Posts in Academic

May '16
How to Improve your Handwriting-Project Writing

You write huge sense with an eligble, bold and clean hand writing, You are my Hero. -Chika(2016). If you understand the benefits of a good writing, you will take this article very serious. Computer age is fizzling out hand written documents, well, this is true until you take your hand written final year Project work […]

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Apr '16
How to Cram Effectively While Preparing for a Test/Exam

To “cram”, is basically you are studying at the very last minute. I wouldn’t recommend cramming for a test or exam, but sometimes we do have busy lives and don’t have time to study often. But believe me, Cramming and Procrastination are the best/worst points in high school. To some, cramming the night before an […]

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Mar '16
Sources of Nigerian Law

Sources of Nigerian law denote where Nigerian law came from. The major question is that where did we get the present laws that we now call our own? Did they fall from heaven? Where did we get them from? We generally have six sources of Nigerian law they include: The Received English law: This consists of […]

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Feb '16
A List of Collective Nouns (Ships, Cows, Trees, Bees and so on)

And the little Boy said, “Aunty, please help me with my assignment. It’s on Collective Nouns” In plain words, I was disgraced. I couldn’t even remember 40% of Collective nouns or a group of ‘this’ is called ‘that’.  After some google help, I remembered there are people like me everywhere hence, this blog post. A […]

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Jan '16
15 Rules of Punctuation and How to Use Them.

English Language writing has rules which you must follow. Otherwise, you are no longer writing English language. Today, we would like to show you how best to use your punctuation marks in sentence. 1. Spacing after punctuation: One (1) space only is required after every punctuation mark (period, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, commas, […]

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Jan '16
5 Exclusive Ways To Manage Attention Loss Problems.

Attention means the act of close or careful observing or listening. Attention Loss is the act of not carefully observing or listening even though it seems to everyone around you that you are paying close attention or engrossed. Then there is Attention span. This is the length of time during which someone is able to […]

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Dec '15
Instances: Difference Between Brilliance and Intelligence

Brilliant people don’t know more than their books. All their life and cardinal points revolve around the book. But intelligent people can navigate the world with ease. You will make a wailing wailer out of a brilliant person if you lock him up but put an intelligent person in the same room and he will […]

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Dec '15
How to Write an Annotated Bibliography

A Bibliography is a general list of all Books, Articles, Works and References as we call them used in a Research. Annotations are descriptive and evaluative comments about the sources/references cited in a Research work. An Annotated Bibliography therefore, is a list of citations followed by a brief comment informing readers how relevant, accurate and […]

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Nov '15
Understanding the Concept of Formulating a Research Hypothesis

In understanding what a Research Hypothesis is all about, it has the following synonyms: -Conjecture -Supposition -Speculation -Postulation -Postulate -Proposition -Premise -Surmise -Assumption -Presumption -Presupposition If the word Hypothesis is too big to comprehend, then you can understand Speculation or Assumption. In other words, Hypothesis is an assumption made on the basis of limited information […]

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Nov '15
Chapter 1 is ready! Yaay! A Trip to the Supervisor’s Office, Tips

Student Researchers are always in a hurry to take a trip to the Supervisor’s office to submit the first chapter of their Project works. At least it shows some reasonable progress since it is the hardest part of the work. All the other chapters are well supported by the approval of chapter one. Yes, It […]

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