL STRUCTURAL CHANGE MODEL AGGRESSOR-DE...


Background of the Study The growth and development of contemporary society in Nigeria and present social, political and economic pains being have had grave or adverse effect on the life span and sustenance of marriages in general. The consequential hardship and challenges existing in many marriages today violently push the edges of the enclosing envelope of survival of most marriages, leading to greater number of cases of separations or outright divorce. Invariably, issues relating to the dis...

Factors Influencing Divorce And Childhood Development In Zanzibar: A Case Study Of Urban West

ABSTRACT  The study was assessing the factors influenced Divorces, and Childhood development in Zanzibar and took Urban West as a case study, because there was no research of such nature. Judgmental sampling procedure was employed. Twenty-five (25) of the respondents were women, twenty five Men (25), were selected for questionnaire surveys. Twenty one (21) Children were chosen for Focused Group Discussion (FGD) and eighteen (18) Officers from different institutions were purposively selected ...

The Problem Of Divorce And The Role Of Pastoral Care And Counselling In The Ghana Armed Forces

ABSTRACT Marriage is God’s ordinance for humankind from the beginning of creation. It is intended to be a life-long relationship, but it is being thwarted by the problem of divorce in both the faith and secular societies. Unfortunately soldiers who are known to be disciplined personnel are also affected with the phenomenon of divorce in contemporary times. This study was conducted to explore the fundamental issues of divorce in the Ghana Armed Forces and how pastoral care and counselling ca...

The Relationship between Destructive Communications And Divorce In Nairobi -Kenya A Pilot Study

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationshi p between destructi ve comm unication and divorce in Nairobi. The findings of the study were to be taught to the clergy, couples. premari tal counselors and fami ly and marital therapists with an aim of decreasi ng divorce rates i n Nairobi. The study a imed to identi fy destruct ive comm unication styles i n marriages in Nai robi, the potenti al causes of increased d ivorce rates and the relationshi p between destructive com...

A Critical Analysis On The Law Relating To Marriages In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................

A Sound Study Of The Effects Of Divorced Parents On Their Children’s Academic Performance In Selected Secondary School In Kansanga Sub-Parish

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Kansanga Sub-Parish between July 2007 and September 2007. The aim of the study was to observe the effects of Parental Divorce on children’s academic performance within the Parish. The specific objectives were to determine the effects of Parental Divorce on a student’s academic performance, to examine the need to change the attitude and perspective towards family values, to develop a criteria for identifying the minor and major effects of marriage b...


ABSTRACT The decree of dissolution of marriage which is defined as the legal separation o f man and wife effected by the judgement or decree of a court, and either totally dissolving the marriage relation, or suspending its effect so far as it concerns the cohabitation of the parties. Dissolution of marriage seems to be on the increase these days, this is due to the fact that people rushed into ill-advised marriages and they decided to rush out of these marriages as soon as they discovered th...

Divorce And Remarriage In Religious Institutions: A Case Of Brethren In Christ Church (Bicc) Bulawayo Central

ABSTRACT Though marriage ideally was designed by God to last a life time, humankind has reduced it to a temporary and terminable social contract. The issue of divorce and remarriage remains a major issue in the African context. This study seeks to explore the aspect of divorce and remarriage in religious institutions. The study was carried out at Brethren in Christ Church (BICC) Bulawayo Central. It dwells on the concept of divorce and remarriage in general, bringing out the different perspec...

An Examination on the Right of Women on Inheritance and Ownership of Property in Marriage

Table of Contents DECLARATION........................................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ...................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................. iv CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................

Problem and Prospect of Inter- Cultural Marriage in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The research examines the place of inter-cultural marriage in the context of marriage been a universally acknowledged and very important institution in human society, as it is the foundation of group life and a requirement for human survival. The historical research methodology was adopted and the research utilized both primary and secondary sources of data collection. While the primary source of data collection was derived through oral interview from sensible individuals, on the sub...

Perceptions and Practices of Early Marriage in BoRama District, Somaliland

Abstract This study was undertaken to assess women's perceptions and practices of early marriage in Borama district, Somaliland.The study was guided by the following research objectives; to determine the perceptions of Somaliland women on early marriage in Borama district, Somaliland, to examine maniage practices in Borama district, Somaliland and to establish the cultural inclination of Somali land women on early marriage in Borama dist1ict, Somaliland. This study adopted cross-sectional sur...

The Role Of Indigenous Knowledge Systems In Upholding Marriages In Zimbabwe. A Case Study Of Zaka District (2005-2016)

ABSTRACT This study examines the role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, particularly love potions (mupfuhwira) in upholding marriages in Zaka district. Marriage institution has been and is still under crisis because of economic and social factors and this has triggered high divorce rate in Zimbabwe, as a whole. The purpose of this study is to highlight how love potions are helpful in sustaining marriages. The research has revealed reasons why people utilize love potions, names and types of lov...

1 - 15 Of 959 Results