Poverty and Child Labour: Its Economic Implication on Itiam Community


This study examined the issues relating to poverty and child labour, and its economic implication on Itiam Community with particular references to economic status of parents, income of parents, and economic status of parents at childhood. Using chi-square method for the analyses, a total of 473 questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected secondary schools in the three villages that make up Itiam Community. Out of the 473 questionnaires, only 316 were returned. Given the above information, while there is a positive relationship between poverty and child labour, we observed that almost all indigenes and resident in Itiam community are living below US $2 dollar per day. Hence, further inquiry shows that child labour is significantly dependent on the level of societal orientation and rights of children. The evidence also suggests that not all children in labour are from poor homes. Based on these findings, improved and well developed social and welfare service organizations both at local, state and federal government levels are recommended to improve their status.