Banking and Finance Research Papers/Topics

Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction in Selected Banking Institutions in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study sought to assess the effect of electronic banking on customer satisfaction of Banks in Mogadishu Somalia. It was guided by three specific objectives that included; to determine the effect of ATM (Automatic teller machine) on customer satisfaction of Banks in Mogadishu Somalia, to establish the effect of electronic funds (EFT) transfer on customer satisfaction of Banks in Mogadishu Somalia and to establish the effect of mobile banking on customer satisfaction of Banks in M...

Cash Management and Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Hargeisa, Somaliland

ABSTRACT  The study was to establish the level of cash management in the microfinance institutions in Hargeisa Somaliland. The objective included to establish the level of cash management in the microfinance institutions. To establish level of performance of the microfinance institutions and determine relationship between cash management and performance of the microfinance institutions in Hargeisa Somaliland. The study was based on descriptive correlation and a cross sectional survey designs...

Deficit Financing and Economic Growth in Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Deficit Financing is a government policy of financing large public expenditure by borrowing money rather than by raising taxes. This started way back in 1961; it is used to stimulate the economy. Deficit financing has not accelerated the growth of the economy, but has created more economic crises. Government finds ways of financing the deficit through borrowing from domestic sources such as the issuing of treasury bills, FGN bonds, treasury certificates, treasury...

The Relevance of Islamic Financing Instruments on COVID 19 Recession in Nigeria

This study examined the relevance of Islamic financing Instruments on COVID 19 Recession as it affects different sectors of the economy in Nigeria. A comparative analyses of the Islamic Finance Instruments such as Musharakah, (Equity Sharing) ,Mudarabah, (Silent partnership),Murabahah(Cost Plus),Salam, (Forward Sale) , Istisna (Manufacturing Financing), Ijarah (Leasing), Partnership) Al-Musaqat, (Contract of Irrigation) Qard Hassan (Beneficence Loans) ,Wakalah, (Agency contract) funds fo...

Cost of Capital and Economic Value Added of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria

  ABSTRACT This study examined the implications of various cost of capital on the economic value added of quoted small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. Specifically, three costs were identified as follows: cost of debt, cost of equity and weighted average cost of capital. The general objective was to investigate the extent to which weighted average cost of capital influences economic value added of small and medium scale enterprises while the specific objective was to examine the i...

Banking Services and Customers' Satisfaction in The Rwandan Banking Industry: A Case of Banque Popular of Rwanda (Bpr) Limited

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the level of ebanking services usage and customers' satisfaction in the Rwandan Banking Industry in Bank Populaire of Rwanda Limited. The main objectives of the study were to assess the level of ebanking services usage by BPR customers; to determine BPR customers' view of their overall e-service quality with ATM and Mobile banking services and to analyze the customer satisfaction with the existing ebanking services in terms ofloyalty and retent...

Financial Management and Sustainability of Nonprofit Organizations in Selected Local Non-Governmental Organizations in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  This study set out to establish the extent to which financial management affect sustainability of nonprofit organizations in selected local NGOs in Mogadishu, Somalia; specifically the study intended to establish the (I) profile of the respondents, (ii) extent of which financial management, (iii) level sustainability, (iv) whether there is a relationship in the extent of which financial management and the level of sustainability of nonprofit organizations in selected local NGOs in ...

Risk Management and Growth of Selected Commercial Banks in Hargeisa Somaliland

ABSTARCT This study investigated the relationship between risk management and growth of selected commercial banks in Hargeisa Somaliland, for this purpose which is to validate and test the existing information about it, to test the hypothesis of no significant relationship between them, to generate new knowledge based on the findings and also to identify strengths & weakness of banks in terms of all risk management items. The specific objectives of these study is to determine the profile char...

Loan Terms and Loan Default in Orient Bank Limited in Kampala Central Division Uganda

ABSTRACT The study centred on Loan Terms and Loan Default in Orient Bank Limited Kampala Central Division-Uganda. The study was guided by four objectives which included determining;- (i) the demographic profile of the respondents, (ii) Level of Loan terms (iii) levels of Loan default and (iv) significant relationship between the extent of Loan default and levels of loan terms in Orient Bank Limited. Researcher made questionnaire was used to collect data from 200 respondents selected purposive...

Financial Analysis and Decision Making in Selected Commercial Bank in Rwanda: Banque Populaire Du Rwanda Ltd

ABSTRACT This research report entitled ‘Financial Analysis and Decision making of a selected commercial bank in Rwanda, Banque populaire du Rwanda Ltd” is a result of research carried out in BPR. The major objective this research was To examine the extent on how financial ana~ysis can lead to better decision making and improve the liquidity ratio and the respect of financial minimum equilibrium, to verify the level of decisions made from financial analysis if they allowed profitability an...

Budgetary Controls and Efficiency in the Bank of South Sudan, Juba

ABSTRACT  The study examined the relationship between budgetary controls and efficiency in the Bank of South Sudan, juba. The specific objectives of the study were; To examine the relationship between budgetary participation and efficiency in the Bank of South Sudan, Juba; To assess the relationship between budgetary monitoring and efficiency in the Bank of South Sudan, Juba and to establish the relationship between budgetary evaluation and efficiency in the Bank of South Sudan, Juba. The st...

Financial Transactions and Internal Control in Selected Financial Institutions in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  This study sought to establish the relationship between financial transactions and internal control in financial institutions in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study was guided by four research objectives; to determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, educational qualification and number of years experience in financial institutions; to determine the extent of financial transactions; to determine the level of internal control and to establish whether the...

Central Bank Policies and Growth of Selected Commercial Banks in Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT  The main purpose of this study was to investigate Central Bank Policies and growth of selected commercial Banks in Southern Sudan. The study basically looked at monetary policies i.e. open market operations, Bank rates, moral suasion, currency etc. The study aimed at correlating the compliance of commercial banks in relations to monetary policies towards their growth. The study objectives were; the degree of compliance of commercial banks on the central bank policies among selected...

Service Delivery and Customer Satisfaction in Selected Commercial Banks in Central Division, Kampala

Abstract  The study examined the relationship between service delivery and customer satisfaction among selected Banks in Kampala, Uganda; based on five specific objectives: (i) to determine respondent’s profiles in terms of gender, age, marital status, level of education position and experience; (ii) level of service delivery (iii) level of customer satisfaction; (iv) difference in the level of service deliver and level of customer satisfaction according to relevant profile variables; and ...

Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Stock Returns in Uganda Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the exchange rate fluctuations on stock returns in Uganda Securities Exchange (USE). The objectives of this study were to determine the effects ofexchange rate fluctuations on stock returns, in both cross-listed companies and local-listed companies in USE, using the Jorion ‘s model and panel data regression. Although empirical and anecdotal evidence suggest two types of results: a group ofauthors found the effect of exchange ...

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