ABSTRACT. Turnover in public universities in Kenya has become a high profile issue due to the changes and challenges that face the entire education system. Despite the economic contribution of 6.7% Gross Domestic Product by public universities in Kenya, the 2013 Public Universities Inspection Committee of Kenya reported that these institutions were experiencing high turnover rates of 33% compared to other sectors in the economy resulting to poor employee engagement. Moreover, the 2013 World E...
ABSTRACT The issue of employee dissatisfaction and related attitude towards work is assuming alarming rate worldwide. The situation is even more serious in developing countries where working conditions are unattractive (Miroshnik, 2002). As indicated by Dartey-Baah & Amoako (2011), motivation is a key determinant of work performance. It strengthens, directs, and sustains human behavior. Motivation is crucial for organisations to function; without motivation employees will not put up their be...
ABSTRACT Many factors influence employee work output. Literature and academic studies have over the years identified different kinds of factors that influence employee work output. Factors such as employee/employer ability and skills, organizational resources, leadership, compensations, job design, employee/employer attitudes and motivation were some major influencers of employee work output. However, there are other factors such as employee recruitment, that can also have effects on employ...
ABSTRACT Organizations are employing various strategies to increase the motivation and morale levels of their human capital at their disposal to enhance their work experience. This study assessed the effects of motivation on employee morale at Mass Telecom Innovation (MTI) Ghana limited, a technology infrastructure management firm in Ghana. The study specifically examined the levels of employee morale in the company, the factors that influence employee morale and the relationship between moti...
ABSTRACT This research sought to explore the influence of leadership styles on organisational commitment in church administration. The study focused on the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC). Specifically, the study looked at the influence of leadership styles on the commitment of church employees. In achieving the objectives of the study, the survey method was employed. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires. The population for the study comprised pastors, administrativ...
ABSTRACT Technology transfer has brought about a revolution in the functioning of banks as it offers major opportunities to banks and their customers. This has made the transition to electronic banking a necessity for banks in order to be viable. Despite its benefits, developing countries still lag behind in the adoption of technology transfer. This study therefore seeks to examine technology transfer and its effect on human capital within the financial service industry in Ghana, focusing on ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine factors influencing employee performance in the Ghanaian private sector: A case of the Boakye Dankwah Memorial Hospital (BDMH). The study was guided by the following objectives; to assess the influence of recruitment and selection on employee performance; to establish the influence of training and development on employee performance and to establish the influence of reward management on employee performance. The population of the study was 60 ...
ABSTRACT This study seeks to find the factors that influence the need for training in Communications Authority Kenya. Library research, questionnaires and the internet will be used to gather the information needed. The problem that the Communications Authority Kenya undergoes with training is highlighted. It is more of a positive problem statement where we can view what makes the organization want to continue training its employees. The company’s history of where training begun as it was be...
ABSTRACT The study Retirement policy and the problem of implementation in Nigerian public sector was aimed at determining the effects of old pension schemes (pay-as-you-go-defined benefits) and they are corruption and inflation, weak institutional capacity and non-compliance of stakeholders which lead to non-implementation of the previous pension scheme, thereby growing rise to the contributory pension scheme (PRA 2004), as a way of strengthening the powers of the operators of the scheme and ...
1 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Today’s business organizations are characterized by increasingly dynamic technological and communications networked environment, continuous challenges such as competition, development, general instability, mergers and reengineering of work processes. These forces challenge organizations to re-evaluate their strategies, structure, policies, operations, processes, and culture. Sustained organiza...
Abstract Stress has become a major concern of the modern times as it can cause harm to employee’shealth and performance. Work related stress costs organization billions of dollars each yearthrough sickness, turnover and absenteeism. So it becomes necessary for every organization toknow the factor causing stress among the employees as well as how they cope up with stress tomake the employee more participative and productive. This research study was conducted tofind out the factors causing st...
ABSTRACT This research work examined effect of training and development on organizational effectiveness in selected organizations in Lagos State. In any organization employees contributes major assets. The active role they play towards a company's success cannot be underestimated, As a result, equipping these unique assets through effective training and development becomes imperative in order to maximize the job performance and position them to take on the challenges of today's competitive b...
Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of performance incentives on employee efficiency in Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Dutsin-Ma Local Government Area (LGA) of Katsina State, Northwest-Nigeria. The population of the study comprised the sixty (60) employees of all the DMBs in Dutsin-Ma LGA of Katsina State, Nigeria (vis-à-vis First Bank Nigeria Ltd., United Bank for Africa PLC and Unity Bank PLC), of which a sample of 52 respondents was drawn using the proportional s...
ABSTRACT Over the last decade, much research has been conducted in the field of human resource management (HRM) and its associations with organizational performance. Prior studies have found substantial positive evidence for statistical associations between HRM and organizational performance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between HRM practices and firm performance. This study examines the relationships among HRM practices and firm performance. The researcher a...
Summary Various questions have been raised as to the best way to motivate employees. However, answers given only raised a cause for movement and not motivation (Herzberg, 1987). Considering how relevant employees have become in this Globalisation era which has heralded perfect competition, it therefore imperative that the major cause of motivation is identified and applied (Bourantas, 1999). Owing to this quagmire, (Herzberg, 1...