Telecommunications Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Design and Implementation of Android Base Automatic Phase Selector and Overload Protector Using Gsm

ABSTRACT The project is designed to automatically supply continuous power to a load through one of the three sources of supply that are: solar, mains and generator or to combine the sources to supply the load all together at the same time. The three socket outlets represent the three sources. The sockets outlets are connected to three step down transformers which reduce the input 230V or 240V to 12Vac. These 12Vac are rectified and regulated to 5Vdc which act as an input to the microcontrolle...

Design & Implementation of Spy Robot System (Case Study: Army Barracks)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ....................................................................................................................................iiDEDICATION................................................................................................................................iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................

Design & Implementation of an Automatic School Dormitory Safety Monitoring and Evacuating System Using Atmega328p.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................................................................................................iDEDICATION.......................................................................................................................................iiACKNOWLEDGMENT ......................................................................................................................iiiAPPROVAL................................................

Design of Clap Switch Device

Abstract This project proposal is of a clap switch device. Clap switch is a switch which can switch on/off any electrical circuit by the sound of the clap. The basic idea of clap switch is that the electric microphone picks up the sound of your claps, coughs, and the sound of that book knocked off the table. It produces a small electrical signal which is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage. This circuit has been constructed using basic electronic components like resistors, transistor...

Design and Construction of an Automatic Bird and Animal Repellant Scarecrow

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION................................................................................................................iiAPPROVAL..................................................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION...................................................................................................................ivACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................................

Design of A Mobile Voting Application

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................. iiiAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................................................................. vABSTRACT ..........................................................................................................

A Mobile Phone Jammer System Using Gsm900 Frequency

Table of ContentsAPPROVAL..................................................................................................................................................... iACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................ iiDECLARATION............................................................................................................................................ iiiABSTRACT..............

Design and Implementation of Free Wireless Intercom System (Case Study: Kampala International University)

ABSTRACT In modern technology, wireless communication is widespread and it started to be used in everyday life, for example, Wireless phone chargers, home automation systems, etc. widely use wireless communication. People want smart systems to make their life easy, and I want to discard the cables that limit our mobility. The purpose of this project is to design and implement a free intercom system that uses WIFI in p2p (Peer-to-Peer) or WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) as a means of commu...

AUN Senior Project Repository

ABSTRACT Every semester, students from each school in AUN take on their Senior Project. This project is expected to be a culmination of their work at the University and represent what they have learned. One of the biggest issues students have is what project they should take on. From the inception of AUN, there have undoubtedly been a great number of projects that have been done. Some could have been expanded upon or even improved; there has however seldom been an opportunity for this to tak...

Automated Fish Feeder Using Internet Of Things (IoT)

ABSTRACT Automated Fish Feeder is a system, which focuses on aiding small scale fish farmers to feed their farms efficiently. By using Arduino and Internet of Things, this is made possible. This provides fish farmers with time and adequate information as the system is set to feed at several time intervals and send information through the internet should the feed container be low or empty . In addition, the system has so many potentials. The system can be embed into other systems such as a wa...

Gsm Based Water Distribution Monitoring And Control System

Abstract  The GSM Based Water Distribution Monitoring and Control System improves the water distribution by providing the automation of water levels in the tanks and monitoring and control of water flow in the distribution network. Water sensor detects the water level in the tanks and then sends signal to the microcontroller unit for actuation of valve and pump. The water monitoring system can detect leakages in the distribution pipeline. If a leakage occurs, an upstream solenoid valve autom...

Quantitave Evaluation Of Uhf Tv White Spaces, For Rural Broadband Connectivity

ABSTRACT With the increase in use of internet access across the world, there has been a shift from classic wired connection technology to the faster and efficient mobile wireless solutions. Zimbabwe as a country is also experiencing this upsurge. However, its hindered by the lack of flexible connection solutions in the densely populated rural areas. A perceived “digital divide” exists between the rural and urban population. This study seeks to explore a new way of breaking this divide by...

Developing a Real Time Taxi Monitoring and Passenger Inventory System in Zimbabwe.

Abstract  The design and implementation of this real time taxi monitoring and Passenger inventory system is meant to unleash a new era of systematic taxi operation in Zimbabwe. It introduces a tight close monitoring environment for taxis so as to maximise on returns from the business. In the prevailing situation where there is a general lack of effective monitoring of taxis the employees run a parallel business of their own using the same taxis. This inherent inefficiency in the system adver...