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ABSTRACT This research work on co-operative and poverty in Enugu state intends to examine the level of poverty in Enugu state and to find out the level of co-operative movement, involvement in bringing permanent solution. Co-operative is well organized will no doubt help to alleviate poverty in any state. The researcher data which were processed analyzed and presented.   TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER PAGE TITLE PAGE  APPROVAL PAGE DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ON...

Contribution Of The Urban Informal Sector In Household Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study Of Food Vendors In Mwanza City, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed the contribution of food vendors in poverty alleviation at household level in Mwanza city. Three vending centers namely Pamba market, Kirumba fish market and Igoma daladala stand centre were selected as representation centers. A sample of 100 food vendors from the selected centers were involved in the study, 3 WEO‟s and City Public Health Officer, were  involved in the study. Data collection included structured interviews, Focused Group Discussion, in-depth in...

Analysis Of Poverty Alleviation Initiatives Among Small Scale Farming Communties In Rural Naivasha, Kenya

ABSTRACT Small-scale farmers are the centre of concern about globalization because they are the largest employment and small business group among the world‟s poor. More than 80% of Kenyans live in the rural areas and earn their livelihoods in agricultural-based activities. More than 50% of Kenyans live below the poverty level and struggle to meet their basic needs. Therefore the purpose of this study was to analyze of poverty alleviation initiatives among small-scale farmers in rural Naivas...

The Impact Of Microfinance Institutions On Poverty Alleviation In Uganda Case Study: Brac Microfinance Bugiri Branch, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................


ABSTRACT  This study investigates the Role of Cooperatives in Poverty Alleviation. The study was based in the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Kaduna Multipurpose Cooperative Society. The research review the literatures of related study and were duly acknowledge. Data were collected through constructed questionnaire and interview methods comprising members of the study area. Using systematic sampling techniques. The perceptible equations and tabular illustrations were used to present dat...

Women Participation In The Informal Sector And Its Effect On Household Livelihoods. The Case Of Zengeza 4 In Chitungwiza

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to examine how the participation of women in the informal sector has impacted on household livelihoods in terms of food security, income, level and quality of education, asserts, health care and standards of living, in Zengeza 4. Particular attention was given to examine also the extent of women participation in the informal sector. Only a sample of 26 women informal operators were selected as respondents. Semi-structured questionnaires, and interview...

Poverty And The Quality Of Education In The Selected Secondary Schools In Kalungu County Masaka District Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between poverty and the quality of education in secondary schools in Kalungu county, Masaka District Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in primary schools in Kalungu county, Masaka District Uganda , and to investigate the role of the community on alleviating poverty and improving education in secondary schools in Kalungu cou...

Role of Micro-Finance On Poverty Alleviation in Somali Land: A Case Study of Hargeisa

ABSTRACT he study was carried to examine the role of micro-finance on poverty alleviation in Sornaliland sing a case study of 1-largeisa. The study objectively sought to determine economic activities ndertaken by borrowers, to assess the impact of micro credit services on poverty reduction mong smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs and to establish the challenges and respective )iution to the micro-finances in 1-Iargeisa. The study adopted case study design. The study pproacb was qualitative ...

Poverty Eradication Programme In Nigeria: Problems And Prospect. (A Case Study Of Kogi State).

Abstract This study examined the problems associated with poverty alleviation programme in Nigeria. It also look at the prospect of these programmes in Nigeria using Kogi State as a case study. From the stud it was discovered that most poverty alleviation programmes in Nigeria are good but the problem lies with the implementation of the policies. In carrying out this study data were sourced from both the primary and the secondary sources. In primary source questionnaire was drawn and distribu...

Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs) and Poverty Reduction in Anambra State, Nigeria, 2006-2015.

Abstract This study has critically examined the Millennium Development Goals and poverty reduction in Anambra State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined how lack of good governance in the management of Millennium Development Goals funds undermined poverty reduction in Anambra State, and how the state implementation of neo-liberal economic policies impeded the programme of poverty reduction in the State. Literature reviewed are deficient in explaining the link between lack of good govern...


ABSTRACT Poverty has been a serious problem facing all society over the years. This paper critically analyses the problems associated with poverty over the education of the citizens. It also analyses the causes of poverty and the various programme put in place for poverty alleviation such as family economic advancement. (FEAP) and poverty alleviation programme (pap) and various forms in which government has interfered. The question is how far have these programs served as a veritable instrume...

Decentralization and Poverty Alleviation in Local Governments A Case Study of Iganga Municipal Council, Iganga District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vTABLE OF CONTENTS viiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introductiow1.1 Back ground of the study1.2 Statement of the Problem 41.3 Research Objectives 41.3.1 General objectives of the study 41.3.2. Specific objectives ofthe study 51.4 Research Questions 51.5 Research scope s1.5.1 Content scope 51.5.2 Geographical scope1.5.3 Time scope 61.6 Significance of the Study 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.0 Introduction 7VI I2...

Households’ Participation In Community Based Organisations’ Poverty Reduction Programmes In Oyo State Nigeria (1999 – 2012)

ABSTRACT Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) are known to contribute to development especially at the grassroot level. However, the contribution of households in CBOs‟ poverty alleviation has not been given adequate attention in the literature. This study, therefore, examined households‟ level of participation in CBOs‟ poverty reduction programmes in Oyo State, which has the highest number of CBOs‟ in Southwestern Nigeria. Arnstein‟s Ladder of Citizen Participation provided the an...

Assessment Of The Contribution Of Non- Farm Activities On Poverty Alleviation Among Women In Mbalizi Ward- Mbeya Rural District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the contribution of non- farm activities on alleviating poverty among women. In order to alleviate poverty, women in Mbalizi have resorted to the taking of non- farm activities that are marketed throughout the region. Mbalizi ward was a case study and the research was conducted among women. Data were collected through questionnaire and focus group discussions and processed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Judgmental procedure was...

The Role Of Agro Based Industries In Poverty Alleviation Programme (A Case Study Of Phinomar Oil Industry Nigeria Limited Enugu)

ABSTRACT Due to the economic situation of the country the writer decided to carryout a comprehensive study to find out those solutions to the obstacles that disrupt the economic situation.  The study also reveals the role of Agro-based industries to poverty alleviation programme, family support programme and family economic advancement programme. Its therefore hoped that recommendation offered in this project will be of great relevant to the individual, Agro-based industries and the society...

76 - 90 Of 992 Results