Philosophy Research Papers/Topics

Development Of A Computer-Based Decision Support Tool For Selection Of Optimum Tractor-Plough System For Upland Farming In Tanzania: A Case Of Mvomero District

ABSTRACT  In Tanzania, farmers like others elsewhere, have to make informed choices of optimum and cost effective farm machinery. The level, appropriate choice and subsequent proper use of farm machinery has a direct and significant effect on productivity. Tanzanian farmers use traditional intuitive farm machinery selection methods which, in most cases, results in uneconomical investment. The overall objective of this study was to develop a computer-based decision support system tool for sel...

Development Of Management Options For Optimizing Water And Nitrogen Utilization For Maize Production In Malawi

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Nitrogen and water management practices are key components in Crop production. Plants cannot grow in soil without water, so too when soil is saturated with water. Plants lacking N show stunted growth and yellowish leaves. Too much N can have negative environmental impacts such as contamination of water, pollution, and eutrophication. Leaching is the main vehicle through which applied nitrogen can contaminate groundwater. Identifying the most economic application rate of N f...

An Examination Of The Concept Of Morality And Politics In Aristotle’s Philosophy.

ABSTRACT Morality entails everything about man's action, what he ought to do and what he ought not to do. Like moral standards and moral values, morality forms part and parcel of the life of every social group and civil society. Man as a social and rational being, is naturally moral and political. Politics on the other hand entails everything about the political life in the society. This includes who should, and how the ruler ought to rule. "The Concept of morality and politics in Aristotle...

Foot-And-Mouth Disease Seroprevalence And Socioeconomic Impact In Relation To Animal Movements In Selected Wildlife-Livestock Interface And Non Interface Areas Of Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is an acute, highly contagious viral infection of domestic and wild cloven-hoofed animals. In Tanzania the disease is known to be endemic with periodic outbreaks occurring in different geographical areas. This study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence and socio-economic impact of FMD in relation to livestock movements in a wildlife–livestock interface ecosystem (Serengeti and Bunda Districts) compared to a non-interface ecosystem (Ir...

Sustainable Options For Wetland-Based Livelihoods: The Case Of Pangani River Basin, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT This study demonstrates how theories of development and international conventions related to wetlands management are translated into national policies and the consequences of their implementation. The study adopted UK‟s Department for International Development (DFID) livelihood framework in designing sustainable options for wetland based livelihoods in the Pangani river basin, Tanzania. Comparative and case study research designs adopted in the study considered three live...

Investigating The Relationship Between Mandatory Contractual Savings And Stock Market Development In Sub-Saharan African Countries

This study investigates the relationship between mandatory contractual savings and stock market development in Sub-Saharan African (SSA). It also investigates the compatibility of the policies and regulations adopted in SSA countries, with the relationship between mandatory contractual savings and stock market development. Before the exploration of the relationship, an analysis of the characteristics of both mandatory contractual savings and stock markets was done.  The rationale of the stu...

Small And Medium Enterprises Business Sustainability Challenges And Rejoinders: A Case Of Selected Districts In Zambia

The study objective was the examination of business sustainability challenges facing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in selected districts in Zambia. The study assessed whether the challenges lead to lack of operational and financial sustainability, and thereby, develop a broadbased theory in the form of a holistic framework for managing SME sustainability in Zambia.   To achieve the objective, the study adopted a mixed method approach using both qualitative and quantitative methods; p...

Natural Gas Extraction And Gendered Access To Benefits Among Host Communities In Kilwa District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Since the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) of 1992, demand for access and benefits sharing that arise from utilisation of natural resources have gained unprecedented momentum. Unfortunately, researchers have been examining potential benefits sharing of natural gas much more at nation level, excluding communities living close to extraction sites. The study on which this thesis is based addressed the gap by using a gender lens whereby the analyses were...

Tsetse And Trypanosomosis In Meatu District: Socioeconomic Assessment, Parasitological And Molecular Characterization

ABSTRACT This study sought to evaluate tsetse and trypanosomes and to investigate the socio economic importance of trypanosomosis in Meatu district where sleeping sickness cases have been reported in villages that border state-protected wildlife parks. Socio-economic data indicated that 77.5% of respondents in the study area were agro-pastoralists. Tsetse flies were well known to be associated with both African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT), which was well known (90%) and Human African Trypano...

Sustainability Of Community-Based Development Projects In Tanzania: A Case Of Drilled Wells Projects In Kondoa And Chamwino Districts Of Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT Despite institutional and policy reforms to enhance the sustainability of drilled wells projects in the Dodoma Region, the sustainability of those projects in the region remains a major challenge. Therefore, the research was done with the general objective to examine the sustainability of community-based drilled wells projects in two districts of Dodoma Region Tanzania. The specific objectives were to: determine factors affecting the sustainability of community-based drilled wells p...

Modelling Spatial Variability Of Soil Moisture Holding Capacity In A Dry Sub-Humid Landscape

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Moisture scarcity is a limiting factor for sustainable agricultural productivity of dry sub-humid agroecosystemsof sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Designing sustainable agricultural system management strategies responsive to the fluctuating soil moisture regime is essential. Detailed and accurate information on soil moisture storage conditions is essential for modelling agricultural system productivity. Moisture storage capacity of the soils is quantified by moisture holding capa...

Studies On Spirometra Species Isolate From Minjingu And Seroprevalence Of Human Sparganosis In Selected Districts Of Manyara And Arusha Regions, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The genus Spirometra belongs to the order Pseudophyllidea and family Diphyllobothridea. The aim of the present study was to determine the complete life cycle of the tapeworm Spirometra and characterize the parasite using traditional parasitological methods and molecular biology techniques, and determine seroprevalence of spargana antibodies, knowledge, attitudes and practices on sparganosis infection among humans in Babati and Monduli districts, Tanzania. The investigation was condu...

Assessment Of The Impacts Of Climate Variability And Change On Rainfed Cereal Crop Productivity In Central Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Though production of cereal crops in Tanzania could succumb to the projected climate change, research has mainly focused on maize (Zea mays L), the main staple crop for the country, and just little work has been done to analyse climate change impacts specifically on sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench]. This study analysed the nature and sources of vulnerability on sorghum production by smallholder farmers due to climate variability and change and evaluated possible farm-l...

Exploring The Feasibility Of Restorative Justice As A Mechanism For Reconciliation Among The Survivors Of Kenya’s Ethnopolitical Violence,

Following Kenya’s instances of ethno-political violence in the period 1992-2012, there are concerns that a comprehensive redress for victims of human rights abuses remains largely a mirage. This study is driven by the concern that despite numerous transitional justice efforts carried out by the government and the civil society, relationships among communities in Molo sub-county remain tense, marked with suspicion and a desire for revenge. This study seeks to find out whether restorative jus...

Contributions Of Community Based Approaches To Countering Youth Radicalization In Kenya’s Mombasa And Nairobi Counties.

This research investigated the community-based approaches and interventions that have been adopted by communities in Nairobi and Mombasa Counties of Kenya in counterradicalization work. Community-based approaches focusing on building the resilience of communities to react and respond to challenges posed by youth radicalization including their involvement in violent extremism are now considered to be a key plank of any counterterrorism work globally. The underlying perspective for this shift i...

31 - 45 Of 86 Results