Banking and Finance Research Papers/Topics

Microfinance Credit, Capacity Building on Poverty Alleviation among Women in Mbarara Municipality, Uganda

ABSTRACT  The aim of this study was to assess the level of microfinance credit and capacity building on poverl:y alleviation among women in Mbarara-Uganda. In this study, the main objective of the study was to analyze the impact of microfinance and capacity building on poverty alleviation among women. In this study, microfinance credit and capacity building for poverty alleviation are the independent variable while poverty alleviation and is the dependent variable. This research was grounded...

Strategies of Community Based Projects on the Socio-Economic Growth of Ex-Combatants in Zaza and Sake Sectors, Ngoma District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  This study sought to explore the contribution of strategies of community based reintegration on the social economic growth of Ex-combatants was guided by four study objectives; (I) to determine the respondent’s profile in terms of gender, position, age, sector and education in Rwanda; (ii) to determine the extent of the contribution of Community Based Reintegration Projects on social economic growth of ex-combatant in Rwanda; (iii) to determine the level of socio-economic growth ...

Customer Satisfaction and Performance of Commercial Banks in Selected Branches of Salaam Somali Bank in Mogadi5hij, Somalia.

ABSTRACT The study intended to establish the relationship between customer satisfaction and performance of commercial banks. The study used descriptive correlation design using a self made questionnaire; data was collected to answer for your specific questions on 1- profile of respondents 2- to level of customer satisfaction 3- level of performance of commercial bank 4- Relationship between customer satisfaction and performance of commercial banks. Data analysis using frequencies percentage m...

Internal Controls and Financial Performance of United Bank for Africa in Kampala-Uganda

ABSTRACT This study on internal controls and financial performance of United Bank for Africa in KampalaUganda aimed at examining the relationship between internal controls and financial performance and it was guided by four objectives: to examine the relationship between internal audit and financial performance; to examine the relationship between control environment and financial performance; to examine the relationship between control activities and financial performance; and lastly to exam...

Empowerment and Productivity in the Workplace of International and National NGOs in Gulu District, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study set out to establish the perception, extent of impact and difference in empowerment and productivity in national and international NGOs in Gulu district. Three null hypothesis were tested:l)Male employees are more empowered than the female, 2) There is significant difference between empowerment practice of national and international NGOs, 3)Empowerment practice leads to more increased productivity in the international NGO workplaces than for the national NGOs. The study e...

Internal Control System and Fraudulent Practices in the Nigerian Public Sector; A Survey of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (Nnpc) Nigeria

ABSTRACT The researcher investigated the relationshz~, between ‘internal control system and fraudulent practices in the Nigerian public sector,~ a survey of Nigerian National petroleum Corporation (NNPC)’. The purpose ofthe study was to determine the Effect of Internal Control system on fraudulent in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Nigeria. The spec~flc objectives were to determine the relationshz~ between internal control system components (Control Environment, Risk Assessme...

Bank Management in Bank Lending. Case Study of Equatorial Trust Bank

ABSTRACT The emergence of Banks owned by the local private sector began in the mid-1970s. Financial markets in the period since independence have been dominated by foreign and government owned commercial banks. But deficiencies in financial intermediation provided an opportunity for local private investors to enter financial markets. Between the late 1970s and the mid-1980s, 13 local Banks were set up in Nigeria. The growth of local banks accelerated dramatically in the second half of the 198...

Effect of Bank Consolidation On Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprise in Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The central tenet of banking sector consolidation was to develop a strong, reliable and diversified banking sector that is capable of playing effective developmental roles in the economy, such as funding of small and medium scale enterprises and becoming a competent and competitive player in the African regional and global financial system. In essence, the reform was expected to create big banks by increasing bank capital base through the capital market and/or mergers and acquisition...

Factors Influencing Farmers’ Willingness to Engage in Agroforestry Practice in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Abstract  This study examined the factors influencing farmers’ willingness to engage in agroforestry practice in Ekiti State, Nigeria using cross-section data. Multi-stage and random sampling techniques were used to select 180 respondents. The analytical techniques involved descriptive and inferential statistics. It was shown that majority (50.60%) of the respondents were within 26-50 years age bracket while the average age of the farmers was 51 years. Majority o...

The Role of Budgeting in Managerial Planning and Control, A Case Study of Guinness Plc, Benin, Edo State and Nigerian Breweries Plc, Ama, Enugu State

ABSTRACT This study is on the Role of Budgeting in Managerial Planning and Control: A case study of Guinness Nigeria Plc. Benin, Edo State and Nigerian Breweries Plc. Ama, Enugu State. This is with a view to identifying some of the factors that has hindered management plans. Budgeting both at managerial level and operational level looks at the future and lay down what is to be achieved. Control checks whether or not the plans are realized and puts into effect corrective measures where deviat...

Internal Control On Banks in Nigeria a Case Study of Zenith Bank Kogi State

ABSTRACT This study primarily aims at finding out the impact of internal control system on the profit performance of commercial banks in Nigeria with an empirical study on Orient Bank of Nig. Plc and United Bank of Africa Plc. Internal control systems impact on commercial banks might be as a result of nonadherence to the system or stringent, inflexible adherence on the system. These two extremes will invariably have adverse effect on the profit performance of the commercial banks and as such ...

The Financial System and Economic Growth in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of the financial system with respect to banks and stock market on economic growth in Nigeria between 1991 and 2010. The debate among scholars on the comparative importance of banks and markets in promoting economic growth generated a lot of controversy. Some scholars argue that banks identify good projects, mobilize resources, monitor managers, and manage risk and so are better at promoting economic growth than the market. This gave rise to the bank-bas...

Inventory Management and Sustainability in Coca-cola Manufacturing Company in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was "Inventory Management and Sustainability of Manufacturing Companies in Mogadishu, Somalia: A Case Study of Coca -Cola Company." The purpose of the study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between inventory management and sustainability of in coca-cola manufacturing companies in Mogadishu. It was guided by three objectives. These are to examine the level of inventory management in Coca-Cola Company, Mogadishu, Somalia, to examine the level of...

Investigating the Factors Affecting Share Prices of Capricorn Group A Company Listed on Namibia Stock Exchange (NSX)

This research thesis pursued to find examine the factors influencing the share prices of Capricorn Group, a company listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange. The independent variables were dividend yield, return on Assets, asset growth and earnings per share. The population was 1 company listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange namely: Capricorn group. A positive approach method was used in this study. This study used secondary data o...

Credit Risk Management and Loan Performance on Micro Finance Institutions

ABSTRACT The concept ofMicrojinance in Uganda is one ofthe most developed in the Sub-Saharan Africa. However, given the importance of credit risk in microfinance functioning, the efficiency of Micro/inance Risk Management which includes techniques, methods, processes, procedures, activities and incentives is expected to significantly influence its loan performance. This study therefore sought to determine the relationship between credit risk management and loan performance in microfinance ins...

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