Environmental Science Research Papers/Topics

Socio-economic factors influencing the spread of drinking water diseases in rural Africa: case study of Bondo sub-county, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Socio-economic and medical information on Bondo sub-county community was studied to help establish the relationship between the water quality challenges, community health and water rights conditions. Health challenges have been linked to water quality and household income. A total of 1,510 households/respondents were studied by means of a questionnaire. About 69% of the households have no access to treated water. Although 92% of the respondents appear to be aware that tr...

Environmental controls on growing-season sap flow density of Quercus serrata Thunb in a temperate deciduous forest of Korea

Abstract/Overview Sap flux density (SFD) measurements were used, in combination with morphological characteristics of trees and forest structure, to calculate whole-tree transpiration, stand transpiration (St) and mean canopy stomatal conductance (Gs). Analysis based on the relationships between the morphological characteristics of trees and whole tree water use, and on the responses of SFD and Gs to short wave radiation (RR), vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and soil water content (SWC) duri...

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change

Abstract Africa is under pressure from climate stresses and is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In Kenya, agriculture is the backbone of the economy making it an important contributor to food security of rural households. Currently crop productivity is being affected by continued climate variations and decline in soil fertility. Adaptation to climate change requires to be given high and urgent priority for sustainable crop production. A study was conducted in Mavuria ward,...

Adsorption Behaviour of Selected Biochar for Cadmium in BlackSoldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) Larvae Fed on Contaminated Organic Waste

Abstract/Overview The efficiency of rice husk biochar (RHB) and coconut shell biochar (CSB) in adsorbing Cadmium (Cd), as one of the prevalent heavy metals reported to bioaccumulate highly at the larval stage of the black soldier fly (BSF) was investigated. The synthesized biochars were activated using sulphuric acid and surface morphology investigated using SEM. The surfaces of CS biochar had well defined pores while RH had irregular pores of different sizes. Batch adsorption studies wer...

Technology adoption in socializing applied sciences for exploitation of renewable natural resources sustainably

Abstract Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle class income country providing high quality life to all her citizens in a safe and secure environment by the year 2030. To achieve this, generation and management of a knowledge based economy and the contribution of indigenous inventions and technologies has been recognized as vital. A lot of efforts have been put in place on the application of Science, Technology and innovations as an engine and driver o...

Environmental and Management Factors that Influence Commelina Species in Selected Agro-Ecological Zones in Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview Commelina species are plant resources full of promise as future food and feed that thrive in diverse ecosystems. They are medicinal plants, leafy vegetables, forage for ruminants, feed for cricket insects, crop protection, and fuel. However, information regarding factors driving Commelina in agro-ecological zones in Western Kenya is lacking. Therefore, we investigated the diversity of Commelina species, the composition of associated weed species as well as environmental ...

Potential tropical climate-based spatio-temporal grass variability

Abstract Numerous international agreements aimed at reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by signatory countries have been ratified in an attempt to combat the adverse varied impacts of climate change and promote resource use sustainability. Grass is an important resource that livestock, wildlife and human beings depend on and is largely influenced by climatic conditions. The grass in Kenya supports the key economic activities of livestock and wildlife-based tourism. This significant contrib...

Effect of vegetated filter strips on transport and deposition rates of Escherichia coli in overland flow in the eastern escarpments of the Mau Forest, Njoro River Watershed, Kenya

Abstract The fate and transport of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in lotic waters through vegetated filter strips (VFSs) was evaluated in a field model pasture, utilizing VFSMOD Windows along with direct pathogen testing. This study assessed effects of VFS on transport and deposition rates of E. coli in lotic overland flow waters. The VFS measured 44 m long by 40 m wide, covering an area of 1584 m2 and land slope of 15 %. Cowpat was applied onto the model pasture and washed by overland flow into...

Toxic cyanobacteria and their toxins in standing waters of Kenya: implications for water resource use

Abstract Phytoplankton biodiversity studies in Kenya's standing waters were carried out between 2001 and 2003. Toxin producing cyanobacteria were recorded in twelve water bodies. Microcystis and Anabaena were the most common species in freshwaters while Anabaena and Anabaenopsis were common in alkaline saline lakes. Seven lakes with cyanobacteria blooms and a hot spring had detectable levels of microcystins and anatoxin-a. Cell bound microcystins (LR equivalents) concentration ranged from 1....

Isolation, characterization and identification of Diazinon degrading bacteria from the soil and gut of macrotermes

Abstract Diazinon degrading bacteria were isolated from the soil and gut of fungus cultivating termites Macrotermes michaelseni using MM7 media supplemented with pesticide as the sole source of carbon and energy. The isolates were gram negative rods the isolates from the soil were designated DS2, DS3 and DS5 while from termite gut was designated DT2. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that diazinon degrading isolate DS2 (from the soil) is closely related to Achromobacter xylosoxidan AF50...

Chemical properties associated with guts, soil and nest materials of Odontotermes and Macrotermes species from Kenya

Abstract Changes in carbon and nitrogen cycles in tropical soils affect soil functioning and ecosystem activity. Termites play important roles in carbon and nitrogen cycles, thus determination of levels of such compounds is essential. This study was aimed at determining the levels of various forms of nitrogen, carbon and pH in the guts, soil and nest materials associated with Odontotermes and Macrotermes termite species. Macro- and micro-elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosph...

An analysis of socio demographic and agronomic factors associated with adoption of improved mango varieties among small scale farmers in Alego Usonga sub-county

Abstract/Overview The adoption of improved mango in Alego Usonga was still low covering an area of 12 Ha out of 47800 Ha of the arable land constituting only 0.025 %. The objective of this study was to determine the agronomic and demographic factors that influence adoption of improved mango varieties in Alego Usonga Sub County. The study adopted a cross sectional design to interview selected mango farmers who adopted planting of improved varieties. The study population was 320 famers with...

The effects of long-term burning regimes on savanna spider assemblages

Abstract: Fire is an important disturbance in many biomes throughout the world and plays a major role in savannas, where it affects the composition and structure of vegetation, which in turn structures faunal assemblages. Higher intensity and more frequent fires tend to simplify habitat structure, leading to a decrease in faunal abundance and diversity. Fire is often used as a tool in conservation areas, but the effects of fire, in particular long-term burning regimes, on fauna is largely un...

Reservoir sedimentation in an arid and semi-arid river basin; a case study of Kalundu dam in Kitui County, Kenya

Abstract: In Kenya, several water reservoirs located in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) are undergo the trouble of accumulation of sediments. Kalundu Dam in Kitui County is a typical reservoir located in ASAL that has been experiencing periodic siltation since 1950s when it was commissioned. However, the patterns of siltation within the dam including the hydrological processes influencing sedimentation processes have not been investigated in this reservoir as with other reservoirs in Kenya�...

Assessing the utilization and socio – economic impacts of Osyris lanceolata (hochst & steudel) and associated environmental degradation in Kitui county

Abstract: Arid and Semi-arid lands (ASALs) in Kenya are rich in diversity of indigenous plants that have the potential to supply marketable commodities on a sustainable basis such as gums, resins and essential oils, among others. In the recent past there has been rampant unsustainable harvesting of Osyris lanceolata in Kenya to produce raw material to support manufacturing industries. The objectives of this study were to map out O. lanceolata growing zones in targeted sub – counties, asses...

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