ABSTRACTToday, the advancements in the field of communication technology created a world with no boundary or limitations. We have witnessed the immense power of the internet and social networking sites are redefining the field of communication, which in conjunction with other communication media and technology, turned the world into a global village, thereby, di...
ABSTRACTThis study entitled the socio-economic determinants of cigarette smoking among boarding secondary school students in Kaduna metropolis was aimed at studying the socio-economic determinants of cigarette smoking, the prevalence of cigarette smoking and the consequences of cigarette smoking among boarding secondary school students. In or...
AbstractThe assertion that “religion still wields great power in the modern world. Religion continues to play a role in patterns of childbearing even in societies that have achieved replacement level. Religion is a critical socio-cultural dimension that has for long been considered as having important influence on attitudes ...
font-size:11.0pt;text-align:center">Abstract Provision of adequate security is a social pre-requisite for the survival of any society. Every society takes appropriate measures to protect the lives and property of people living within its boundaries. Business and social activities may not go on freely without adequate security. This fundamental essence of security may be the reason why societies from time immemorial made efforts to police their neighbourhoods in order to secure them from c...
Abstract The act skin lightening is widespread around the globe, particularly in countries formerly colonized by Europe or with a significant U.S. presence. Throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America, skin-bleaching is a common practice as people try to acquire lighter skin and the social and economic status that goes with it. Skin bleaching practice i...
AbstractSingle parenthood is a social phenomenon that has always been in existence and is as old as mankind. There was a rapid and drastic increase in the number of single-parent families in the latter half of the twentieth century. This change has been used by some to argue that we are witnessing the breakdown of the family with negative effects for children, families, and society. Single-parent families have been present in all societies over time. The numbers of single parents’ families ...
AbstractThe importance of education to human beings cannot be over emphasized. Education is a human right that should be accorded to all human beings solely by reason of being human. The relationship between education and development is well established such that education is a key index of development. I...
AbstractMalaria is a global disease that is predominant in the tropics and caused by blood parasites. The female anopheles mosquito transmits these parasites to humans. Malaria has a great morbidity and mortality than any other infectious diseases of the world. Typhoid fever is also known to be one of the most dead...
ABSTRACTHypertension is a common, important and major global public health problem. It is the leading cause of mortality and the third largest cause of disability worldwide. In view of this background, this study has empirically examined the knowledge of hypertension among the ...
AbstractWomen’s roles in every society were viewed as important to consider in the development process, as policies and programs implemented often had adverse effects on women. Development strategies came under criticism from women practitioners for their failure to recognize the contribut...
AbstractJuvenile delinquency is seen as one of the menace that destroys life and property in our society today. Because of the nature of crime committed by juvenile, parents, guidance, sponsors and well wishers are worried and disturbed about our future leaders. Therefore, this study seeks to look at delinquent behaviors among in-school children in Kaduna South Local Government Area of Kaduna State. To address the problem, this study aims at finding out nature and prevalence, the causes of ju...
ABSTRACTWomen empowerment is all encompassing, so this work will want to narrow it to the subject of women development and the impact of skill acquisition and economic empowerment. This topic has generated so much controversy in Nigeria, and the debate centers on appropriate type of development and whether they would help stimulate women toward their development. There is much ambivalence within every society as to the proper place of women in all the vital spheres of life. However, there see...
ABSTRACTConsequent upon titanic competition that has beclouded business environment of all sorts, organizations have employed myriad of strategies. Positive reward to workers for good performance by management is among the motivational tools employed by management to enhance productivity and maintain high standard products. Organizations that are indifferent to motivational tool suffer lack of productivity and standard products. To achieve productivity and standard products, team work is impe...
AbstractThe influence of colonialism on Nigeria cannot be over emphasized. The influx of white explorers, traders and missionaries led to the development of settlements that differed from the traditional domestic environment. These new settlements were designed to reflect the norms, values and economic policies of the colonial masters.Africa, the land of blessed race, where the opportunists came to develop in order to colonize their resources for their good, was then left in vain hope(Allen, ...
AbstractThis research work is on the effects of Drug Abuse among University undergraduates in Nigeria. It appears that not only the use of drugs that create problems but rather their misuse. In other words the widespread use of drugs has not only turned our attention to the dynamics of drug use and its determinants but also made it necessary to weigh the impact of this process on social institutions and social charge in future generations.Drug abuse according to Laver (1978) simply means the ...