ABSTRACT Tungiasis is an ecto-parasitic disease of humans and animals caused by the burrowing of gravid female fleas of the genus ‘Tunga’. Of the known species of Tunga fleas, Tunga penetrans and Tunga trimamillata are parasites of humans besides other warm blooded mammals, most of which are peri-domestic. The host of the others is limited to a few genera of wild mammals. The burrowed female flea rapidly expands its body size, causing immense itching, inflammation, pain and debilitation. ...
verviewStatsCommentsCitationsReferences (29)Related research (10+) AbstractEnvironmental investigations show that the Archaea are diverse and abundant not only in extreme environments, but also in soil, oceans and freshwater, where they may exhbit a key function in the biogeochemical cycles of the planet. Archaea display unique capacities, such as methanogenesis and survival at temperatures higher than 90 °C that make them crucial for understanding the nature of the biota of early Earth. M...
Abstract Introduction Material and Methods Result Discussion Reference
ABSTRACT Schistosomiasis is a water-borne parasitic disease caused by schistosomes and transmitted by fully aquatic or amphibious freshwater snails in whose bodies the human-infective larvae, cercariae, develop. Adult schistosome worms colonise human blood vessels for years, successfully evading the immune system while excreting hundreds to thousands of eggs daily, which must either leave the body in excreta and/or urine or become trapped in nearby tissues. Trapped eggs induce a dist...
Fermentation has been employed as a traditional means of improving the shelf life and nutritional contents of foods, thus making fermented foods and beverages functional and therapeutic. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) plays a major role in determining the health benefits of fermented milk and related products. This review takes into cognizance numerous investigations reporting certain microbial strains and mixes to contribute safety, quality, stability, health and organoleptic properties to ferme...
ABSTRACT The basic idea of healthcare facilities which is to make people well is on the verge of being defeated as a result of patients contracting infections while in healthcare settings. Nosocomial infections are infections acquired by patients or healthcare workers while they are in healthcare facilities, including, hospitals, dental offices, nursing homes and doctors’ waiting rooms. Infectious diseases are diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasi...
Fried cheese locally called Wara gets spoiled when attacked by pathogenic bacteria, as a result of poor hygiene practice by the producer and handlers. Wara samples were bought in Ilesha at Atakumosa market square Osun-state. This research was designed to isolate and enumerate microorganisms using standard microbial methods, proximate composition and the nutritional composition of boiled local and fried cheese (wara). Proximate analysis was carried out to determine nutritional ...
Nutrient paucity in the soil poses challenge to global production of food. The use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers to boost crop yield is a recurrent farming practice, despite their unfavourable effects and hazard to the environment and human population. This study was aimed at developing an environmental friendly, low cost inoculation technology for the cultivation of soybeans. Laboratory approach was used in the production of the biofertilizer, which started with biochemical characterizat...
Background: Resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins among Enterobacteriaceae has been reported yet they serve as the last line treatment for severe infections in Uganda and other countries. This resistance often leads to nosocomial infection outbreaks and therapeutic failures from multidrug resistant bacteria. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae in clinical samples of patients in variou...
ABSTRACT Forensic microbiology as an evolving field in forensic medicine, is a scientific discipline dedicated to analyzing evidence from a bioterrorism act, biocrime through the study of microorganisms in order to determine the path of an outbreak, the identity of a criminal or the origin of a particular strain of biological weapon or contagion (Budowle et al., 2006). The involvement of microbiology in forensic medicine is known as “microbial forensics” and its processings ...
Abstract The study aimed at producing amylase from corn stem using Mucor and Fusarium in solid state fermentation. The Fungi used in this study were isolated from the rhizosphere of the corn plant. Solid state technique was adopted for the fermentation process using spore suspension as inoculum. Various fermentation parameters such as incubation days, addition of salt supplement, substrate concentration, mycelia suspension and temperature were optimized during fermentation with these organ...
Quorum sensing of rhizobacteria checked against various chemicals including amino acids, sugar , sugar alcohol , salts .
Arugula is a collective name for a number of species of Brassicaceae with pungent leaves, but principally Eruca satia. Eruca sativa is an edible annual plan growing 20-100cm in height, leaves are deeply pinnately lobed with 4-10 small lateral lobes and commonly known as rocket salad, rucola, rugula, roquette and arugula. It is also an herb vegetable that belong to the Brassicaceae family and a native of central and southern Europe, but have also been spread to Northern America. It is typicall...
ABSTRACT Mycotoxins are low-molecular weight secondary metabolites produced by fungi, mostly of the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. They are noncritical to the instantaneous survival of the organism, and mostly affect its long-term survival. Fungal growth is enhanced by the warm, humid atmosphere and organic substrate-rich soil, such as exists in Nigeria, and they massively infect Nigerian plants and livestock. One consequence is reduced agricultural yield, which leads to food short...
ABSTRACT Keywords Monosodium glutamate; histopathology; female infertility; ovaries: sprague- dawley rats Fear has increased in recent years, due to the adverse reactions and toxicity of monosodium glutamate (MSG) which is commonly used as a food additive and there is growing concern that this may play a critical role in both male and female infertil...