Open and Distance Learning Research Papers/Topics

Challenges of e-Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Abstract The COVID-19 epidemic has posed a decisive challenge to the field of education. Exploring the capacity of this sector to adapt to uncertainty has become more important than ever. This is a qualitative study aimed at educating the resilience practices of learning in public health emergencies. Discuss the rapid transition from face-to-face teaching to online learning, citing the experience of teaching methods and techniques in locking, and highlighting the challenges and opportunities...

Factors Influencing Girls' Perfomance In Science Subjects At Secondary School Level A Case Study Of Mitguta secondary school Kiambu District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.11NTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ..................................................... 1 1.2 STAEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ........................................................................................ 3 1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................... 3 1.4 ...

An Investigation Of Absenteeism On Academic Performance Of Students In Secondary Schools, A Case Study Kaptoyoy Sub-County, Kween District, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE DEC LARA TI ON .............................................. .. ........ ........... .. .......... ........ ....... .... .. ..... .. .... ......... 2 APPROVAL ...... ... ......... ..... ..... .................. ... ............. ... ............... ..... ........ .... .......... ........ ........... 3 DEDICATION .................................... ....................... ........ : ...... ..... ..... ..... ... .. ... ... ......... .... ......... 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........

The Effect Of Tourism And Academic Performance Of Learners In Kaloleni Zone, Kaloleni District-Kenya

ABSTRACT Tourism in Kenya is almost exclusively centered on two geographical areas; the south coast beaches and a handful of game reserves or national parks. A !50-kilometre strip of coastline north and south of Mombasa is lined with beach hotels designed for package tours and contains half of all tourism development in the country. This concentration spread the benefits (and costs) along the coast and also the country as a whole. Despite the fact that tourism is such an important sector of t...

Enrollment Of Girls In Physics In Randani secondary school In Gucha District, Kenya

ABSTRACT: The researcher seeks to carry out detailed study on enrollment of girls in chemistry in Randiani secondary school in Gucha district in Kenya. The study was conducted in selected regular schools in the division to represent schools in Gucha. The enrollment in girls in chemistry has been studied and possible solutions have been suggested on how to improve their performance and enrolment. The target group includes student, teachers and head teachers. The researcher distributed the ques...

Impact Of Financial Resources On Academic Performance Of Students In Secondary Schools Within Mandera Central, North Eastern Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out within Mandera Central which is located in Nairobi North - district of Kenya. To come up with this study, the researcher had to be driven by the cardinal (general) objective formulated prior to data gathering and this had been stated as: This study is intended to investigate the influence of financial resources on the academic performance of students in secondary schools within Mandera Central in North Eastern Kenya. It is from such an objective that the r...

Challenges Of Physically Facing Impaired Learners Learners With Impairment: Of Kapenguira ~ Primary Schools, Wet Pokot District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The research topic is about challenges facing learners with physical impairment m academic performance in Kapenguria Zone, Kapenguria division west Pokot district. The purpose of the study was to determine the challenges faced by physically impaired learners in primary schools in Kapenguria Zone, Kapenguria division, west Pokot district. The research qttestions f0Cii:'>Cd on attitude of both teachers and parents, environment of the schools, educationai resources and challenges faced...

The Impact Of Inclusive Education On Learners With Hearing Impairment In Regular Schools Of Rombo Division In Loitokitok District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study examined the challenges of inclusion of children with hearing impairment in regular schools in Rombo Division Loitokitok District in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to investigate the problems faced by children with hearing impairment in accessing education, determine the relevance of the education currently offered to children with hearing impairment and to come up with solutions that can avert the problem. Qualitative and quantitative designs were employed where...

Impact Of Increased Numbers On The Growth Of Uganda’s Education System, Case Study Of Secondary Schools In Nabweru Sub County Uganda Wakiso District

ABSTRACT This study is set out to investigate the impact of increased numbers on the growth of Uganda’s education system Secondary School in Nahweru sub-county. Wakiso district in order to achieve this, the researcher aligned objectives including. To assess the effect of increased numbers on the growth of Uganda’s education System in Nabweru Sub-county~ To establish the impact of secondary schools in Nabweru Sub-county. to determine the effect of increased numbers on Uganda’s~ Educ...

Teachers Attitudes Towards Teaching Learners Who Are Mentally Retarded; A Case Of St. Annes Girls Boarding Primary School Isibania, In Kuria District

The research was carried out to investigate teacher’s attitudes towards teaching learners who are mentally retarded. It was carried out at St. Annes Girl’s boarding primary school, in Isibania, Kuria district in Kenya. The research guided by the following objectives; Determining the level of professional qualifications of the teachers teaching the learners with mild mental retardation. Determining the commitment of teachers teaching the learners, determining if there is a significant rela...

Effects Of Spatial Organisation On Enviromi~Nt In Homa Bay District Ny Anza Pro Vice Kenya

The research finding concludes that spatial organization has brought far more negative impact on environment due to inadequate rainfall. increased population. and increased need for raw materials hy 1he i11tl11s1ri,·s '""I poli,·y 1•.11ickli11es 011 hm,· ihc·sc· el'li:els e;in he· clT,·c·tiwl,• lacklccl. It then recornrncncls that the government should pro'ide more incen11,·cs like i'unds to tackle the different forms or pollution. The a,·erage population also needs to be educat...

Causes Of Poor Academic Performance Among Puplls Within Selected Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Namanga Division, Kajiado District, Kenya

Despite the introduction of Free Primary Education Primary, schools in Kenya have been performing poorly in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examinations. Both the schools and individual pupils have not yet accrued to the full benefits of FPE. This study investigated the causes of poor academic performance among pupils m selected schools within Kajiado district, Kenya. The study employed casual- comparative design that seeks to discover possible causes and effects of behavior patter...

The Impact Of Free Primary Education On The Reaction Of Illiteracy Case: Embakasi Division Nirobi Kenya

The study aimed at investigating the abilities of primary learning in writing , reading and communication in regard of free primary education that was introduced in January 2003 ,a case study ofEmbakasi Division ofNairobi from 2003.. 2007. the study was carried out upon the background that , poverty, ignorance of parents, inadequate facilities in public schools have led to the persistence ofilliteracy levels at 7~5% though the programme of FPE intended to have reduced them below that by 2008....

Block Mechanism And Pupils Academic Performance In Schools: Case Study Of Kitumui Primary/Secondary School

ABSTRACT This paper gives the results of a survey and evaluation of the Free Primary Education (FPE) program in Kenya. The FPE program started in January 2003 when a new government came to power after a general election. This was a fulfillment of one of the government's election promises. The FPE program is implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MO EST) through Direct Support System. This is a system whereby the government, through the ministry gives direct financi...

Causes Of Poor Performance In Physics At 0-Level In Schools Secondary Schools In Kagadi Town Council In Kibaale District

A survey research design made use of collected data 70 respondents were selected. Questionnaires, interviews and documentary analysis were used. Head teacher. teachers. students and oratory attendants were purposively selected as they were key information whole students were selected using simple random sampling. Majority of these secondary schools in the area of the study were found not having enough qualified teachers and in most cases employ licensed teachers and s.6 leavers who do not hav...

181 - 195 Of 270 Results