Search Results

Food Security and its Challenges

The right to adequate food is a universal human right that is realized when all people have physical and economic access at all times to adequate food or the means for its procurement, without discrimination of any kind (FAO, United Nations). However, in a rapidly growing population, finite resources, environmental damage, climate change, and global inequality makes this an incredibly complex issue.

The Implications of the World Trade Organization (Wto) Agreement on Agriculture on Trade and Agricultural Liberalization On Food Security In Uganda

ABSTRACT This study constitutes an analysis of the implication of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture and trade liberalization on food security and realization of the right to adequate food in Uganda. The research was intended amogest other things to establish whether the implementation of the agreement on agriculture (AOA) has facilitated the the achievement for greater food security and promotion of the right to adequate food in Uganda. The promised market access und...

SSA Research 134 PAGES (39177 WORDS) Law Thesis
Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption Decision-making Regarding Soil Erosion Control on Food Security in South Africa

ABSTRACT Background: The objective of this paper was to evaluate how smallholder farmers’ adoption decision-making regarding the control of soil erosion influence food security in South Africa, using the case of farming at Upper and Lower Areas of Didimana, South Africa. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 60 randomly selected farmers. Farmers’ total income was used as a proxy for food security. Data were analysed using the multiple linear regression analysis, because the...

An Economic Study of the Effects of Climate Change on Food Security in Taraba State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined the climate change (climate change extreme events and household climate change adaptation practice) effects on the food security status of the households in Taraba State Nigeria. The primary data used in this work was collected using a random sampling selection of three (3) agricultural zones, 5 local government areas, 10 communities, and 120 respondents from the sample frame. The 3 agricultural zones selected were zing, Bali, and Wukari. Five (5) local government ...

Agricultural Development Programme in Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Abia State, Nigeria, 2000-2010

ABSTRACT 6 The study has as its objectives, to examine the twin issue of Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Nigeria. In addition, to deepen our understanding of how Poverty Alleviation Programmes had been implemented overtime and the effect of those strategies and programmes on food security in Abia State. The study applied the chi-square (X2 ) techniques to test the hypotheses on Abia ADP Programme on Food Security vis: the impact of Abia ADP Programme on Food Security, food sufficienc...

Impact of the National Fadama Development Project Phase (Ii) On Poverty Reduction and Food Security Among Rice Farmer Beneficiaries in Kogi State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to examine the impact of the National Fadama Development Project (II) (NFDP-II) on poverty reduction and food security among rice-farmer beneficiaries in Kogi State Nigeria. Four LGAs that participated in the Fadama (II) project and cultivated rice were selected through a multi stage sampling, two Fadama Community Associations (FCAs) were also randomly selected from the each of the four selected LGAs and two facilitators were selected from each of the LGAs sel...

Strategy for Ensuring Food Security in Taraba State

ABSTRACT The study identified strategies for ensuring food security in Taraba State. Specifically, the study was designed to identify the determinants of food security; examine the production patterns of food by farmers, identify the factors responsible for food insecurity: and determine the strategies of ensuring food security. The study was carried out in Taraba State of Nigeria in the year 2011. The population of the study comprises all heads of households in Taraba State. A multi stage sa...

The Contribution of World Vision to Food Security in Baringo District - Kenya

ABSTRACT In Baringo District, food insecurity significantly contributes to the never ending conflicts among the communities. The research carried out a study on the contribution of World Vision to food security in Baringo District. The objective of the study was to find out the causes of perennial food insecurity despite efforts employed by World Vision and other stakeholders in Baringo. The technologies promoted by World Vision in Baringo in addressing food insecurity were also identified. T...

Food Aid on Food Security in the Rural Community of Lugh District Gedo Region Somalia

ABSTRACT  Food security is a major problem in many part of the world, including Somalia. Aid agencies have tried to solve food problem on food aid, but the efforts failed due to many problems. The study sought to appraise the food aid and Food Security in the Rural Community of [ugh district Gedo Region Somalia, the specific objective of this study was to determine the source of food, to investigate causes of food insecurity and to determine the effects of food aid on food security in the ru...

The District Agricultural Sector Investment Project (Dasip) and Food Security In Magu District, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Magu District in Mwanza Region (March 2012). The study aimed at assessing the contribution of district agricultural sector investment project on food security. The specific objectives were to identify the demographic characteristics of the respondents, to examine the pattern of district agricultural sector investment project, to assess the level of food security in Magu district and to examine the relationship between District Agricultural sector investm...

Climate Variability and Household Food Security in Masisi, North Kivu Province, Dr Congo

ABSTRACT This study assessed the influence of climate variability on household food security in Masisi, North Kivu Province, DR.Congo. The following objectives guided the study: i) to assess the impact of climate variability on the food availability of the households in Masisi, DRC; ii) to evaluate the impact of climate variability on food accessibility of the households in Masisi, DRC; and iii) to assess the impact of climate variability on food utilization of the households in Masisi, DRC; ...

Political Instability and Food Security in Uganda: A Case Study of Ogur Sub county, Lira District

ABSTRACT Although various attempts were being made by government and Nongovernmental organization to stop political instability in order to improve on food security in Northern Uganda, ensuring enough food for the people still remained the biggest challenge posed by political instability. There was a total breakdown of the agricultural production infrastructure in the war-affected areas. The people had resorted to surviving on food handouts from international relief agencies. This had greatly...

Farmers’ Participation in Food Supply and Food Security Among the House Holds of Mbarara and Isingiro Districts, Western Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between farmers’ participation in food aid supply and food security among the households of Mbarara and Isingiro Districts, Western Uganda. The study was guided by three objectives namely, to determine; 1) the extent to which farmers in Mbarara participate in food aid supply; 2) the extent of food security among the households; and 3) whether participation in food supply affects food security among farmers in Mbarara and Isingiro districts. A...

Naads Program and Food Security in Uganda a Case Study of Ddwaniro Sub-County Rakai District

ABSTRACT The study sought of assessing the relationship between NAADs program and Food security in Ddwaniro Subcounty Rakai District, determine the role played by NAADs program on food security and challenges to NAADs program and how to combat the challenges. The study used a descriptive reseach design and employing both qualitative and quantitative apporaches in the searching for the informaiton. The populaiton sample size was 196. The study findings indicated that the major challenges affec...

Unplanned Population Influx And Food Security In Hoima District, A Case Of Kigorobya Suwcounty Sub~Couty

ABSTRACTThe study aimed at investigating the effects of Unplanned population influx on food security in Kigorobya Sub-county. The objectives of the study were; to determine the effects of immigration on food security in Kigorobya Sub-county, to establish the effects of birth rate on food security in Kigorobya Sub-county and to access the effects of poverty on food security in Kigorobya Subcounty.The study applied a casual research design to reflect aspects of perception, feelin...

76 - 90 Of 250 Results