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ABSTRACT The negative effect of Climate Change (CC) on agriculture across Africa has been well established. This underscores its global policy interest. In Nigeria, crop farming is climate dependent and farmholders often employ measures that are sub-optimal against climate risk. This raises the vulnerability of farming to CC uncertainty. For a long time, knowledge of CC perception by farmholders dominated the existing literature. However, information on economic estimates of damages and resp...

Chemical Industry: An Index Of The Technological Development Of A Nation

INTRODUCTION Definition and Explanation of some Terms What is a chemical industry? It is difficult to define chemical industry exactly because of the absolute necessity for chemicals in almost every manufacturing industry. However, chemical industry can be defined as one that consists of all companies engaged in converting raw materials obtained from the environment (air, water, petroleum, minerals, agricultural products etc) into basic chemicals or chemical intermediates as well as the co...

Age Determination And Growth Rate Of The Northern Benguela Sardine (Sardinops Sagax)

Abstract The main objective of this study was to determine sardine age by counting rings on otoliths and to analyse the length, age and growth through regression and Von Bertalanffy Growth models. Otoliths amounting to 826 pairs were collected from the annual sardine research survey of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in October 2013. A total of 713 sardine otoliths were mounted on black Perspex plates and aged by means of counting rings using a Zeiss microscope at a magnificati...

Devolution and Poverty Reduction in East Africa: A Case Study of the Agricultural Sector in Kericho County – Kenya

Abstract: Governance systems and structures are a critical determinant to whether countries will achieve their aspirations especially on matters of development. In its quest to spur development and combat challenges like marginalization and poverty, Kenya decided to shift its governance system from a more centralized to a devolved system under the new constitution that was promulgated in the year 2010. This research therefore sought to investigate whether devolution has had an impact in redu...

The Influence Of Climate Change On Cashew Nuts Pests And Diseases And The Adaptation Strategies Employed By Farmers: A Case Of Mtwara District Southern Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study informs about the influence of climate change on cashew nuts pests and diseases as well as strategies employed by farmers to minimize the impact in Mtwara District. Two wards of Nitekela and Nanguruwe in the District were used to generate the data. Specifically, the study examined trend of climate parameters (rainfall, temperature and relative humidity) in the study area, the impact of climate change on cashew pests and diseases and lastly the strategies employed by farmer...

Overview Numerical Solutions For Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations With Applications

ABSTRACT This study is concerned with overview numerical solution for nonlinear partial dierential equations. Since it is not easily to iterate the numerical scheme manually, C++ is used to encode the numerical scheme in order to nd the numerical solution and Matlab is employed in drawing the gures. Chapter one consists of Introduction of Nonlinear Partial Dierential equations, Literature Review, Classication of Partial Dierential Equations, Examples of PDEs, Boundary Conditions, Taylor Expan...

Using Gis to create an agroclimatic zone map for Soroti District

ABSTRACT This project examines the use of GIS in creating an agro-climatic zone map. The map recognizes that the major aspects of climate that affect plant growth are moisture availability and temperature. The agro-climatic zones are therefore specific combinations of moisture availability zones and temperature zones. The project was undertaken following the variability of rainfall and recurrent droughts in the country that affects the lives of millions of people whose livelihood is mainly de...

Perception of Institutional and Manpower Factors Constraining Agricultural Extension Services in Benue State Agricultural and Rural Development Authority

Abstract The overall purpose of the study was to determine the perception of extension staff of manpower and institutional factors that constrain agricultural extension services in Benue State Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (BNARDA). The study was guided by three research purposes, namely: to describe the respondents’ socio-economic characteristics; to determine the perception of the extension staff on the number of extension staff as a manpower constrain; and to examine the e...


ABSTRACT                 The Nigeria agricultural and cooperative bank (NAXV) was established in 1973 to help in the development of the countries economy through providing agricultural aids as well as assisting the farmers and cooperative societies. Initially, at inception of the bank, us resources consisted mainly of the federal government subscribed equity capital and statutory allocation from the federal government. But now, the resources are loans and advances from the government...

Poverty and land access in Igbo land Nigeria: implications for policy and Agroenterpreneurship development

Abstract Household livelihood across Africa 50 years after independence have recorded lean improvements especially in terms of access to essential production inputs. Household rate of land access, means of access, Household rate of land access, means of access, welfare and investment capacities, land cost and the linkage between access to land and the above measured parameters were investigated using a set of questionnaires administered to urban and rural settlements. Descriptive results show...

Aspects of the Ecology of Etse Lagoon: Implications for Small Scale Fisheries Management at Abandze, Ghana

ABSTRACT Aspects of the ecology and spatial context of Etse Lagoon at Abandze, in the Central Region of Ghana were studied from April 2014 and March 2015. Water temperature ranged from 24.0 ⁰C to 36.6 ⁰C (mean = 29.43 ± 0.12 ⁰C). Salinity varied from 0.72 ‰ to 22.30 ‰ (mean = 13.42 ± 0.30 ‰), pH from 4.6 to 8.9 with a mean value of 7.6 ± 0.03, DO from 1.65 mg/l to 11.15 mg/l with a mean value of 5.08 ± 0.08 mg/l and conductivity from 7.35 mS/cm to 43.3 mS/cm with a mean value...

Climate Variability and Farm Technology Adoption Decisions among Smallholder Farmers in Pangani River Basin

Abstract Climate change is currently a serious threat for agriculture development and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. With the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate outlook for the 21st century, the future of maize production in Tanzania remains under threat due to more intense and frequent droughts, and more erratic rainfall patterns. Effective adaptation to these ongoing changes in climatic condition is key to securing food production and livelihoods for millions of ...

Role Of Indigenous Knowledge In Seasonal Climate Forecast For Agricultural Production In Bungoma Central Sub- County, Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Indigenous knowledge is the local knowledge unique to a given culture or society. It is the basis of decision making in agriculture, healthcare, food preservation and natural resource management. This study was set to establish the existence of Indigenous knowledge in the community of Chwele and Mukuyuni wards of Bungoma Central Sub-County, Bungoma County and its role in seasonal climate forecast. The general objective of this study was to examine the role of indigenous knowledge in ...

Absenteeism and Organisational Performance: Case Study of Ministry of Agriculture Food and Cooperative Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was about absenteeism making original performance the problem may decline of employee performance which may be due to absenteeism. The purpose of the study is establishing relationship between absenteeism and organizational performance in ministry of agriculture, food and cooperation. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the causes of absenteeism on employee performance, to examine the effect of absenteeism on employee performance, to ...

Occurance Of Organic Compounds In Water And Sediments In Sebakwe River

ABSTRACT Pollution of the aquatic environment is a major global concern as it is emerging that pollutants such as organic compounds are rising each day. The anthropogenic activities such as agricultural and wastewater effluent contribute to the pollution of aquatic resources. The aim of this study was to determine the spatial occurrence and concentration of organic compounds in water and sediment along Sebakwe River in Kwekwe. Water and sediment samples were collected once in January 2019 at...

751 - 765 Of 986 Results