ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate influence of school population on academic performance of secondary school student in Ilorin West metropolis. 90 students and 6 teachers were randomly selected from schools that were selected while questionnaire was administered to solicit for information. Research hypotheses were formulated and tested using x2 value method. The findings of the study indicated that there is significant relationship between school popul...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the influence Gender and Environment on students’ vocational choice in Secondary School in Ilorin. Data were collected from two hundred randomly selected students through Influence Gender and Environment on Students Vocational Choice Questionnaire (FGAEOSVCQ). Data collected were analysed using frequency counts, percentage and t-test. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in the factors influence vocational choice of male and fem...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Problem solving permeates every comer of human activity and is a common denominator of widely disparate fields such as the sciences; law; education; business; sports; medicine, industry; literature ; and as if there weren’t enough problem solving activity in our professional and vocational lives, many form of recreation. Human, apes, and many other mammals are curious types who, for reason seemingly related to survive, seek stimulation an...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Education is central to the development of young people as it prepares them for the world of work and life. As young people spend longer periods in education, as part of the natural course of development, sexual experimentation and maturity is increasingly coinciding with secondary schooling (Panday, Makiwane, Ranchod & Letsoalo, 2009:5). For many teenagers it remains at the level of experimentation, and if sex occurs, indications are that s...
ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to find out some of the courses of indiscipline among secondary school students in some selected schools in Ilorin West Local Government, Kwara State. Eight schools were selected and 100 respondents both male and female were randomly chosen as sample for the work. The research design was descriptive survey. The instrument of the study was Questionnaire. It was discovered among others, that home background, s...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the causes of truancy among students as perceived by secondary school teachers in Ilorin Metropolis. Two hundred randomly selected samples responded to the causes of Truancy Questionnaire (COTQ). Data collected were analysed using frequency counts, percentage, t-test and ANOVA Statistics. The results indicated that truancy was viewed as undesirable behaviours that destroys students and education objectives on the comparison, there were no significant differen...
ABSTRACT This study investigated male and female secondary schools students knowledge of AIDS in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State. The instrument that was used for the study was a questionnaire tagged, Male and Female Secondary Schools Students knowledge of Aids which was distributed to the students. Two hundred respondents were randomly selected to participation in the study Data collected were analysed using frequency count percent t-test statistical met...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the attitude of adolescents towards sexual activities in selected secondary schools in Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State. Data were collected from 200 randomly selected students using survey questionnaire on “Attitude of Adolescents toward Sexual Activities Questionnaire.(AASAQ).” Data collected were analysis using frequency counts, percentage and t-test. The results indicated that students were influenced b...
ABSTRACT The project was carried out to examine the Effect of Computer Literacy on the Teaching and Learning of Social Studies in Ilorin Metropolis. Two hundred respondents were randomly selected from Twenty (20) in Ilorin Metropolises. The data were collected, using questionnaire method. The data collected were analysed using frequency counts percentages and t-test four hypotheses formulated for the study. All the hypotheses were 8 tested at 0.5 alpha leve...
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TABLE OF CONTENT Title page i Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement �...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of peer group on schools going adolescents in Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State. Four hundred primary schools adolescents were randomly selected to supply information on the research instrument tagged “Influence of Peer Group Schools Going Adolescents Questionnaire (IPGSGAQ)”. Simple percentage was used to analyse the personal information of the respondents while t-test statistical method was employed to test...
INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Education is an enlightened experienced, it is a state attained after through systematic instructions from an higher developed intellectuals. This enlightenment is the knowledge gained from higher brained to a lower brained who put it into practice (Fafunwa,2000). This enlightenment has been defined as life span of a man from cradle to grave. The enlightenment is the knowledge pass onto the lower brained from the higher brained. It(enlightenment) is date...
ABSTRACT Teaching-learning facilities are essential ingredients in any school setting especially at the primary school level of education. It is based on this fact that this study examined the relationship between institutional variables (teaching aids, classroom environment and library facilities) and pupils’ academic performance in Yewa Local Government Areaof Ogun State. The researcher adopted descriptive survey design of correlation type for the study. The population comprised 33,736 s...