Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

Challenges Facing Girl Child Education in an Inclusive Setting, In Mashuuru Zone, Mashuuru Division in Mashuuru District, Kenya

ABSTRACT One of the goals of millennium development goals is to ensure that there is gender parity in access to education. Education for All (EFA) has indeed brought the girl child education to another level where the government of Kenya has laid down strategies aimed at improving girl child enrolment and transition to higher levels. This study, therefore, looked at the challenges faced by the girl child in pursuit of education. The study was carried out at Primary data was sourced through t...

The Effect of Corporal Punishment On Performance in Schools: A Case Study of Ringa Zone, Kasipul Division, Rachuonyo South District

ABSTRACT The study of this report is about the effect of corporal punishment on the schools' performance. It is directed by three objectives and these include: Forms of corporal punishment, other forms of punishments and impact of corporal Punishment on pupil's performance. The study was descriptive where stratified sampling was used to select population. It employed a total sample of 50 respondents as indicated in chapter four. Data were analyzed and presented using statistical methods of da...

The Impact Of Socio-Economic Factors On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Masinga Division, Masinga District, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION: ............................................................................................................... .I APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... II DEDICATION .................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT .............................................................................

Freedom in the Montessori Classroom Environment

This article looks at the various types of freedom children enjoy within the Montessori Prepared environment and the limits to these freedoms. An example of what played out in the classroom one day was given in this article for your perusal. Enjoy it.

Learner's Behavioral Characteristics As Correlates To Their Academic Performance. A .Case Of Selected Primary Schools Located In Marmanet Zone, Nyahururu District In Kenya

ABSTRACT This descriptive and quantitative study was conducted in Marmanet zone, Nyahuru district, to investigate the prevalence of and the problems which the childen suffering from behavioral disorders were facing at school. The variables measured include; the existence of such pupils in inclusive schools, the challenges which they face and the problems they cause to other pupils as well as their teachers, and how the schools have intervened for them. The study utilized a semi-structured que...

Attitudes Of Regular Teachers Towards Inclusion Of Learners With Special Needs; A Case Study Of Sda Segero Primary School, Eldoret West District Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................ .i DECLARATION ................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... iv DEFINITIONS OF TERMS .................

Attitudes Of Regular Teachers Towards Inclusion Of Learners With Special Needs; A Case Study Of Sda Segero Primary School, Eldoret West District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................ .i DECLARATION ................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... iv DEFINITIONS OF TERMS .................

Problems Faced By Nursery Schools In Owimbi Zone, Bondo District, Kenya.

Abstract The aim of this research was to investigate the problems faced by nursery schools in Owimbi zone, Bonda district Kenya. A number of nursery schools have come up to cater for children and this is so because of the realization of the importance of nursery education. However these schools are faced with a lot of problems. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between the development of a country and nursery education and to show how other stake holders...

The Impact Of Free Primary Education On Early Cidldhood Development Programmes In W Aberi Zone, Central Division, Garissa District Kenya

Despite the importance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to determine the impact of Free Primary Education on Early Childhood Education. The research study was conducted between January 2010 and November 2010. The study was carried in Waberi Zone, Garissa District. The study benefits the early childhood pupils since their well being is...

Free Primary Education And Early Childhood In Budalandi Division, Bunyala District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Despite the importance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to determine the impact of free primary education on early childhood education. The research study was conducted between April 2009 and August 2009. The study was carried in Budalangi division, Bunyala district, Kenya. A descriptive design was adopted for this particula...

Constra:Nts Facing Physically Challenged Children In Early Childhood Development Education (E.C.D.E) A Case Study Of Kamariny Zone In Keiyo District Kenya

ABSTRACT Education has been seen as the only solution to the elimination of poverty, diseases and illiteracy. Many governments including Kenya has equally paid serious attention in order to achieve it. A literate population is more productive than an illiterate one hence the need to enable every citizen the opportunity to access education at all levels. It is therefore based on the above that the researcher ventures into the topic in order to examine the impediments faced by the physically c...


The study involved both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection in which questionnaires, interview guides and focus group discussions were used to collect the data from the respondents. The first research question sought to find out the types of motivation needed for better performance in early childhood education centres. The study discovered that; Gifts, promises, appreciations, courage, and awards were the factors given by the respondents. The second research question sough...

Pupil’s Evaluation And Acade Ic Performance Of Che Eren Primary School In Kobaitek District, Kenya

Objectives: This study determined the pupil’s evaluation and academic performance of Cheberen Primary School In Koibatek District, Kenya. Specificaiiy, these data were gathered: profile of pupils as to age, gender and class; the level of pupil’s evaluation in terms & pupils qualities, commitment, learning activItIes and discipline; the level & academic performance; the significant relationship between level of pupil’s evaluation and level of academic performance; and the significant dif...

Influence Of Gender On Academic Performance In Science Subjects A Case Study Of Githumu Zone Kandara Division Central Kenya

A study on Gender and Academic performance in science was carried out in Githumu Zone with the purpose of investigating and establishing the factors influencing Gender and academic performance in the science subject in Githumu Zone. The specific objective of the study were/ to compare out the boys/girls attitude towards the study of science. To identify some cultural practices that affect the performance of learners in the science. To establish whether both sexes participate fully in the scie...

The Impact Of Free Primary Education On Early Childhood Development Programmes In Ndeiy A Zone, Umuru Myision, Kiambu West District Kenya

ABSTRACT  Despite the importance oi'pre-school as afbundationfiw the countrv 'sjimnal education. the Ministrr of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The CJI'neral objective of' the study was to determine the impact offi'ee prinWIJ-' education on early childhood education. The study employed a descriptive design and interview guides and questionnaires were used in the co/lee/ion of di!la. The findings of'! he stu

106 - 120 Of 327 Results