ABSTRACT In the current global business environment formulating and implementing the best strategies is essential for organization success. One of the key units in the manufacturing industry is the purchasing department. The major share of the organization costs are utilized within the purchasing department hence finding and employing the best purchasing strategies is key to fostering organization performance. Despite the central role of the purchasing department there is minimal scholarly l...
Internal Audit Function And Fraud Detection In Government Agencies A Case Study Of Naads Kumi
ABSTRACT Achievement of a project means that a number of its perceived factors were attained. It is not guaranteed that project management practices will result to proper implementation of projects by manufacturing companies. However, the success of projects largely depends on the way it is managed and controlled. The challenges met during the implementation of project management practices has been during project planning, exceeding the set budget and going beyond its set schedule and poor q...
Abstract Banks in Kenya continue to record decreased profitability due to face stiff competition from non-bank institutions. Corporate branding strategy provides direction and scope an organization takes in its journey to identify itself uniquely to its customers to ensure customer loyalty. It’s not just enough to create a brand since that will not help the company attain sustainable advantage. In order to have a brand development that is a success it’s important to have effective market...
ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between working capital management and profitability of manufacturing firms and it was based on four specific objectives: (a) to determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of age, gender, educational qualifications, and years in the present position; (b) to determine the current level of working capital management of the firms; (c) to determine the extent of profitability; and (d) to establish if there is a significant r...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................
ABSTRACT Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was a computer application package that automated processes in a business institution to make them easy to use, and also played a critical role in finance functions, human resource functions, supply chain management functions, administration management, ICT functions and project planning functions. There had been wide usage of ERP system in developed countries, while unindustrialized countries were slow in implementing ERP systems. Problems arisin...
ABSTRACT he study was about financial planning and performance of small and medium enterprise a case udy of Suuni Growers Cooperative Union. The study was guided by three objectives that are: o establish how financial planning has helped SGCU Ltd to increase its profitability, to ;tablish how financial planning has enabled SGCU Ltd to improve its liquidity, to identify the ~allenges faced by the management of SGCU Ltd. when conducting financial planning. case study research design was used wh...
TABLE OF CONTENTS I ),·,·larcrtion .............................................................................. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . ' ........ 1 .ppruv·ctl ....................................................................................................... 11 • I ),·,lication ..................................................................................................... 111 . c·k no\'ledgement ...........................................................................
ABSTRACT The study explain the back ground to the statement of the problem bringing out how the accounting information systems is related to financial performance of microfinance institutions in Uganda. The study objectives examined the variables and how they are relate. Research questions were based on the objectives of the study. The scope of the study was about what makes the AIS and its effect on the financial performance in microfinance institutions. It also states significance of the s...
ABSTACT The study intended to investigate the internal control systems on performance of banks with the objectives of establishing the relationship between internal control system and performance of bank in Equity Bank Kabalagala Branch to examine the effect of internal control system on performance of Equity Bank Kabalagala branch The purpose of this study was to investigate the internal control systems on performance of banks a case study: Equity bank Kabalagala Branch In data collection p...
ABSTRACT Slum upgrading projects have in existence in Kenya since 2000. Their aim is to improve the living standards of the slum residents. However, the level of poverty continues to increase in the slums. The project success of the slum upgrading projects is questioned because the number of people living in the slums is increasing. Experts’ development studies suggest that for project to be successful, participatory project management should be embraced. Despite the government of Kenya ad...
ABSTRACT This study is carried out on management skills improvement and staff performance. The purpose if the study was to find out whether the management skills development has a direct impact on ,taff performance in government and non government organizations. The cause for the concern ;vas that organizations both private and public have lost a lot of funds ,creditability and this has liappened because of failure to follow the laid down organizational policies and requirements brought abou...
ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the effects of direct taxes on local government performances and was driven by three objectives. To achieve these objectives, the researcher sampled sixty respondents (60) from Bulambuli Town council. The study utilized qualitative and quantitative research methods; four data collection instnm1ents were used, structured interview guides and questionnaires and the collected data was presented in tabular and analyzed statistically to decipher findings. Th...
ABSTRACT The interaction between the firm and its environment determines how the established goals and objectives are to be attained. Through aligning to the changing environment, organizations are able to come up with products and services that meet the changing customer needs hence be competitive and post better performance. Pension funds are very instrumental in the mobilization of the funds from employees and employers. Despite this crucial role, the county pension funds in Kenya are gra...