Agricultural transformation is key to poverty reduction and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In Rwanda, transformation efforts have been focused on increasing smallholder farmers’ participation in agricultural markets, with a purpose to shift them from subsistence to market-oriented production. In spite of this, subsistence farming is still dominant, involving more women than men and little is known on the progress of these farmers towards market orientation. This study contribute...
Abstract/Overview In most developing countries, land is the most essential resource for agricultural production. As such, secure access, ownership and use of land leads to improved food security hence poverty reduction especially in the rural areas. Much as it is imperative to note that a lot of ground has been covered through affirmative action, the graph still remains skewed to the disadvantage of women, especially in rural areas. Despite women being the main food producers for their famil...
Abstract/Overview Rainfall variability has led to detrimental influence on food crop production in different parts of the world. Many countries experience cases of reduced crop production thus lowering food security. Kenya being an agricultural country, has been affected by variation of rainfall leading to reduced food production. Nyando Sub-County has experienced incidences of rainfall variability which has affected crops that are rain-fed. Despite the fact that studies have been conducted ...
The main objective of the study was to investigate the causes of food insecurity attributable to smallholder livestock production systems in the Nadowli District of the Upper West region. To achieve this goal, the study made use of both qualitative (Focus Group Discussions and In-Depth Interviews) and quantitative survey research design (Questionnaire) based on the objectives of the study, The study adopted a multi perspective approach namely; sod° cultural, economic, technological and polic...
Abstract In Kenya, rice is an important staple crop after wheat and maize and the rate of consumption surpasses its production. Apart from consumption, rice is a cash crop for smallholder farmers including those in Kirinyaga County. Despite its usefulness in contributing to food security, rice production has remained low due to various constraints. Among these are plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) that account for up to 20% of yield losses. Other than the deleterious effect of PPN, rice agroec...
Abstract In Kenya, rice is an important staple crop after wheat and maize and the rate of consumption surpasses its production. Apart from consumption, rice is a cash crop for smallholder farmers including those in Kirinyaga County. Despite its usefulness in contributing to food security, rice production has remained low due to various constraints. Among these are plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) that account for up to 20% of yield losses. Other than the deleterious effect of PPN, rice agroec...
Abstract Forest communities have had to globally endure evictions, sometimes forceful, due to the need for governments to conserve the environment by protecting forests from negative human actions. The Ogiek are hunters and gatherers and rely mainly on wild fruits, beekeeping, and game hunting as a source of livelihood. Animals, e.g., hyrax, were hunted. The Ogiek's lives and sources of livelihood are highly dependent on the forest. The Ogiek community of Mau Forest, Kenya, is a forest commu...
Food insecurity and ill-health have become topical issues that both researchers and development agents are concerned about. Food consumption directly links agriculture to health outcomes. Achieving zero hunger as enshrined in SDG 2 requires interventions that target those families and individuals experiencing food insecurity. In Ghana, food insecurity differs across regions and the socioeconomic status of households and individuals. Moreover, very little is known about the distribution of foo...
Abstract: In the Horn of Africa region borderland areas exhibit some of the lowest human development indicators in terms of access to basic social amenities. Issues such as interstate and intro-state conflicts and tensions, human trafficking and smuggling, trafficking in Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALWs) afflict borderlands and further threaten the human security of communities. The Kenya - Somalia communities maintain trans-boundary socio-economic and cultural ties through participation ...