Basic Education Research Papers/Topics

Tile Effects Of High Enrolment On Academic Performance In Standard Seven Classes In Kabarnet Division, Baringo D;Strtrt Kenya

Having been appointed by the Ministry of Education and posted to one of the primary schools in this area of study ten years ago, I have made several observations. The one which has posed a great concern is the over enrolment of pupils in the Standard Seven classes in the majority of the Primary Schools. As compared to the rest of the classes, the class in reference leads in enrolment. The amateur observations carried out indicate the majority of the pupils are repeaters. Few are promoted from...

The Causes Of Poor Performance Of Secondary Leaving Examination In Watamu Location In Malindi District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of poor academic performance in Secondary schools in Watamu location, Malindi District, Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to determine if discipline affects the students' academic performance, to determine if a teacher's quality affects the students' academic performance; and to determine if school facilities affect the students' academic performance in Secondary schools. The methods used for data collection was q...

Poverty And Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils In Gar Sen Zone, Gars En Division, Tana Delta District, Coast Province, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of poverty on pupil's academic performance of the selected primary schools in Garsen Central Zone, Tana Delta District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in Garsen Central Zone, and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating poverty and improving education in Garsen Central Zone. The study employed a descriptive research desig...

Motivation And Academic Perfomance Of Students In Chwele Division, Bungo Ma West District,KenyA

Motivation is a force that serves three functions; it energizes or causes people to act, it directs behavior towards attainment of specific goal and it sustains the efforts expected in reaching the goals - i.e. the force that energizes, directs and sustains behavior (Riggio Ronald) E 1996 - Introduction to Industrial Organizational Psychology). Motivation as a personal trait is a desire to achieve or succeed. To be successful, you must want to be successful (Glady Kimberel, Bens S Vineyard Fi...

Effects Of A Ban On Holiday Teaching On Academic Performance In Secondary Schools In Tororo Municipility

The study sought to establish the effects of ban on holiday teaching on academic performance in secondary schools in Soroti Municipality. This study aimed to establish the effect of abolishing holiday teaching on academic performance in secondary schools, students’ perception of the ban on holiday teaching practice and identify strategies schools have adopted to offer remedial classes in secondary schools in Soroti Municipality. The research method adopted was descriptive cross sectional re...

Universal Primary Education Fun Ding And Management Of Primary Schools In Amolatar District The Case Of Agikdak Primary Schools

ABSTRACT  This study was specifically designed and conducted to investigate the influence of Universal primary education funding on the management of primary schools in Arnolatar District. The study focused on how capitation grants infrastructures teachers’ salaries and enrolment affect the management of schools. The researcher adopted the case study research design using quantitative approach to derive meaning from the data generated. The main research instrument used was questionnaires a...

School Facilities And Academic Performance Of Students Upper Nyakach Division, Nyando District, Kenya: (A Case Study Of Saka Primary School)

ABSTRACT  The main purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between school facilities and students performance. Specific objectives were to find out some of the effects of inadequate facilities at school on the academic achievement of learners. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the pupils. The findings from the study indicated that lack of physical facilities which was supported by 80% inadequate facilities, 50% miss use of the available facilities are...

Programed Learning And The Learners’ Learning Styles In Selected Public Primary Schools In Merti Division, Isiolo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study set out to investigate the relationship between programmed learning and students’ learning styles in Merti division, Isiolo District, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to investigate the level of programmed learning and levels of student learning styles and finally the relationship between programmed learning and learning styles of students in Merti division, Isiolo District. The researcher used a descriptive correlative survey research design. The sample size con...

Cultural Practices And Social Ecology Of Teachers In Primary Schools In Butebo County, Pallisa District, Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study is attempted to correlate the level of cultural practices and social ecology in Butebo County. A descriptive study was conducted at 20 primary schools with a sample population of 120 primary teachers as respondents of the research study. The study attempted to; determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, marital status and level of education, identify the teachers’ culturally relevant belief systems affect the underlying expectations of their stud...

The Causes Of Early Pregnancy Among The Irls In Primary Schools A Case Of Nakawa Divisi • N Ka Pala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study involved both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection in which questionnaires, interview guides and focus group discussions were used to collect the data from the respondents. The first research question sought to find out causes of early pregnancy of girls in primary schools. The study discovered that; poverty, socialization, attitudes, perception, personality, and containers were the factors given by the respondents. The second research question sought to...

Universal Primary Education And Pupils Academic Perfomance In Kiry Anga Subcounty Kibaale District Uganda

Abstract This chapter highlights the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, hypothesis, scope of the study, significance of the study. Also pointed out are the limitations and the delimitations of the study. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In 1996 while launching his manifesto, president of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni committed himself and declared to introduce Universal Primary Education (UPE) to four children per ...

Inclusive Schools And The Perforn4anace Of Pupils With Hearing Impairment In Lærá District. The Case Of Lira Municipality

There are number of the schools in Uganda that have taken the initiative to provide education to the children with special needs (CWSN) including those with hearing impainnent (HI). These include both government and private schools. Among these the researcher has developed interest in the educational provision by the inclusive schools to children with Hearing impairment (CWHI). According to Opira, C (2011) inclusive schools refer to those schools that address the learner's needs within the "m...

Nature of Parenting and How it Has Affected Pupils Academic Performance in Selected Primary Schools of Marani Division, Kisii Central District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the parenting styles and how they influence the behavior . of children at school in Marani division Kisi1 central district in Kenya. The following objectives guided the study/ to assess the role of parents have played in nurturing their children. to assess the dimensions of child parent interactions which are prevalent in some families of pupils we teach in class and to investigate the influence of parenting on pupils academic capability. This study used a de...

Factors Influencing Child Labour And Effects On Education In Kabiyet Division, Ndulele Village In Kabiyet Zone Of Nandi North Districts In Kenya

ABSTRACT Through the efforts made by the research in trying to establish the causes of child labour, the research used questionnaire method to collect the data. The data was collected from different people distributed allover the division who were the respondents. The findings of the research were as follows:- Children in Kabiyet Division engage in child labour due to:- Ill health of the parents, Poverty, Ignorance of parents and Nature of employment In conclusion therefore since the finding...

Financial Resources And Academic Performance Of Students In Secondary Schools Within Lari Division, Kiambu District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out within Lari division which is located in Kiambu district of Kenya. To come up with this study, the researcher had to be driven by the cardinal (general) objective formulated prior to data gathering and this had been stated as: This study is intended to investigate the influence of financial resources on the academic performance of students in secondary schools within Lari division in Kiambu District. It is from such an objective that the researcher generat...

91 - 105 Of 148 Results