
Law Research Papers/Topics

The Efficacy Of The Law Relating To Infringement Of Copyright And Neighbouring Rights And The Remedies Available In Tile Effective Protection Of Copyright In Uganda.

ABSTRACT Uganda is one of the least developed countries with a diversity of people with different social. economic and political status among others. The copyright laws in Uganda stem fi·om the llritish Copyrights laws and regimes because it was under its control and there was need to protect the works that were being infringed on. The main objective of the study is to examine the cfTieac) or the la1v relating to infringement of copy right and neighboring rights and remedies available in the...

Save SSA Research 103 PAGES (23656 WORDS) Law Report
A Critical Analysis Of The Role Of The Office Of The Inspectorate Of Government (I. G) In The Fight Against Corruption In Uganda.

Table of Contents DECLARATION ..................................................................................... i APPROVAL .......................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................... iv CHAPTER ONE .........................................................................

The Realisation Of The Right To Fair Hearing In The Judicial System Of Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ....................................................................................... ii APPROVAL ............................................................................................ iii LIST OF STATUTES .................................................................... iv DOMESTIC STATUTES ...................................................................... iv INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS ................................................... iv CHAPTER ...

A Review Of The Doctrine Of Preventive Arrest In Relation To The Principle Of Human Rights In Uganda ,A Reflection To Dr.Colonel Kizza Besigye Kifefe

ABSTRACT The study reviews the doctrine of preventive arrest, in relation to the principle of human rights in Uganda. a reflection to Dr. Colonel Kizza Besigye Kiffe. This research aims to examine the negative impact of preventive detention on our society by scrutinizing various leading decisions by the Supreme Court. It also tries to examine the need for amendment of the preventive detention laws of Uganda. Overall, this research provides insight into how the structure of political instituti...

The Rational Of The Inception Of Juvenile Delinquency Under The Ugandan Criminal Legal System A Case Study Of Kampiringisa Juvenile Detention

AbstractThe research investigates extent of Juvenile Delinquency under the Law of Uganda, a Case Study of Kampilingisa Rehabilitation Center and Naguru Remand Home. Delinquency is not in-born; it is acquired and gradually grows within an individual turning him or her into juvenile delinquents with time, depending on the environment which he lives. Most parents produce children out of choice, when they feel the time is right and are both happy about having them. So juv...

A Critical Analysis Of The Environmental Law In Achieving Sustainable Development In Wakiso District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to assess the environmental law issues towards achieving sustainable development in Wakiso district Uganda. The study was done basing on three objectives which were to: analyze the environmental law as a tool for sustainable development in the context of Uganda, assess the legal and institutional frame work on separation of powers and analyze cases of environment and to discuss the challenges facing implementation of the law on environment towards sustainabl...

An Analysis Of The Law Relating To Insurable Interest In Life Insurance Vis-.0.-Vis Property Insurance

TABLE OF CONTENT)ECLARATION ............................................................................................... ii~PPROVAL .................................................................. , ........... iii)EDICATION .................................................................................................... iv~CKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................... v 'fABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................

The Effect Of Poverty On Realization Of The Right To Education. A Case Study Of Mbale Municipality

ABSTRACT Poverty is a major constraint to the right to education in Uganda. In 1997, Uganda introduced Universal Primary Education but still a limited number of children enroll in post primary education due to monetary constraints. It is astonishing that in 2007 there are still young children who don't have access to even basic education. This study explores the effect of poverty on the right education, gendered perceptions and power relations in relation to the right to education. The focus ...

The Role Of The United Nations In Protection Of Human Rights In Conflict Situations A Case Study Of Democratic Republic Of Congo

ABSTRACTIn my thesis, I examine and describe the United Nation's legal role in protection of Human rights in conflict situations. The Democratic Republic of Congo is selected and lessons in the study present among others a history of the nation, pmticularly with regard to the state of respect and protection of human rights. To point out the human rights violations. To give evidence of the strategies taken by the United Nations organisation in respect of protection of human...

Mobile Money Transfer And Payment Systems In Uganda, The Legal And Practical Challenges: A Case Study Of Mobile Money Transactions Through Tele-communication Service Providers.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ........................................................................... i APPROVAL .......................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................. iv ACRONYMS .......................................................................... v  &nbsp...

An Examination Of The Law On The Protection Of Human Rights By Security Forces In Uganda

ABSTRACT Human rights are moral principles or norms, which describe certain standards of human behaviour, and are regularly protected as legal rights in municipal and international law. They are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being, and which are inherent in all human beings regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status. They are applicable everywhe...


TABLE OF CONTENTS 0.1 Acknowledgment ....................................................................... 1V 0.2 Declaration .................................................................................................................. V 0.3 Abbreviation ................................................................................................................. IV 0.4 List of cases and non English terms ................................................................................

Critical Analysis Of Enforcement Of Pre-trial Rights Of Suspects Under Uganda's Legal Regime. Case Study: Kasese District

ABSTRACT This research paper is a critique of how the rights of suspects are violated. It handles the way police violates rights of suspects from the events of arrest, detention and investigation, that is to say its limited to suspects not the accused. The research proposal contains an introduction, background of the study, statement problem, objective of the study, research questions, scope of the study, limitations, methodology, synopsis and literature review, the domestic and international...

The Implication Of The Law On Plea Bargaining In Criminal Justice System In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................... , ........................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................... ii CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................ 1 1.0 Introduction ...........................................................................................

The Impact Of The Laws On Tax Incentives On The Socio-economic Development In Uganda

ABSTRACT The dissertation was undertaken to collect data on The Impact of the Laws on Tax Incentives on the Socio-Economic Development in Uganda. It employed both qualitative and quantitative methods in collection of data; theses were questionnaire/ interview guide and observation. Using sampling/ the research selected 133 respondents out of the 200 targeted population and questionnaire and interview method were used to collect data. The study targeted various classes of stakeholders ranging ...

331 - 345 Of 1413 Results