ABSTRACT The Study is about the history of Banyarwanda Citizenship question in Uganda. The 1959 Rwanda revolution left many refugees of Batusti scattered in Ntungamo district. They have negotiated for formal Ugandan citizenship since then but the rules and policies of Uganda governments since independence have not worked in their favour. The work summarises the constant attempts of Banyarwanda refugees to acquire Ugandan citizenship since 1959 -2002.This involved trial to overcome social, p...
ABSTRACT This study investigated curriculum shifts and the teaching of history in secondary schools in Uganda using Mbarara district as a case study. Despite the so many decades of western education in Uganda and the periodic shifts in Uganda’s secondary school curriculum [at least in theory after every five years], questions continue to persist about the relevance of the content taught. The increasing number of the jobless youths could be a reflection of the students not acquiring the sk...
ABSTRACT Relations between communities in Kenya have been at the center stage of political, social and economic debate, and the Nubians have not been an exception. Nubian community landed in various parts of Africa during the colonial period. In 1900s, many of the Nubians came into East Africa as British soldiers under the command of Fredrick Lugard. In East Africa, majority settled in Uganda and Kenya. In Kenya, the Nubians first settled mainly in Kibera, from where they dispersed to other r...
Abstract Xeno p us Lae vis bas pro vided, during the last ten ye ars, the ba s is of a growing body of physiological e nquiri e s initiat e d by .Jelly's r e s e arches on r e fl e x action. Its viability in the laboratory and amenability to o perative pro cedure in particular, make it a pe culiarly suitable obj e ct for inve stig a tion. It is r e gre ttable, the r e for e , tbat existing lit e rature on the anatomy of Xe no p us has be en dire ct e d to e lucida ting those charact e ristics...
ABSTRACT The project intended to review the political history behind the Nyafaru Farm that led it to be the site of the political struggles in the Tangwena community from the 1960s to 2016. From the study, there are three main political factors identified that contributed to brought Nyafaru Farm as site of political struggles in Tangwena. Firstly, the land rights contradictions between the Tangwena people and the white farmer Hanmer during colonial era in 1966. The Tangwena people claimed tha...
Abstract The study wishes to explore the history of the mining industry in Zimbabwe from the period of its establishment prior to 2014. It looks at the changes brought to the Mberengwa communities by the establishment of the mining companies. Mining evicted local communities and were robbed their ancestral land. It affected agriculture in many ways in the mining communities. The study also explores the subsequent fall of the multinational mining companies in Mberengwa that left local people e...
ABSTRACT Using a social history approach informed by the subaltern, the study explores colonialism in colonial Harare and the African experience using the lens of beer. This is achieved through employing archival sources, oral interviews, oral histories approach as well as theoretical innovations of the citizen and subject, subaltern to capture the voices of Africans. It argues that the colonial state’s attitude towards African beer wavered, vacillated and oscillated between confrontation a...
ABSTRACT History is a core subjects studied in Zimbabwean secondary schools from form one to form four. History is also studied at Advanced level as an Art subject. Students who proceed to tertiary education especially technical and teachers colleges are obliged to study National Strategies Studies which takes its components from the History subject. Hence the study of History at secondary level provides a concrete foundation for these students. Thus the subject need to be taught and lea...
Abstract Female initiation practice (Chinamwali/ Chinamwari) is a traditional culture practiced by the Chewa speaking people. The study investigates the background of the practice, location of the study, description of the group, the changes it has undergone and reasons behind these changes. The study reveals that the practice involves teachings on menstruation, life skills and sex education in order to mould an ideal woman. The age group of initiates, duration of seclusion, ritual baths and ...
ABSTRACT The teaching and learning process is incomplete when the teachers are not effectively taking part and are demotivated. Most education systems are faced with a motivation crisis which has a far reaching negative implication on learners. The rural schools experience a lot of challenges that affect learner performance through teacher dissatisfaction as the teacher is the center of instruction hence his/her satisfaction guarantee high performance. The study was carried out to find out th...
ABSTRACT This study examines the role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, particularly love potions (mupfuhwira) in upholding marriages in Zaka district. Marriage institution has been and is still under crisis because of economic and social factors and this has triggered high divorce rate in Zimbabwe, as a whole. The purpose of this study is to highlight how love potions are helpful in sustaining marriages. The research has revealed reasons why people utilize love potions, names and types of lov...
Abstract The study examines the history of church institutions in Zimbabwe with special reference to Nyahuni Adventist high school in Murewa Mashonaland east province. The aim of the study is to unpack the reasons for the establishment of these church institutions and how they are contributing to the development of the communities around them. The research brought out the main objectives and aims of these church institutions and the measures they are implementing in achieving their desired go...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the challenges faced in the teaching and learning of source-based questions in history at ordinary level. This was prompted by the need to understand why pupils who attempt source-based questions perform poorly in the examinations at ordinary level. The case study research design was used, that is, single case study. The target population was ordinary level history teachers and pupils at a rural school in Lupane district. From the population of 46, the researc...
Abstract The onset of the colonial rule in Zimbabwe during the 1890s retarded the socio-economic fortunes of the country and ultimately led to the impoverishment of the blacks. Rural communities in Zimbabwe have suffered centuries of poverty and underdevelopment since colonialism segregated them from development and took them as reservoirs of cheap labor for the advancement of settler colonial economy. The Indigenisation programme is one among other empowerment programmes designed to redress ...
ABSTRACT ZANLA was the armed wing of ZANU, one of the two liberation movements that led the Zimbabwean liberation war. The ZANLA forces adopted the Maoist “fish and water” doctrine along with the Mao’s principles of People’s War in their contest against the Rhodesian army. The reason why the ZANLA cadres choose this warfare strategy was obviously to come out triumphant against the Rhodesian super forces. Guerrilla warfare was adopted for the need of the continued survival of the guerr...