Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Perception of Parent On Over - Schooling of Children at the Pre Primary Education

ABSTRACT Over-schooling at the pre-primary school is a serious violation of the provisions of National Policy on Education. It is seen as over burdening, over tasking and over-tutoring of the preprimary school children. The study was carried out to ascertain the perception of parents on overschooling of these young children using Onitsha educational zone as the area of study. Five research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated while a descriptive survey design was employed. The po...

School Student Achievement in Geography

ABSTRACT The study investigated the comparative effect of Power Point presentation and digital video instruction on secondary schools student achievement in Geography. The study employed a quasi-experimental research design. The study utilized pretest – postest non randomized group design. Three research questions guided the study. Also three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and tested at 0.5 level of significance. The study was carried out in Dutse metropolitan area of Ji...

Strategies for Enhancing Community Participation on Funding of Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the strategies for enhancing community participation in funding of secondary schools in Nsukka Education Zone. The purpose of this study was to find out the constraints that face community participation in funding of secondary schools, community school relation of activities, methods of contribution that would be adopted by the community and policies that should be initiated by the government to enhance community participation in funding of sec...

Child Abuse and Its Effect On Academic Performance of Pupils in Ainabkoi Zone, Eldoret East District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to determine the effects of child abuse on the academic performance of pupils in Ainabkoi zone in Eldoret East district Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the effect child abuse on the academic performance of pupils, to investigate the relationship between Child abuse and emotional behavior, to investigate the relationship between child abuse and violence and to investigate the common types of child abuse in Ainabkoi zone in Eldore...

Administrative Problems Encountered by Public Primary School Head teachers in Kalamba Division, Nzaui District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research study was to investigate and examine the problems encountered by primary school head teachers during their day-to-day work of administering primary schools in Kalamba Division. The objectives of the study were to identify the kind of administrative problems encountered by public primary school head teachers, determine whether administration problems have any effect on the academic performance of pupils, and to suggest ways on how such problems can be solv...

Factors Hindering the Educational Performance of Orphans in Primary Schools in Kibera Division of Nairobi Province-Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to find out the factors hindering the educational performance of orphans in primary schools. The study involved qnite number of respondents from teachers, pupils from upper classes were, selected in a gender conscious manner, The instrnments employed in this study were mainly questionnaires, and observations accompanied by interview guides. Data was analyzed by the use of statistical packages where by the responses were coded and edited, then presented in t...

Absenteeism and Academic Performance in Secondary Schools (A Case Study of Ruhinda Sub-County Rukungiri District)

ABSTRACT This research is about the effect of absenteeism on academic performance. It was guided by three objectives; To find the attitudes towards secondary schools in Ruhindi sub-county.To find out the methods used for the retention in secondary school learners. To identify the role of teachers in student’s performance in Ruhindi sub-county. Purposive and stratified sampling was used to select a population of 40 respondents to represent a population of Ruhindi sub-county.

Effects of Drug and Substance Abuse on Academic Performance Among Secondary Schools, Bunyangabu District ,Uganda

ABSTRACT Drug and substance abuse threatens and tends to derail these noble strides by demotivating the students in learning and subsequently ruining school going children that the government intends to rely on in driving the economy to the next level. Despite the overwhelming intervention strategies by the Government, religious organizations, non-state actors and many other keen stakeholders to curb the problem of drug and substance abuse especially among the youth, the number of school goin...

Factors Leading to The Poor Performance in Physics in Selected Secondary Schools of Nyeri South District, Central Province - Kenya.

ABSTRACT The major purpose of the study was to determine Gender physics concepts' perception and its effects on academic performance of students in selected Secondary schools of Nyeri South district, central province of Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between girl's attitude and performance in physics, Investigate the relationship between teachers' attitudes and girls' performance in physics, Determine the relationship between the curriculum an...

Academic Performance of Students in Mathematics in Selected Secondary Schools in Chuka Division Meru- South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting academic performance of students in mathematics in selected secondary schools in Meru-south district. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate some factors responsible for the poor performance of mathematics by female students. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to gather information on the attitudes of female students. The findings revealed that indiscipline, quality of teachers ...

Causes of High Girl-Child Dropout of Schools in Mayuge Town Council, Ma Yuge District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate on the factors contributing to high girl-child dropout of schools in la:,ruge town council schools, l.1ayuge District. The subjects involved in this study were teachers, students, opinion leaders and employees of non-government organization working in Mayuge town council. The data was collected using several methods that included oral interview and questionnaires, hich were given to the respondents. The findings indicated that most female st...

The Effect of Technology On Industrial Growth in Uganda - A Case Study for Mukwano Industries In Makindye East, Division, Kampala District.

ABSTRACT In Uganda and the cjeveloping World as a Whole, Technology has continued to challenge the socio- political and Economical Institutions. The effect of technology on industrial gro,wth in Uganda have been enormous. Consequently, the government, civil societies and the public have embarked on efforts to improve on technology so as to promote industrial growth. The study adopted a descriptive and explanatory research design using both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collecti...

Challenges of Teaching Information and Communication Technology in Rural Schools in Kenya: A Case Study of Kigio Secondary School in Gatanga Division, Thika Distict

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was is to examining the challenges of teaching information and communication technology in rural schools of Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the describe the challenges of teaching ICT, evaluate the JCT ]earning programmes for students and to assess levels of interest in and attitudes towards ICT among students, teachers and parents and to assess the positive impact of ICT exposure in the lives of students and the improving pra...

The Impact of Teachers' Misconduct On Learners' Performance in Primary Schools in Moshono Division Arusha Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conduct from December 2008 to February 2009 in Moshono, Arusha region Tanzania. The purpose of the study was to assess various misconducts that teachers committed in the execution of their duties and their impact on the learners performance in Moshono division in Arusha region Tanzania. The study used an explanatory cross section design whereby data was collected through structured questionnaires with open and closed ended questions. The objectives if this study was to...

The Effect of Hiv/Aids On the Performance of Children in Apac District the Case of Selected Schools in Akokorosub-County

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate the effect of HIV/aids on the performance of pupils in Apace district. The study specifically looked at stigmatization and performance, positive living and performance, absenteeism and performance and orphan hood and performance. The study was based no case study and the methods that was used for data collection were questionnaire, interview and observation while the instruments that was used for data collection were questionnaire, interview g...

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