Agricultural Economics & Extension Research Papers/Topics

Economic Importance of Irish Potato

CHAPTER ONE 1.0     INTRODUCTION           Irish potato is also known as (solanum tubersum L) among crops Irish potato contribute significantly to economic development in Nigeria. It is now grown extensively throughout the world and it one of the important agricultural crops, world production reached a record of 320 million tones in 2007 and production in the developing countries has almost doubled since 1991, with a corresponding increase in a consumption (Hoftler and Ochieng ...

Potential roles of extension service in the accelerated use of Vitamin A cassava cultivation in Nigeria

This paper focused on the potential roles of extension service in the accelerated use of vitamin A cassava cultivar in Nigeria. The sources of information for this research work were mainly drawn from previously published works by recognized authors. Since the vitamin A cassava has not been publicly recognized and used by majority of farmers, there is need for extension to play significant role in its accelerated use. Specifically, the issues addressed include; the meaning of agric extension,...


ABSTRACT This paper employs time series data 1985-2016 in carrying out this work basically using OLS method to empirically examine the impact of National tax in stimulating economic growth in Nigeria. The study reveals that there are various challenges facing fiscal policy and tax implementation in Nigeria and that an appropriate method of tax implementation will increase the revenue of the country thereby accelerating economic growth. This paper submits that the tax collection mechanism us...