ABSTRACT This project work was based on the assessment of senior secondary school students’ conceptual understanding of force and motion. Four researcher questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. Two research designs were adopted for the study namely: descriptive survey and Ex-post facto designs. Two hundred and twenty two senior secondary two (SS2) physics students in seven intact classes from six senior secondary schools that were purposively sampled from the area of study const...
ABSTRACT This study investigated influence of cultural background on students interpersonal relationship in Federal Colleges of Education in South-east geopolitical zone. Four research questions and four null hypothesis guided the study. A 24 item researcher developed questionnaire were administered to 1,875 students of Federal College of Education in the South-east geopolitical zone. The data collected were analyzed using mean scores and standard deviation while t-test statistics were used t...
Abstract The study was designed to determine the influence of e banking on customer services in Yobe state as perceived by bank customers. The specific purpose of the study were (1) to determine the extent commercial banks utilize e banking to influence customer services (2) the extent e banking influence the quality of customer service (3) the extent e banking influence customer patronage (4) the extent e banking influence customer satisfaction (5) the extent customer benefit from e banking ...
ABSTRACT Students perform very poorly in Chemistry in the last few decades, many reasons have been induced to explain these poor performances. Attitudes of chemistry students are correlated to their achievement. Attitudes can be influenced by the learning environment. Therefore, the study examined how students’ perceptions of Chemistry classroom environment influence their achievement and attitudes in Chemistry. The population of the study comprised all the SSII Chemistry students in Senior...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Mathematics education is one of the most important things in our life. It cuts across all spheres of our lives due to its usage and importance. Its importance goes a long way as it is one of the core compulsory subjects of the junior and senior secondary school curricula (Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN), 2004). The importance of mathematics in the curricula reflects accurately the recognition of the vital role it plays in contemporary society...
Abstract In this study an attempt was made to compare and find the relationship between students’ achievement in theoretical and practical aspects of Mock Senior School Certificate Examinations in Chemistry. The study adopted a correlational research design which specifically, compared recorded scores of students in theoretical and practical aspects of chemistry MOCK Examination of 2007-2009 academic sessions. Five research questions and five hypotheses guided the study. A total of 1200 SS3...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at developing library period programme for teaching information literacy skills. In the study, library period programme (LPP) such as Library instruction, Story hour and project work were the independent variables. The dependent variables were literacy and communication skills, library use skills and critical thinking skills, all parts of information literacy skills. The study was an instrumentation research in which experiment was used to test effect of the develope...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study: The English Language is the Language Nigerians inherited from the British. Azikiwe (1998) pointed out that the English Language was introduced in 1842 by the first batch of missionaries who arrived in Badagry for education and evangelization. In order to bridge ethno-linguistic barrier .the colonialists implanted the English Language in Nigeria. Today, it is absolutely an essential medium of interraction amongst the different ethnic groups in ...
ABSTRACT The study was designed to empirically investigate the effect of Integrative Language Teaching Approach (ILTA) on secondary school students’ achievement and interest in English grammar. It also determined the influence of gender and location on students’ achievement and interest in English grammar. The achievement and interest of students taught with ILTA were compared with those of students taught with the Form Based Approach (FBA). Ten research questions and ten hypotheses guid...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Government means different things to different people in different situations. Some people may see government as a process; some may see it as an institution and some others may see it as a subject. Government as a process implies the complex networking of systems for purposes of rule making, rule implementation and rule adjudication (Obianyo, 2002). This in a simple parlance means the actual State administration. In this definition, people see...
ABSTRACT The performances of students in mathematics, especially in external examinations like West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE/SSCE) and National Examination Council (NECO) have continued to deteriorate year by year. The conventional method used in teaching in our schools seems not to yield any positive results, and how to solve the problem has becomes a source of worry to mathematics educators. The nature of mathematics demands that it should be taught using activi...
ABSTRACT This study focused on the Effect of Total Physical Response Method on Student’s Achievement in English Vocabulary in Junior Secondary Schools in Akoko South Education Zone of Ondo State. Three research questions were posed and three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study engaged quasi-experimental research design, otherwise known as pretest – posttest non-equivalent control group design involving two intact classes from each of the randomly selected schools...
Abstract The main purpose of this work was to Evaluate the Implementation of the Social Studies Curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools in Enugu State. Out of the six educational zones in Enugu State namely, Agbani, Awgu, Enugu, Nsukka, Obollo-Afor and Udi, Nsukka educational zone was selected for the study. Using proportionate stratified random sampling techniques, 25 social studies teachers in 20 schools in the educational zone were selected. Structure Systematic Observation Schedule (SSOS) ...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to evolve ways of improving staff personnel management in federal government colleges in South East Nigeria. The study used a descriptive survey design in which five research questions and five null hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study comprised twelve principals, twenty-four inspectors and nine hundred and seventy-six teachers in twelve federal government colleges in five states in South East Nigeria. No sampling technique was ad...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate the influence of school environment on academic achievement of students in Enugu State public secondary schools. The design of the study is descriptive while the population comprised principals and teachers in the education zone. The sample size for the study was 600 respondents while a researchers’ self developed questionnaire formed the instrument for data collection. Three experts validated the instrument and a cronbach Alpha reliability ...