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The Role Played By Netherlands Development Organization In Promoting Poverty Alleviation For Smallholder Farmers In Domboshava Using The Market- Based Approach

ABSTRACT This research investigated the effectiveness of market based approach in promoting poverty alleviation from smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The research gathered evidence from a group of smallholder farmers in Domboshava, Zimbabwe, who are part of a market- based approach project run by SNV in order to sustain and improve the livelihoods of vulnerable and emerging rural farming households in Domboshava and thus reduce their dependence on humanitarian assistance. Literature review w...

The Microfinance Institutions (Mfis) And Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study Of Pride Microfinance Limited, Arua Branch-Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ................................................................................................... .i Approval ....................................................................................................... ii Dedication ................................................................................................... iii Acknowledgements ..................................................................................... iv Table of contents ............

Effects of Poverty on Early Childhood Development Education in Kamariny Zone Of Keiyo District Kenya.

ABSTRACT. In order to eliminate poverty among households, there is need to ensure that proper education is made accessible to all the Kenyans and this must begin from the basic level of education. This basic level is at Early Childhood Development.The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of poverty on Early Childhood Education in Kamariny Zone.The study utilizes descriptive survey where the target population includes 16 schools of which 8 will be sampled through simple random sam...

Globalization, Energy, Education And Poverty Alleviation: Prospects & Challenges For Developing Nations

Introduction Excellencies, distinguished guests, members of the Press, ladies and gentlemen, this is a unique day and unique occasion for me. In the first instance, it is a singular honour and privilege to be given this rare opportunity to address such a distinguished audience on the sore issue of poverty in Africa that has agitated my mind for several years now. But most importantly, today happens to be the birthday of our Chancellor, Dr. David Oyedepo, whose passion, vision and raison d'et...

The Youth Revolving Funds in alleviating poverty in Zimbabwe: A case of Youth Agenda Trust in Zengeza Suburbs

ABSTRACT The study investigates the effectiveness of the youth revolving fund in alleviating poverty in Zimbabwe. This will be brought about through using a case study of the Youth Agenda Trust’s involvement in Zengeza Suburbs from the period 2007-2014. The researcher made use of the questionnaires and interviews to collect data. A purposeful sample was used in choosing the beneficiaries of the youth revolving fund. Interviews were also conducted with the beneficiaries of the youth revolvin...

A multi-level statistical modelling approach to multidimensional poverty alleviation in Namibia

ABSTRACT This thesis examined household demographic factors and how they influence poverty levels in Namibia. While most previous studies have used income and expenditure to define household socio-economic status levels, this study used a three poverty dimension approach namely health, education and living standard. This is because poverty is multidimensional. The data used came from the Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey (NHIES) of 2009/10. Initially, the Alkire Foster method wa...

Poverty Alleviation Through Vocational Technical Education: A Case Study of Vocational/Technical Schools in Takoradi Metropolis

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate into poverty alleviation through vocational and technical education in the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis in the Western Region. It employed the descriptive survey research design and the qualitative approach for the purpose of data collection and analysis. The sample was made up of 20 teachers, 78 present students, 20 past students, 2 principals and ten H.O.Ds from YMCA Vocational Training Institute and Takoradi Technical Institute in the Takoradi...

Determinants of Agro-Pastoral Households’ Poverty Status: The Case of Goday District, Shabele Zone, Somali National Regional State of Ethiopia

Abstract: This study tried to assess agro-pastoral households’ poverty status in the Godey district to enhance the effectiveness of poverty alleviation programs for development actors. It specifically aimed at analysing agro-pastoral households’ poverty status and its determinants in Godey district. Two stages random sampling procedure was employed to select sample households. In the first stage, all Tuulos of the district are listed and then only agro-pastoral Tuulos are purposely selec...

Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Poverty Reduction in Nigeria (A Case Study of Kwara Central Senatorial District)

ABSTRACT This study entitled “Entrepreneurship as a tool for poverty reduction in Nigeria, Kwara central senatorial district.” was intended to assess the impact, implementation and evaluating the effectiveness of NDE & NEEDS, especially in relation to policy and strategy formulation, implementation, co-ordination, monitoring, and utilization of human and materials resources. Four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Related literature on entrepreneurship and poverty reduction s...

Predicting Poverty Incidence In Statistically Underdeveloped Countries

ABSTRACT It is generally acknowledged that availability of data remains critical to effective monitoring of poverty indicators and evaluation of policies and programmes towards alleviating poverty. The paucity of data has reduced the frequency of measuring poverty indicators at the national and regional level. District level poverty indicators are yet to be estimated since sampling designed data collected can only provide national and regional level indicators. This thesis applied multiple im...

Analysis Of The Law And The Policy Issues Affecting Women In Kenya (Case Study Ny Acheki Division., Gucha County Of Nyanza Province In Kenya)

This study sought to find out the issues affecting the Women's right which includes: gender based domestic violence, discrimination, polygamy, FGM and right to own property. The research also resorts to investigate the possible solution to those issues. The selection and identification of groups of people was based on random selection of the four communities (Bomachoge, Boitangare, Bokinami and Bonyangande) to represent the entire population ofGucha County. The results of the study show that ...

Domestic Outcomes of Nigeria’s Economic Diplomacy 1999-2007

ABSTRACT Economic Diplomacy(ED) is the management of international relations aimed at promoting exports and increasing access to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Nigeria has embarked on various policy reforms  including bank recapitalization policy, privatization, anti-corruption campaign, and poverty alleviation. However, various studies on Nigeria’s ED had focused more on the process of its implementation rather than its outcomes. This study, therefore, investigated the outcomes of the ...


Poverty is a well-known canker in Africa, the West African sub-region and Ghana as a unit. The concept is defined by the inability to meet the minimum requirements for optimum livelihood and good standard of living. Access to credit facilities and basic financial services in all parts of a nation (both rural and urban) is essential for business development, entrepreneurship as well as smoothing consumption amidst economic shocks. The Microfinance and Small Loans Center (MASLOC) is a state age...

Influence Of Micro Finance Services On Growth Of Women Owned Enterprises In Kitui Central Subcounty.

ABSTRACT Micro finance plays a major role in many gender and development strategies because of its direct relationship to both poverty alleviation and to the empowerment of women. Poverty reduction has become the object of unprecedented attention globally since 1990’s. In Kenya and elsewhere, micro finance institutions have been on the rise with micro credits having been portrayed as a way to reach poor people in the development process, meet the UN Millennium Development Goals, and as a ne...

Effectiveness of Government Intervention Strategies And Youth Unemployment in Kogi State, NIGERIA 2000-2010

ABSTRACT Poverty has been described as the unacceptable living standard orchestrated by absolute lack of basic amenities of life, clothing, and lack of proper food, lack of portable drinking water, Unemployment and poverty have been the greatest challenges of the Nigerian government, especially, the Kogi State government. This led to a lack of empowerment for the youth which posed a threat of insecurity to nuclear families of Kogi people, the government at all levels and entire citizens. All...

121 - 135 Of 992 Results