This study explored knowledge management (KM) techniques and performance of selected manufacturing firms in the South-East of Nigeria. This study therefore, sought to investigate the relationship between knowledge management techniques and performance in manufacturing firms in South-East of Nigeria. Specifically, the objectives are to; examine the nature of the relationship between knowledge acquisition/sharing; knowledge creation; knowledge retention; knowledge codification/storing and knowl...
Abstract: The study interrogates the link between Customer Relationship and Strategic, Planning in selected hotel industries in South-East Nigeria. The study ascertains the relationship between strategic planning on customer relationship in hotel industry, relationship between strategic planning and operations of hotel industry and there is any relationship between customer relations on strategic planning process. The study was carried out the use of survey research method which involved the...
Abstract: The research work is on "management of trade fairs and exhibition as business game technique achieving international business co-operation: An assessment of South East Nigeria is a purpose chose topic due its relevance in economic growth. International trade fair effect on business promotion and as such, helps in developing the economy of nation and that of the global. A bold attempt has been made in this project research to define and unravel the problems and prospects of trade fa...
Abstract: The study sought to determine the effect of strategic planning on management of selected hospitality industry in South East Nigeria was motivated by the need to provide solution to the problem of management of hospitality industries and strategic planning on hospitality industries in South East Nigeria. The Study set out to accomplish the two objectives from which research questions and hypotheses were formulated. The study adopted survey design. The population of the study was 80 s...
Abstract: This study on the effect of management by objective (MBO) on the organizational performance, an empirical assessment of selected bank in South East Nigeria was motivated by the need to provide solution to the problem of organisatonal performance and management by objective (MBO) on organizational performance in banks in South East Nigeria. The study set out to accomplish the two objectives from which research questions and hypotheses were formulated. The study adopted survey design....
Abstract: The study sought to determine the effect of planning and forecasting in business organization; an empirical assessment of Shoprite Polo Park, Enugu, South East, Nigeria was motivated by the need to provide solutions to the problem of planning and forecasting in business organization in South East, Nigeria. The study set out to accomplish the two specific objectives from which appropriate research questions and hypotheses were formulated. The study adopted survey design.The populatio...
Abstract Revenue management, the practice of controlling customer demand through the use of dynamic pricing and capacity management is required by hotels. The practice enhances profitable operations and prohibits collapse in organizations with perishable products. The study was specifically aimed at determining the effect of price dynamism on customer relationship, investigate the effect of credit facility by an organization towards customer relationship, and assess managerial implication on...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the regulatory capital effects on the liquidity risk of indigenous Ghanaian banks. The proxy for regulatory capital is the ratio of the sum of tier 1 and tier 2 capital to total assets and the proxy for liquidity risk is 1/ (liquid assets/Total assets). To achieve set objectives of the study, a Pearson correlation was run along with scatter plots to investigate the relationship between the variables of the study for five local commercial banks in Ghana coverin...
ABSTRACT This study examined the prospects of Cashless Economy in Ghana. It also identified challenges Ghana faces it goes cashless. Finally, it assessed stakeholders’ readiness for cashless economy. The study employed purposive sampling technique to select Ministry of Finance (MoF), and Simple random technique to select 13 Universal Banks and 50 SMEs that constituted the sample size of the research. An interview guide assisted in extracting relevant information from MoF, whereas structure...
ABSTRACT Technological Advancement has over the last decade drastically changed the way of doing things in many fields of human endeavour, of which the banking sector is no exception. Expectedly, a number of e-products have been developed and service delivery quality has witnessed improvements over the period. As a result, today’s bank customer can access bank accounts on his/her own, transfer funds to other accounts, make payments for bills, buy items online, print or monitor statement o...
ABSTRACT This paper reviews the financial management system of the Legon Interdenominational Church in light of the financial mismanagement issues of misconduct arising in recent times. It focuses on the cash management, investment management and internal control and accountability mechanisms of the church as they present a more reflective depiction of the entire system. It was a qualitative study that employed the use of interview, observation and document reviews as tools to appraise the ...
Introductory Comments from Richard Douglass This issue of AJFAND is special in a new way. The need for improved and appropriate research methods throughout Africa has been recognized for some time and in this issue AJFAND declares that it is time to address the issue. I have had the privilege of serving on the Editorial Board, reviewing manuscripts for technical and substantive quality, working with young scholars to get their work into print, and collaborating with Professor Ruth Oniang’o ...
Despite awareness campaigns, involvement of foreign investors, increase in capital base and other measures put in place by the government to increase insurance penetration in Nigeria, the level of penetration remain poor. This article is aimed at refocusing where the bane of insurance in Nigeria lies. This article focuses on the Nigerian insurance sector and the reasons behind poor penetration of insurance in Nigeria.
A common misunderstanding of internal control system is put into use in an organization, only for the sole purpose of stopping or reducing fraud and errors, but that is not the case. There are many other reasons for internal control systems; • Protecting business assets by economical and effective use of its resources • To prepare financial information on time • Ensure business conducts are efficient and in order, plus obedience to the internal policies • Make sure accounti...
An Analysis of Awareness of the Conventional Banks’ Customer with the Non Interest Banking product in Ijebu-Ode Local Government