Information Technology Research Papers/Topics

Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Pickup and Delivery System

ABSTRACT An autonomous pickup and delivery system is a system that is automated to perform the traditional/ manual pickup and delivery service with minimal or without need of human intervention. The automatic pickup and delivery system is a system for the transmission of material objects between homes, stores and offices. This provides as much convenience as possible for pickup and deliveries. The aim of this project is to design and implement an autonomous pickup and delivery system by creat...


Abstract: ICTs has a positive impact on the living conditions of rural and urban societies if it used in appropriate and utilize to the maximum extent. This study is, therefore, focused on exploration of opportunities and challenges in using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for poverty reduction. The objective of the study includes Identifying opportunities of using ICTs in poverty reduction in this region, Exploring challenges of using ICT in poverty reduction and Suggestin...

Network Downtime in Government Department :an Investigation of this common Phenomenon with suggestion of best practices and best technologies

Abstract: Network downtime is the period in which a computer system is unavailable or system fails to provide/perform its primary functions. System reliability and/or availability are very Key as an unavailable system is a failing system. It is very common is Botswana for government clients to forfeit being serviced because the government department system is down. The primary aim of this project was to investigate the causes of system/network downtimes in Botswana government department. Thr...

Usage of E-Learning Platforms amongst Private Tertiary Students: A Case Study of Botho University

Abstract: Since the integration of technology in teaching and learning, it has been observed that there is improvement in the acquisition and retention of knowledge. There is also existing body of research on adoption of e-learning platforms by students in institutions of Higher Education across the world. However, few of the existing studies has involved students in private tertiary education institutions in Botswana. Therefore, this study has set out to explore student usage of e-learning ...

Effects of Technology Acceptance Model on Internet Banking Adoption, at Barclays Bank, Tsabong (Botswana)

Abstract: Abstract The purpose of this study was to reviews the effects of the technology acceptance model on internet banking adoption at Barclays bank, Tsabong (Botswana). The primary objective of the study was to investigate the factors which influence the customer‟s behavioral intention to accept internet banking. This research adopted a descriptive research design, following a survey design strategy. A positivism research philosophy was adopted, where the data collection was done foll...

Assessing the Perception and Challenges of Online Learning by Students in some Selected Tertiary Institutions in Ghana

TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENT............................................................................................................................ PAGE DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.. i DEDICATION.. ii TABLE OF CONTENT.. iv LIST OF TABLES. vii LIST OF FIGURES. vii ABSTRACT.. viii   CHAPTER ONE.. 1 1.0      INTRODUCTION.. 1 1.1      Background of the Study. 1 1.2      Problem Statement2 1.3      Objective of the study. 4 1.3.1       Main objective. 4 1.3.2     �...

Impact of Agricultural Land Acquisition for Urbanisation on Agricultural Activities of Affected Households in Bumbogo Sector

Abstract The procedure by which the government obtains agricultural land for urbanization involves acquisition of agricultural land from multiple users, transferring it into non-farming land, and then developing and establishing infrastructure on the non-agricultural region. Land acquisition for urbanization had a substantial influence on agriculture in the Bumbogo sector. 2002, 2012, and 2022 are the most recent 20 years. In this study, conduction of surveys in a range of communities to find...

Telecommunication Services and Economic Development in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  Since destruction of Somali central government in 1991, a number of telecommunication companies have been established to provide telecommunication services in Mogadishu Somalia that there is no significant studies have been done to determine the contribution of telecommunication services on the economic development in Mogadishu Somalia. Therefore, the study was conducted to examine the relationship between telecommunication service and economic development in Mogadishu Somalia. The...

Enhancement of Image Steganography Using Compression Techniques

ABSTRACT  In a world of digital technology, maintaining the security of the secret data has become a great challenge. One way to achieve this is to encrypt the message before it is sent. But encryption draws the attention of third parties, which may cause the third party to seek to break the encryption and to detect the original message. Another way is steganography, steganography is the art and science of writing hidden Messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended ...

Mobile Phones Usage for Gender Based Violence Prevention in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Gender-based violence prevents people's enjoyment of fundamental human rights and it is also central social, economic and health problem. Similarly, gender-based violence is viewed as a significant problem throughout the world. However, in Rwanda studies on gender based violence prevention have done, Gender based violence is still problem. Most researches in this area were conducted but ICTs remain gender blind. The purpose of the study was to find out the use of mobile phones on Gen...

Telecommunication Service and Customers Satisfaction in Hormuud And Somafone Companies in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  This study sought to establish the relationship between telecommunication service and customer satisfaction in Hormuud and Somafone. The study was guided by four research objectives; to determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms age, gender, educational level and number of years experience in telecommunication service; to determine the level of telecommunication service; to determine the level of customer satisfaction and to establish whether there is sig...

Bugolobi Nursing Home Database and Information Management System

Abstract In Uganda most health service providers are faced with a challenge of providing quality health services to the large number of patients and clients thus necessitating health service providers to continuously ensure availability of quality and timely data to enable the provision of better and improved health services to the patients. Bugolobi Nursing Home is one of the health service providers, but it uses a manual system which fails in provision of a timely and quality data for ...

Loan Management Information System Case Study Of Ishaka Famers' Sacco Limited

ABSTRACT The Loan Management Information System is a computerized database of financial information organized and programed in such way that it produced regular reports on operations for every level of management in a SACCO; it is usually also possible to obtain special reports form the system easily. The general objective of study was to design a loan management information system that could improve loan record handling and bring about timely Loan processing. The specific objectives of stud...

A Web Based Computerised Census Management System: Case Study: Mityana District

Information technology goes beyond keeping data safely, reducing data storage and eliminating data redundancy. It involves systems that make informed decision, systems that need less human inputs to produce results. But above all, it involves sharing this information with fellow colleagues at the district. In the political, economical and social perspectives, such as those in Mityana district, where many people, resources, schools, health facilities or other business transactions may be neede...

A Database Management And Inventory System. Case Study: Christian Science Church Kampala,

ABSTRACT~ The purpose of this project is to develop a database management and inventory system for Christian Science Church (CSC). This will be used to meet the objectives of the system users. Observation, interviews, and studying of current system were carried out which enabled the researcher to get information from the sample population, secondary and primary sources of information were used. The findings indicate various reasons to use a database system like reducing costs. There were�...

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