ABSTRACT Stalls in fertility transition have been observed in many Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, including Ghana. This stalling fertility, defy the Demographic Transition Theory and have attracted the research attention. Current studies seeking to unravel the causes of the stalling fertility have been inconclusive. Changes in the timing and prevalence of marriage are areas that call for attention because total fertility rate is a function of the age composition of the proportion ever m...
ABSTRACT The issues raised in the African theological discourse on marriage with special focus on the Methodist church in Zimbabwe are crucial and pertinent to the faith and well-being of the African Christians who make up its congregation. The research document seeks to come up with a sound theology of marriage that will reconcile the three worlds of marriage that has caused confusion and dilemma to African Christians who find themselves torn apart in their traditional culture, the civil or...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the Study of Factors Influencing Divorce. There are many factors in a marriage that can influence a divorce, this study revealed that marital infidelity plays a remarkable role in divorce among couple. It also showed that other causes of divorce ranges from childlessness, cruelty, undue interference from mother In-law and poverty. They also asserted that sexual deprivation is among the factors that can influence divorce. A total of 100 participants compri...
ABSTRACT The study focuses on religion and child marriages from 1917-2015. Case of Johane Marange Apostolic Sect of Chihota communal areas. The study reveals the background to the history of child marriages in Zimbabwe from the pre-colonial period which reveals that child marriages has got an African traditional-cultural origin. There are a lot of consequences of the Johane Marange Sect‟s marriage practices which includes illiteracy, abuse of women and poor health outcomes as a result of th...
In the contemporary Nigerian society, the traditional family values have been abandoned which was mainly influenced by the western ideology. As a result, the stability that characterized the traditional family system has withered away exposing the family to the susceptibility of breaking down. The consequence of these changes in family status has affected the members of the family especially the children. Hence, The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of divorce on childr...
ABSTRACT The term marriage can be defined as the coming together of a man and a woman as husband and wife. In Nigeria, marriages are contracted in various ways which include statutory marriage, customary marriage and Islamic marriage. At the time of marriage, it is likely that neither of the parties envisages the possibility of dissolution of the marriage. However, in recent times, the high rate at which dissolution of marriages takes place all over the world, especially in the devel...
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................................. I APPROVAL PAGE ..................................................................................................II DEDICATION ..................................................................................................III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................IV TABLE OF CONTENTS .......
ABSTRACT Global trends of early adolescent girl’s marriage have been escalating worldwide and mostly the impacts and effects are felt in developing countries. In many developing countries, child marriage is attributed to poverty, gender discrimination and lack education, peer pressure for instance in Seke District. District Household Survey (DHS) conducted in Seke District in 2007 found that 40 % of adolescent girls are being married before the age of 18 despite the existence of the Prohibi...
TABLE OF CONTENT.DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................ iiABBREVIATIONS I ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION .........................................
ABSTRACT The institution of marriage has faced many challenges, for example many rights of spouses are violated by different persons. Usually, men dominate all the affairs of the society and women are left to watch things happen even when they are the ones who participate more but earn less. The researcher looked at the various rights of spouses in any given marriage, how those rights have been violated and also what the judiciary has done to fight the violation of those rights. The researche...
ABSTRACT.The overall purpose of the study was to examine the impact of early marriages on the education of both girl and boy child in Nyahuka town. The Specific Objectives .To find out the causes of early marriages in Nyahuka town .To examine the effects of early marriages in Nyahuka town.To find out the possible solutions to early marriages in Nyahuka town.The study used a quantitative and qualitative research design for the purpose of making valid conclusions. Quantitative de...
ABSTRACT In 1998, Ghana enacted the children’s Act 560 (1998) to harmonize its national laws to the principle of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This Act was enacted to protect children. Twenty years on, children in Ghana are still exposed to harmful practices which have extreme consequences on their development. Child marriage is one of the harmful practices to which children in Ghana remain exposed. Currently, the national child marriage prevalence rate s...
ABSRACT This paper explores the issue of early marriage in Kenya. It shed light specifically on reason behind its perceptions, its harmful consequences, a barrier to education band enjoyment of girls’ human rights and how it further threatens the development of the county. The finding from an extensive reading of materials related to early marriage suggest that early marriage is due to various factors including among others. The search for economic survival, protection of young girls, peer ...
GENERAL INTRODUCTION Matrimonial property is property owned or obtained by either or both married spouses before or during their marriage. Matrimonial property in Uganda has not yet been clearly defined either by statutory law or case law. However courts have provided a starting point for determination of what constitutes matrimonial property. In the ease of Julius Rwabinumi vs. Hope Bahimbisomwc 1 , Justice Twinomujuni held that: ··~-latrimonial property is joint property between husband ...
Table of ContentsAbstract............................................................................................................................................ iCopyright ........................................................................................................................................ iiAuthorisation page…………………………...…………………………………………………...iiiDedication............................................................