ABSTRACTThis study set to find out the effects of free secondary education on the academic performance of students in Kitui central Zone, Kitui district .The specific objectives of the study were to determine if Poor Physical Facilities affects the implementation of free secondary education. Determine if Lack of enough Trained Teachers affects the implementation of free secondary education. Determine if high Pupil-Teacher Ratio affects the implementation of free secon...
ABSTRACTThe Adult literacy program has been in existence in Uganda since 1964, Implemented by various government-regimes and at one time collapsed. In the face of the development and implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, there has been emphasis on the core- development hindrances and on how to abate them in order to improve its global welfare. Among these is to reduce the literacy rate by 2015 through the provision of Universal fee-free education in sign...
ABSTRACTThis paper set out to investigate people's views and attitudes towards wetland reclamation, the factors that tend to predate wetland reclamation as well as the immediate impacts of this scourage to Kampala district in particular and Uganda in general. Field researchwas carried out among the residents of Kinawattaka as the area under investigation. Popular environmentalists were also approached. Respondents of ages between 18 to 60 years were interviewed in due...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of living conditions on students~ academicperformance. The study objectives were; to examine the effect of feeding, school sanitation andaccommodation on students~ academic performance in Katabi sub county Wakiso district. A crosssectional survey design using both quantitative and qualitative methods was used to collect datafrom 300 students and 64 teachers and 7 Head teachers. The qualitative study design investigatedthe possib...
OKWEBAZA:Abaalugera nti, entasiima ebula agiwa wamma 1~aamanya, kale nangc kantwale omukisa guno okwebaza buli antereddeyo akabega okumaliriza omulimu guno ogutabadde mwangu. Okusookera ddala neebaza nnyo omukadde maama ambereddewo mu buli mbeera yonna ,webale nnyo maama webalire ddala omukama akumpeere kyosinga okwagala mu bulamu bwensi eno. Nzizako Mukwano gwange Ssali John,Father Nsaale Deusdedit,Mukwano gwange Florence Kyalimpa,ssenga wange Nabatanzi Prc...
ABSTRACTThe study was conducted to establish the ineffective teaching and performance of sciencesubjects. It was particularly sought to establish the factors that affect the teaching andperformance of science subjects in secondary school levels in Kenya. The study was conducted using survey design. The data was collected using questionnaires as the main tool from 40 respondents, from three main secondary schools in Kabarajonjo Division, Baringo District Kenya. Data was presente...
ABSTRACT Our focus is on the global economic recession that is threatening to deal a major blow to the African continent, already reeling under poverty and disease. While Western governments are preparing packages to bail out distressed companies in their home countries, the state of affairs in Africa is rather gloomy as the continent relies heavily on foreign aid. A recession can only worsen the situation for the already burdened continent hence the n...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to detennine impact of play on academic perfonnance of early childhood education in Nyageita Zone, Nyamira North District, Kenya. The research objectives were; to investigate the common types of play, to detennine the factors that hinder children's play to detennine the impact of play on academic perfonnance of early childhood education and to determine the importance of play on early childhood development in Nyageita Zone, Nyamira North District, Kenya. ...
ABSRACT This study was conducted from December 2006 up to February 2007 in Morogoro municipal, Morogoro Region, Tanzania. The purpose of the study was to assess various misconduct that teachers committed in the execution of their duties and their impact on the educational process in Morogoro region. The study used an explanatory cross section design whereby data was collected through structured questionnaire with open and closed questions. A total of 254 respondents were involved as follows: ...
ABSTRACT The research report entitled, "The influence of Western culture on the Teaching of African Traditional Music in the Sampled Primary Schools in Alito Sub- county, Kole District" was guided by the following objectives:- • To outline the values of African traditional music to the community. • To establish the influence of the Western culture on the teaching of African traditional music • To outline ways of overcoming the Western influence. The DEO, headteachers, teachers, parents ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivCHAPTER ONE 2INTRODUCTION 21. lBackground of the study 21.2 Statement of the problem 41.3 Purpose of the study 51.3.2 Specific objectives 51.4 Research questions 61.5 scope of the study 61.6 Significance of the study 61.7 Limitations of the Study 7CHAPTER TWO 8REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 82.0 Introduction 82.1 The poverty concept 82.3 Microfinance and poverty 92.4 To help the poor out of poverty 102.5 Methodology of Micro...
ABSTRACTThis study summarizes all five chapters in this report about labor force participation rates and economic growth rate in Uganda (2005-2015) .Chapter one presents the background to the study, problem statement, purpose of study, Research Objectives, and questions, study hypothesis, study scope, significance and operational definitions Labor Force Participation Rate means thenumber of persons in the labor force expressed as a percentage of the working-age. Literature...
ABSTRACTThis study was intended to involvement of Deaf students in football game in wakiso secondary school for the Deaf. It was guided by the following objectives; to inspire Deaf students involve in football, to examine factors that hider student’sinvolvernent in football and to find solutionsfor involving Deaf students in football game at wakiso secondary school or the Deaf. The study was based on three research questions; how can Deaf students be inspired to get involved ...
ABSTRACTThis study focused on the effects of Free Primary with SLD’s in Banja zone Hamisi districtThe objective was to find out the performance of learners in SLDs the was collected using both close and open ended questionnaires the researcher used out that so many learners were dropping out of school and the basic reasons as to why learners fail mathematics and English.The researcher used 24 respondents drawn out of eight schools out 16 schools in Banja zoneTh...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ....................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ ivLIST OF TABLES ..............................................................................