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Influence Of Micro Finance Services On Growth Of Women Owned Enterprises In Kitui Central Subcounty.

ABSTRACT Micro finance plays a major role in many gender and development strategies because of its direct relationship to both poverty alleviation and to the empowerment of women. Poverty reduction has become the object of unprecedented attention globally since 1990’s. In Kenya and elsewhere, micro finance institutions have been on the rise with micro credits having been portrayed as a way to reach poor people in the development process, meet the UN Millennium Development Goals, and as a ne...

The Contribution Of Mama Lishe Activities Towards Household Poverty Alleviation In Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Mama Lishe makes one of the largest sources of employment for women in the informal sector. Like other women, they contribute significantly to the capacity of the male members of their households to function effectively in the labour force. Women undertake Mama Lishe activities so as to supplement household income to meet family needs, the income generated from women income generated activities in most cases is small, but it plays a significant role in buying clothes for babies ...

Impact Of Valley Bottom Cultivation (Vinyungu) On Poverty Alleviation In Mtitu River Basin, Kilolo District, Iringa, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on contribution of valley bottom cultivation (vinyungu) to poverty alleviation in Mtitu River Basin in Kilolo District was conducted in order to examine the role of this type of agriculture to rural livelihood. This type of agriculture has been practiced over many decades. In Mtitu River Basin almost all valley bottoms are used by small farmers who practice farming in lowlands, usually called vinyungu, a type of farming practiced in dry season. Tanzania Government has been...

The Contribution Of Microfinance Institutions On Poverty Reduction Among Rural Women: A Case Of Saccos And Vicoba In Bahi District

ABSTRACT This study has aimed to examine contribution of financial institutions in reducing women poverty taking in Bahi district as a case study. Specifically, the study intended to examine the extent of women empowerment through SACCOS and VICOBA in households in Bahi district, to assess the impact of SACCOS and VICOBA on the member‟s socio – economic situation, to identify obstacles and challenges exist for women in gaining empowerment through micro-credit lending, and assess percepti...

Microfinance And Poverty Reduction In Selected Microfinance Instutions In Nairobi Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to show the relationship between micro finance and pove1iy reduction and how microfinance has led to reduction of poverty in Kenya. The main or general objective of the research was: I. To establish the contribution of micro-finance services in pove1iy reduction in Kenya. II. To identifY the various micro-finance services offered by micro-finance institutions in Kenya.. To identifY the problems that hinder micro-finance services in Kenya. The target popul...

The Role of Financial Institutions In Poverty Reduction In Kigali City, A case study of Fumbwe Umurenge SACCO

The research study examined the role of financial institutions in poverty reduction in Kigali City with special reference to Fumbwe Umurenge SACCO. Questionnaires, interviews and documentary review methods were used to gather data from respondents. The findings of the study indicated that financial institutions play the role of offering long and short term loans, business counselling, education, money transfers and insurance. The results show that provision of long and short term loans was th...

The Effectiveness Of The Goat Value Chain On Poverty Reduction Among Smallholder Farming Households In Shurugwi District’s Ward 9”.

Abstract Goat production has been argued to offer an alternative and potentially lucrative livelihood option to poor subsistent farmers in Southern Africa. Many small-scale farming families raise indigenous goats which are considered to be the poor-man’s cattle due to their relative importance to the asset base of poor farming households. The practical implementation of poverty alleviation and reduction interventions at community level however often falls short of expectations and this stud...

Ebonyi State Community- Based Poverty Reduction Agency And Youth Skill Acquisition, 2005 - 2015

Abstract This study took critical examination and evaluation of the Ebonyi State Community Based Poverty Reduction Agency and youth skill acquisition in Ebonyi State from 2005 to 2015. The study aimed broadly at establishing relationship between EBCPRC and poverty alleviation in the rural communities of Ebonyi State and specifically ascertaining whether the management of EBCPRA’s fund encouraged the provision of skill acquisition centres in Ebonyi State from 2005 to 2015 and to evaluate th...


ABSTARCT The study focused on the persistence of poverty among ethnic minorities in Zimbabwe using the San Community as a case study. Four objectives guided the research and these were:  assessing the extent of poverty levels among the San community, understanding the reasons for the persistence of poverty among the San community, examining the gestures that government has made towards addressing the state of extreme poverty among the San community and examining the gestures that NGOs and ot...


ABSTRACT The poor are not evenly distributed within the country and they do not share the same socio-economic and demographic characteristics. It is against this background that analysis of the characteristics that differentiate the poor from the non-poor in Ghana cannot be underestimated. Poverty indicators make it possible to analyze the likely determinants and are, therefore, essential for formulating policy interventions that may contribute directly or indirectly to its alleviation. This ...

Effects of Savings And Credit Cooperatives on Poverty Status of Cereal Crop Farmers in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria

Abstract             This study assessed "The effects of savings and credit cooperative on poverty reduction among cereal crop farmers in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria". The study employed a multistage sampling technique to select a sample of 198 out of 617 crop farmers for interview using structured questionnaires. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Double Difference Estimator, Likert-Scale and Logistic regression model. The amount of per capita house...

Youth Participation And Poverty Reduction In Makindye Division, Kampala District-Uganda

ABSTRACT The novelty in aim of this study was set in its grapple to analyze the potential of Uganda's populous youth in relation to the county's strategy to reduce·• the levels of poverty. Using ' Makindye sub-county in Kampala as the case study, the basic features of this work are presented in a chronology of five chapters. Chapter one sets the base for the study. It contains the background to the research, statement of the problem, purpose, objectives of the study; research question...


ABSTRACT The poor are not evenly distributed within the country and they do not share the same socio-economic and demographic characteristics. It is against this  background that analysis of the characteristics  that differentiate the poor from  the  non-poor  in  Ghana  cannot  be  underestimated.  Poverty  indicators make it possible to analyze the likely  determinants and are, therefore, essential for formulating  policy  interventions that may contribute  directly or ...

Microsimulation Analysis Of The Impact Of Indirect Tax Benefits On Income Distribution And Poverty Alleviation In Tanzania

Abstract: This paper analyses the impacts of indirect tax policy reforms on income distribution and poverty in Tanzania by applying a standard static microsimulation model TAZMOD v1.8. The simulations model two indirect tax reforms involving changes to the excise duty and value-added tax rates on alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, and changes to employers’ and employees’ contributions to the National Health Insurance Fund. The results of the first reform find a positive effect on g...

Microfinance schemes and rural poverty alleviation in Zimbabwe.The case of Rotating Savings and Credit Association in Zvishavane

Abstract The problem this study seeks to address is the effectiveness of ROSCA microfinance informal model poverty reduction. Zimbabwe has been experiencing economic decline and this has led to the aggressive adoption of social safety nets like Rotating Savings and Credit Associations by Non Governmental Organisations to cushion the rural households. The researcher purposed this research to evaluate the extent to which the ROSCA model is effective in preventing people from falling below the p...

31 - 45 Of 266 Results