ABSTRACT Background: Fish is recognised as a rich source of quality protein and other essential nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids needed for good health. However, it may be contaminated with mercury above tolerable limits which may pose health risks to consumers especially pregnant women and the developing foetus. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge level of pregnant women on mercury toxicity in fish on pregnancy outcomes and determine the concentration of mercury and pro...
Abstract Background: Obesity is associated with diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, caries and periodontal diseases, and other morbidities. The association between childhood obesity and oral disease is, however, not well defined. This study examined the association between obesity and oral health in school children and explored possible dietary and oral hygiene risk factors. The study hypothesized that there was poorer oral hygiene status and higher caries and gum disease a...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is endemic among children in low income countries. Food-based strategies have been identified globally as more sustainable in addressing micronutrient deficiencies in populations. However, there is paucity of knowledge on the effect of food based interventions in combating vitamin A deficiency in Ghana. The objective of the present study was to determine the serum vitamin A and nutritional status of children fed gari and beans stew prepared w...
ABSTRACT Background: During critical illness, the body goes through hypermetabolic stress which can lead to serious complications when not immediately reversed. Nutrition support in the form of enteral nutrition is provided to help the body recover. Commercial formulas have been designed to cater for nutrient needs of the critically ill however, due to financial costs and tolerability on the part of patients, hospital-prepared enteral feeds are provided. Some studies have focused on the ben...
ABSTRACT Background: Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining mainly from the consumption of meat, poultry, seafood and flesh of any animal while depending mainly on foods of plant origin. Vegetarian diets are typically low in fat, particularly saturated fat and high in dietary fibre, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Plasma total cholesterols and low density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol levels of vegetarians are consistently lower than non- vegetarians. Although vegetarians do not e...
ABSTRACT Background: Adequate serum vitamin D levels in children has been proven to improve bone health, reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and many other diseases in life. The serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is the best biomarker in measuring vitamin D status in the body. It is able to reflect both vitamin D levels that the body receive from sunlight and dietary sources. Little is known about the vitamin D status of the population in Ghana especially among school age child...
ABSTRACT Background: Football, the most common sports worldwide, is played in almost all nations. Success in football brings reputation, wealth and international recognition but comes as a result of regular physical training with muscular exertions. Good nutrition is an essential tool to help footballers meet the energy demands of training in order to maintain performance capacity and prevent the development of excessive fatigue. Iron also plays an important role in aerobic capacity and perf...
ABSTRACT Background: The global prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) continues to rise, accounting for over 71% of all global death and responsible for over 40% of pre-mature death (death occurring before the age 70 years). Low and middle income countries (LMIC) are expected to suffer the brunt of this epidemic, leading to high rates of disease, death and disability adjusted live years (DALYs). Most NCD’s and their shared risk factors are preventable through lifestyle mo...
ABSTRACT Background: Household food consumption is a dynamic process that may influence the dietary intake and nutritional status of children living in the household. Children in their first five years are nutritionally vulnerable given their increased energy and nutrient needs. As these children are completely weaned and depend solely on household foods, less attention might be paid to the adequacy and quality of diet as compared to when they were receiving complementary foods. Objectiv...
ABSTRACT Background: Increased consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) among all age groups is a global public health concern due to its association with non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In response to this concern, some countries are employing multifaceted policy interventions that includes mandatory nutrition labelling of pre-packaged foods to control the rise in diet-related NCDs rates. Policy markers require current information on the readiness of the food and beverage industry, a...
ABSTRACT Background: Micronutrients are extremely important components of a high-quality diet and even though they are required in very small amounts, they are important in the building of healthy brains, bones and body. Micronutrient deficiency is a problem as its effects are irreversible. In Africa, vitamin A deficiency is reported to be the cause of about 6% of deaths of children under the age of 5 years, and a major public health issue in Ghana. Inadequate dietary intake of vitamin A-ric...
ABSTRACT Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death globally: more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause. An estimated 17.3 million people died from CVDs in 2008, representing 30% of all global deaths. In Africa, CVDs are the main non-communicable disease and account for 9.2% of total deaths in the region. In Accra, CVDs increased from being the 10th most frequent cause of death in 1966, to the number 1 cause of death for the years 1991 and 200...
ABSTRACT Background: Anaemia is an important public health problem worldwide and the most vulnerable group, are pregnant women and children. Anaemia associated with pregnancy is a serious health problem and its control requires the initial identification of the major factors responsible. Determination of the possible causes of nutritional anaemia among pregnant women is important to ensure satisfactory birth outcomes. In Ghana there is little data on the usual dietary intake among pregnant wo...
ABSTRACT Background: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first six months after birth has been recommended by the WHO as the best infant feeding strategy. Despite this, studies carried out in Ghana among singletons indicate low EBF rates. Data on EBF rates among twin infants in Ghana remain limited and the EBF rate among twins is hypothesized to be low. Objectives: The study sought to identify factors associated with EBF among Ghanaian infants particularly, twins. The duration of EBF among ...
A B S T R A C T Reduction of infant and maternal mortality is a part of the WHO/UNICEF goals set in 1991 to be achieved by the year 2000. Maternal and infant mortality can be reduced by ensuring favourable outcome of pregnancy. This study sought to assess the effects of nutrition and health habits of pregnant women on pregnancy outcome. A total of 502 pregnant women attending ante-natal clinics in the Greater Accra region participated in an epidemiological study, which involved a study of foo...