ABSTRACT Background Substantial evidence have shown that food environment contributes to the increasing obesity and other nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) among children and adults. The increasing obesity prevalence and nutrition-related NCDs suggest there is a need for a more comprehensive and robust approach including regulating environmental food exposures. In certain jurisdictions, nutrition standards can regulate the nature and quality of foods sold in schools contribu...
ABSTRACT Background :Inadequate breastfeeding of infants leads to poor nutrition among them, which adversely affect their development. The perception that breast milk alone is insufficient for growth and development of infants presents a major challenge to the practice of exclusive breastfeeding for six months by nursing mothers. Objective: To assess the effect of mothers perception of insufficient breast milk as insufficient food on exclusive breast feeding among mothers of infants aged 6-...
ABSTRACT Background: Children with cleft lip/palate suffer major functional morbidity such as restricted maxillofacial growth, speech anomalies, swallowing and feeding difficulties, hearing impairment/or recurrent ear infections. Cleft lip/palate are generally not lifethreatening, living with cleft evokes a notable health burden. Objective: To assess the awareness and knowledge of pregnant women attending Mamprobi polyclinic on cleft lip and or palate. Methods: A cross-sectional study desig...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Malaria is a major public health threat to AngloGold Ashanti‟s operations, largely responsible for lower productivity and high expenditure on treatments. Morbidity and mortality is also known to be high in young children and pregnant women in the locality. In an effort to lessen the malaria burden on its operations, the company in 2005 introduced a 3-year malaria control programme that uses multiple approaches in what has now become known as the „Obuasi Model‟. The...
ABSTRACT Introduction “Emergency contraception (EC), or post-coital contraception is the method of contraception that can be used to prevent pregnancy in the first 5 days after sexual intercourse”. Unprotected sexual intercourse leads to unwanted pregnancies, resulting in abortions, abortion-related complications, and other health problems. The study considered the perception and use of EC among the female youth of Chorkor to help inform contraceptive policy and use. A descriptive cross...
ABSTRACT Background: Home visit is a strategy used to reach out to members of a household for discussion and provision of health services by Community Health Officers. This approach is mostly used in deprived communities to provide health services at the doorstep of community members. Not much is known about this strategy in the public health sector. From the review of literature, malaria forms a significant proportion of diseases in most of the Out-Patient Departments. There are also a sign...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Mother-to-Child Transmission (MTCT) is the main source of HIV in children. In an attempt to curb this, the UNAIDS in the year 2009 called for the elimination of MTCT of HIV by the year 2015. Ghana began the implementation of PMTCT in the year 2001, using an intervention package made up of four prongs. Study Objectives: This study investigated the factors that affected the implementation of PMTCT of HIV in Tema General Hospital from 2012 – 2016. It also assessed the ...
ABSTRACT General objective: The main objective of the research was to determine the level of knowledge and determinants of Breast Cancer screening among female personnel of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF). Methodology: Descriptive survey involving the use of questionnaire was used to obtain quantitative data from the respondents. A sample size of two hundred and ninety nine (299) female personnel of the GAF was used for the research using the stratified sampling method. The statistical package...
ABSTRACT Background: Hypertension is a major public health challenge in Ghana and with the prevalence increasing over the years, accurate estimation of the burden of the disease is required for effective prevention and control measures. The GHS in 2012, introduced a web-based database; DHIMS-2, to ensure quality health data however, aspects of this database; the maternal and neonatal data was reported to be good and reliable, yet the EPI data was poor, aside the lack of evidence based resear...
ABSTRACT Background: The resistance to insecticides among malaria vectors poses a global challenge in the efforts towards malaria elimination. This calls for an addition of larval control methods such as biolarviciding. However, the implementation of biolarviciding in Tanzania has been very low. Therefore, this study explored factors affecting the implementation of biolarviciding in the councils of Southern Tanzania. Methods: A mixed-method, cross-sectional design was used to collect quanti...
ABSTRACT Background: Hyperglycemia is an important finding used for diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus which is a most common chronic and lifelong diseases in nearly all countries. Prevalence of persistent hyperglycemia is increasing at an epidemic rate in many parts of the world estimated to be 7.7% by 2030. Changing lifestyles has been contributed much on the rapid increase of the problem. The goal of this study was to assess the prevalence of hyperglycemia and risk factors among formal sector...
Abstract Background: Health system performance is one of the important components of the health care delivery; its achievement depends on the quality of services rendered and the health system responsiveness of its beneficiaries. Health system responsiveness is a multi-dimensional concept and is usually measured through several domains. Health system responsiveness (HSR) remains to be a key indicator for evaluation of health system performance in any settings. This study aimed at assessing t...
ABSTRACT Background : Traffic crashes are a major cause of global morbidity and mortality mostly affecting low- and middle-income countries whereby deaths and injuries of road traffic accidents occur in developing countries. Commercial motorcyclists take the upfront vulnerability for wide-open to traffic risks with limited use of safety equipment. This study made an assessment of the knowledge, attitude, and practices on the compliance with road safety measures among commercial motorcyclists ...
ABSTRACT Background: Community Health Fund (CHF) is a promising means for enhancing access to and utilization of the health services to the low social-economic status societies in Tanzania. Little is known on the influence of Health care services utilization and perceived satisfaction on enrollment status to the Improved Community Health Fund (ICHF) among household. The government goal for 2015 was a 30% CHF enrolment among Tanzania HH. Only16.4% was achieved. The aim of this study was to ex...
Residents of malaria-endemic communities spend several hours outdoors performing different activities such as cooking, story-telling or eating; thereby exposing themselves to potentially-infectious mosquitoes. This compromises indoor interventions, notably long lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS). This study characterized common peri-domestic spaces in rural south-eastern Tanzania, and assessed protective efficacies of transluthrin-treated chairs a...