ABSTRACT Anaemia in pregnancy continues to be a huge public health problem worldwide with multiple adverse outcomes on both mother and child especially in developing countries. The causes of anaemia among pregnant women (PW) are multifactorial and may be associated with inadequate dietary intake of iron-rich foods. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of a nutrition education (NE) intervention on haemoglobin (Hb) levels, knowledge and dietary intake of anaemic PW in Gomoa East (GE)...
ABSTRACT Sensory evaluation is a useful tool in the food and non-food industries. Sensory evaluation of frozen desserts including polyethylene packed ones popularly found in Ghana are greatly affected by serving temperatures. Frozen desserts have been assessed with static methods like Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA®) but the temporal perceptions throughout consumptions are rarely covered. With food companies weary of the time intensive nature of descriptive methods like QDA® and cha...
ABSTRACT Background: Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus globally, with an increase in mortality. The most effective ways of controlling diabetes mellitus are through medication and lifestyle modifications primarily diet and physical activity. Evidence suggests that the Mediterranean diet is effective in the management of chronic diseases including diabetes mellitus. Some studies have investigated the adherence to this diet amon...
ABSTRACT Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a common haemoglobinopathy that is acquired by inheriting the defective gene from both parents. In recent years, it has become an important public health issue among people of African descent especially those in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Ghana, SCD occurs in almost 1 in 50 (2%) of all births annually. The disease is characterised by chronic haemolytic anaemia, vaso-occlusion and inflammation. These events increase the resting energy expenditure ...
ABSTRACT Background: Cancer is one of the diseases with high mortality rates and economic burden in the world especially within sub-Saharan Africa. Cancer has both local and systemic effects on the body which can compromise the nutritional status of patients. Treatment of cancer especially chemotherapy has several side effects which are detrimental to the nutritional status of the individual and can lead to treatment interruptions or termination as well as compromise clinical outcomes. Cancer...
SUMMARY Zinc is a micronutrient indispensable for growth, development, reproduction, and for the activities of over 200 enzymes embracing all physiological activities. Zinc deficiency in the preschool age group therefore leads to growth faltering, wasting, stunting and general degeneration in physiological activities. In rural areas of Egypt and Iran where zinc deficiency was first identified, dietary factors of plant origin ( especially phytic acid and fibre), which impair zinc absorpt...
ABSTRACT Qualitative studies on enteropathogenic bacteria in chicken on the Ghanaian market, using Accra Metropolitan Area, as a unit case, was assessed. A total of 184 samples, made up of 97 cloacal swabs from 3 different farms and 87 surface rinses of carcasses from different retail outlets were examined for the presence of Campylobacter sp., Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., and Escherichia coli. Out of the 97 cloacal swabs, 14 (14.4%) were positive for Campylobacter, 7 (7.2%) for Salmon...
ABSTRACT Background: Micronutrient deficiencies are a public health concern worldwide negatively affecting maternal and child health outcomes. Globally, micronutrient deficiencies have been found to be the major leading cause of maternal and child mortality. Deficiencies of these same nutrients are the most common among Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) and are associated with increased risk of adverse consequences such as anaemia during pregnancy and maternal mortality, low birth weight infant...
In recent years, there has been profound interest in the role of oxidative stress in the precipitation of pre- diabetic condition (1) and there are reports of oxidative stress increasing in patients with diabetes mellitus (2). Oxidative stress results when reactive forms of oxygen are produced faster than they can be safely neutralized by the body antioxidant mechanisms (3). Various researches have shown that it affects the level of serum insulin and cause insulin resistance which are pathoph...
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A WEB-BASED DIETICIAN SYSTEM ABSTRACT A few centuries ago, one might not have needed to keep fit or eat healthily. Today a lot of diseases and sickness are rampant due to obesity, malnutrition and not eating a balanced diet meal. In the 21st century, information is moving at the speed of light and people need to gain access to a system that recommends a meal plan for its use according to individual needs. In today’s world, where access to see a dietician is a b...
ABSTRACT A nutrient is a substance used by an organism to survive, grow, and reproduce. The requirement for dietary nutrient intake applies to animals , plants , fungi , and protists. Nutrients can be incorporated into cells for metabolic purposes or excreted by cells to create non-cellular structures, such as hair, scales, feathers , or exoskeletons . Some nutrients can be metabolically converted to smaller molecules in the process of releasing energy, such as for carbohydrates , lipids , pr...
ABSTRACT 12 The food potentials of tigernut tubers (Cyperus esculentus) locally know as “aki awusa” in Igbo, ”aya” in Hausa and “ofio” in Yoruba were evaluated. The proximate composition of 100g of raw and processed tigernuts showed that moisture content of tigernuts ranged from 4.19 – 51.93 %, crude protein 2.61 – 10.12 %, ash 0.70 – 1.77 %, crude fibre 7.48 –...
1.0 INTRODUCTION Fruit is a structural part of plant that contain seeds, normally fleshly, sweet and edible in a raw states, which includes; oranges, grapes, strawberries, juniper berries, pineapple and watermelon e.t.c (Abano, 2010). They are ripe ovaries or carpets that contain seed (McGee, 2004). Fruit contain various phytochemical compounds that are similar in composition to vegetables. All fruits contain a high percentage of water averaging 85% fat, protein and carbohydrate (cellulose an...
The industrial training program or students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is an appreciable skills program designed to equip students to the real life working experience. It is a skill development program that provides a link opportunity for students to participate in the real world of work, benefit from practical exposure at work as well as acquiring academic competencies in the college. SIWES is aimed at exposing students to the realities of world of work by matching the theoret...
Abstract Lecithin is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues composed of phosphoric acid, chroline, fatty acids, glycerol, glycolipids, triglycerides, and phospholipids (e.g., phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylinositol).