Abstract Increasing women’s knowledge about maternal health is an important step towards empowering them and making them aware of their rights and health status, allowing them to seek appropriate health care. In Yemen, the ongoing conflict has hampered the delivery of health information to women in public health facilities. This study examined rural women’s knowledge of, and attitude towards, maternal and child health in Yemen and identified the factors associated with good maternal healt...
Introduction: In sub-Saharan Africa, extensive migratory activities and interactions exist especially amongst unmanned cross-border communities between countries sharing common borders which complicate emergency public health interventions. Understanding the nature of these activities and interactions will help strengthen public health interventions and control of pandemics such as the Ebola outbreak and COVID-19. Objective: The study aimed to understand the nature of contiguous border commun...
Ghana, one of the challenging contexts settings in sub-Saharan Africa, is a strong democratic nation and one of the area’s emerging economies, yet the country still faces poor maternal health with maternal mortality ratios at 350/100,000 live births. This statistic means that the country’s efforts to achieve Millennium Development Goal-5—the reduction of maternal mortality by 75 per cent by 2015—remains a mere dream. In this dissertation, I explore rural Ghanaian women’s perspective...
Abstract Leptospirosis is an important re-emerging zoonosis of worldwide public health concern. Leptospirosis is caused by a bacteriumof the genus Leptospira. There was an outbreak of leptospirosis in humans in Bungoma County in 2004 with severe consequences. Leptospirosis is enzootic in cattle in Bungoma County. Thisstudy was conductedbetween April and July of 2017 to determine the risk factors for leptospirosis in humans in Bungoma County. The risk factors considered in this study were;rai...
Abstract: The introduction and spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) into the global human population may have first emerged among humans in the early part of the 20th century. HIV/AIDS is the common cause of death and morbidity among sexually active individuals in sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia. The main objective of this study was to assess trends in the prevalence of HIV infection in the selected group of participants in Wonchi Woreda and the Knowledge, Attitude and Prac...
Abstract: The increasing risk of mosquito-borne diseases in African urban environments has been partly attributed to failed planning and resource underdevelopment. Though engineered systems may reduce mosquito proliferation, there are few studies describing this relationship. This study investigates how engineered systems such as roads and piped water systems affect the odds of anopheline immatures (i.e., larvae and pupae) occurring in water bodies located in Malindi, Kenya. Anopheles gambia...
ABSTRACTThe study determined the prevalence and risk factors associated with hypertension in HIV patients on HAART attending CHAI clinic at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital.The Specific objectives were to find out the prevalence of hypertension in HIVpatients on HAART attending CHAI clinic and to assess the risk factors to hypertension in HIVpatients on HAART attending CHAI clinic at Kampala International University Teaching HospitalThis was a cross sectional study based on ...
ABSTRACT Antibiotics are the most used medicines in dental practice (Lewis, 2008)and are used regularly for the management of oral and dental infection that originates from odontogenic infections (Dar-Odeh NS, et,al., 2010), however there is inappropriate use of antibiotics that result into gastrointestinal disturbances to fatal anaphylactic shock and development of resistance. Methods used The sampling was done at KIU-TH, employing simple random sampling; informed consent was ...
Table of ContentsDECLARATION.........................................................................................................................iSUPERVISOR’S APPROVAL ................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION........................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGMENT.........................................................................
ABSTRACT Introduction Malnutrition is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity among under- five children in sub-Saharan Africa. Western Uganda has persistently registered highest levels of child malnutrition despite being referred to as” food basket’’ of the country. Objective The major objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of under nutrition among children under- five years attending KIU TH Bushenyi district western Uganda Methods The study was across sectio...
ABSTRACT.INTRODUCTIONThe research study was carried out in Ishaka -Bushenyi in Bushenyi District. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the teenage girls level of knowledge of reproductive health in general, to assess the social economic factors associated with pregnancy and to assess the cultural factors associated with pregnancy.METHODA cross-sectional study was conducted, a sample of 100 teenage mothers age 13 too 19 years in Ishaka Town municipality answered structural quest...
Table of ContentsDECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ iSUPERVISOR’S APPROVAL .................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION.......................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT.........................................................................
Table of ContentsDECLARATION: ........................................................................................................................................2SUPERVISOR’S APPROVAL........................................................................................................................3DEDICATION............................................................................................................................................4ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION AND APPROVAL ...........................................................................................................iACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................iiTABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................iiiLIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES.....................................