Open and Distance Learning Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Remuneration On The Performance Of Teachers In Private Secondary Schools Of Serere Districts

ABSTRAcT This study is about remuneration and their effect on the performance of teachers in private secondary Schools in Serere district. The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of remuneration on the performance of teachers in private secondary schools in Serere district; while the specific objectives were to identify the types of remuneration used in Private Secondary schools and to establish the effect of remuneration on the performance of teachers in those schools. The ...

The Assessment Of Hearing Aid To Learners With Hearing Impairment In Nairobi Kenya

The study aims at assessing the hearing aid to learners with hearing impairment in Nairobi Kenya. The researcher applied survey method that involved qualitative and quantitative approaches of collecting raw data. Thirty questionnaires were sent to thirty respondents who completed and returned all of them to the researcher. The respondents were randomly sampled. Frequency tables, bar graph and pie chart were used to assemble and analyze the raw data in percentages. The data analysis explains h...

Play And Its Effects On Early Childhood Education A Case Study Of Usigu Division, Bondo District-Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the importance of playing on the early childhood education in U sigu Division, Bondo District, Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to determine the profile of the respondents in regards to: age, gender and academic level, to investigate the importance of playing in regards to academic achievements, problem solving, social and egoistic competence confidence building and health development and to identify the hindrance to children...

Factors Affecting Girls Education In Rural Primary Schools Of Nakuru District, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting girls’ education in the rural primary schools of Nakuru District Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to assess the magnitude and impact of education inequality iii Kenya’s rural areas, analyze the Key economic and social- cultural features of the home environment that predisposes girls to premature termination of education and to determine the influence of teachers’ and parents perception of gender and the ef...

Teachers Motivation And Academic Performance Of Students; A Case Study Of Kereri Secondary School, Kisii District

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate teachers' motivation and academic performance of students. To establish the types of motivation used in Kereri secondary school. To determine whether the methods of motivation used contribute to academic performance in the school. From the research study, it was evident that there existed a notable relationship between a teacher motivation and academic performance of students in the subject handled by the same teacher. It was note -worthy th...

Causes Of Poor Performance In Poetry Among Secondary School Students In Turbo Division; Eldoret District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The persistent low achievement in English in the K.C.S.E. exams is partly due to dismal results in Poetry. This course is taught as part of Literature and examined in Papers 101/1 and Paper 101/2 of the English Exam. Poor results in English have punitive implications especially since good grades in the subject are central and crucial in all career fields and further education and training. It is for this reason that this study sought to determine the factors that influence performan...

Teachers Motivation And Academic Performance Of Students; A Case Study Of Gilgil Day Secondaryschool,Nakuru North District-Kenya

This study was carried out to investigate teachers' motivation and academic performance of students. To establish the types of motivation used in Gilgil Day secondary school. To determine whether the methods of motivation used contribute to academic performance in the school. From the research study, it was evident that there existed a notable relationship between a teacher motivation and academic performance of students in the subject handled by the same teacher. It was note -worthy that rew...

Universal Secondary Education And Girl Child Educational Attainments In Kasese District Western Uganda Acase Study Of Kitswamba Sub County

ABSTRACT A descriptive and quantitative study was undertaken to investigate the influence of universal secondary education on girl child education Kitswamba Sub County in Kasese district. The following objectives have been formed to guide the study to investigate the roof universal secondary education on girl child education in regards to enrolment of students; to assess the impact of universal secondary education on girl child education in regards to government inspection; and to identify th...

Learning Capabilities Of Mentally Challenged Children In Meru South District Kenya

Mentally challenged children are first and foremost children with similar needs and desires like normal children. A net work of forces, the most important of which are the family, the school and the society in which the child lives, influences their development and learning abilities. The impact of each of these forces changes as the child develops and shapes also the kind of intra and interpersonal interactions of the child with people and the environment in socialization. The purpose of thi...

The Influence Of Free Primary Education And School Feeding Programme On Pupil’s Enrolment In Gakawa Education Zone, Kenya

The introduction in January 2003 of Free Education Primary Education in all public Primary Schools in Kenya was the climax of the heavy investment and importance that Kenya has laid on Primary education. The government also was obliged to honour the campaign pledge of the NARC party in the 2002 elections where they promised to introduce free and compulsory primary education for all public primary schools (NARC manifesto, 2002). The actualization of the pledge in January 2003 resulted in a sud...

Reasons For Poor Performance Of Gi;Rls In Mathematics In Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Kamumu Zone, Evurore Dmsion, Mbeere District, Eastern Province

According to John Woodburn, the systematized store of human knowledge gained after generalizing and inter-relating the various isolated facts is known as science. Science also means cumulative and endless series of empirical observations which results in the formation of concepts and observation which results in the formation of concepts and theories that leads to modification on in light and empirical observation. One of the challenges facing the present girl child education is to achieve ac...

Parental Involvement And Academic Performance In Physics In Selected Secondary Schools In Mbale Municipality, Uganda

Parental involvement in children’s activities is very is important since their responsibility can affect a child’s life in aspects. This study investigated the effects parental involvement in their children education activities and academic performance in physics subject in mbale municipality, Uganda. The study sought to find to find out whether the parental involvement in their children’s education activities affect academic performance in physics subject and to establish the significa...

Impact Of Implementation Of Inclusive Education On .\Ca Dem Ic Performance Of Learners In Esageri Zone In Kojba Tek District, Kenya.

Tl"·r,· arc challenges facing implementation of inclusive education in schools ofEsageri di, hion. Some or these challenges are : lack of curriculum guidelines, teaching in,truments, lack of reference, inadequate personnel as well as undefined curriculum, 11q!at1ve attitudes towards persons with disability, poor and restrictive environment , i11,>nsistent management of schools poor teacher-pupil ratio and cultural beliefs and pr;1ctices I lowevcr, there are also possible remedies to the abo...

Imp.Act Of Post .Abortion Care .And Counselling On School Performance-Case Study Of Schools In Central And Rift Valley Provinces Of Kenya

Abstract From October to November I 998, a PRIME team conducted a baseline needs assessment for a postabortion care (PAC) pilot initiative that PRIME was undertaking in collaboration with the National Nurses Association of Kenya (NNAK) and the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK). The title of the pilot project is "Expanding Opportunities for Postabortion Care at the Community Level through Private Nurse-Midwives in Kenya'." The PRIME-assisted PAC initiative, including the activity described in thi...

Teacher Related Factors Influencing The Integration Of Audio Visual Aids Instruction In Geography On Students Performance In Trans-Nzoia West District, Rift Valley Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined teacher related factors and the integration of audio visual aids in instruction of geography in Trans Nzoia district Rift valley province Kenya. The following objectives guided the study; to examine the availability and usage of Audio visual aids by Geography teachers in selected schools in Trans Nzoia West district, Kenya. To establish the influence of skills/Competence/gender differences on the teachers attitudes towards the use of Audio visual aids in Geography...

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