ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the effect of communication and employee performance at National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) at Nsambya office, Kampala. Communication is considered the most important ingredient of performance process, interpersonal and two- way communication is fundamental to all managerial activities The study was based on three specific objectives i.e. to examine the level of communication at NWSC-Nsambya, to examine the level of employee performance in NWSC...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABSTRACT vTABLE OF CONTENTS viiLIST OF TABLES xiLIST OF FIGURES xiiCI-IAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 41.3 purpose of the study 41.3.1 Specific Objectives of thç study 51.4 Research Questions 51.5 Scope of the study 51.5.1 Content Scope 51.5.2 Geographical Scope 51,5.3 Time Scope 51.6 Significance of the study 61.7 Definition of the key terms 6VIICII.i~.P’I’Ii~...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL. ............................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL. ............................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. .iAPPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSpageDeclaration and approval ..................................................................................................................... iAcknowledgement .............................................................................................................................. iiTable of contents •.••••.•••.•.••.•..•••.•.•.•.•.•..•.•.••..•.••.•..••.•.•.••.•..•.•.•..•••.•..••�...
ABSTRACT This research is about employee relations and staff performance, a case study of Jobenta Medical Care, Kampala Uganda. It focuses on the different concepts of employee relations, its relevance in the organization, staff performance and ways of boosting and encouraging employees to perform better. The research was carried out in Jobenta a medical care centre in Uganda an.~ it covered respondents from the study area. Employee relations involve providing fair and consistent treatment to...
ContentsDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. .iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION •.•.••.................•.•.•.........................••.••.............•.•..........•..•......•..• iAPPROVAL ...............•.••••••.•.•••......••.••••.•......•.••••.•........•.•.••........••..•.•.••......•...... iiDEDICATION ••••........•..••.•.•.•••.•.......••••••.••....•••••••.•.•.•......•••�...
ABSTRACT This research study looked at team work and employee performance in microfinance institutions in Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between teamwork and employee performance in microfinance institutions in Uganda. The objectives of the study included the different forms of teamwork used in VisionFund, the effect of teamwork on employee's performance and employees' perception towards teamwork in vision fund. The study used a case study design. A sample ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ............................................................................................... .iApproval ..................................................................................................... .iiDedication ................................................................................................. .iiiAcknowledgment ........................................................................................ .ivTable of Contents .....................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .......................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................ iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ................................................................................................... iApproval. ..................................................................................................... .iiDedication ................................................................................................... .iiiAcknowledgment ............................................................................................ .ivTable of contents ...........
TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGEDeclaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nApproval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiiDedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
ABSTRACT The project consists of five chapters Chapter one is the introduction of the topic that the study was based and it consists of the following, background of the study, problem statement of the research, general objective, specific objectives, research question, and the scope of the study and the significance of the study. Chapter two is literature review it discusses about the three specific objectives in depth using the available resources, the first objective looks at the relationsh...