TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclarationApprovalDedication iiiAcknowledgement ivTable of Contents vList of Figures ixList of TablesList of AcronymsAbstractCHAPTER ONE iINTRODUCTION 11.1 Background to the Study 11.1.1 The concept of food security 21.1.2 Food Security in Tanzania 31.1.3 Women as food producers 41.2 Statement of problem 61.3 Objectives 71.3.1 Main objective 71.3.2 Specific objectives 71.4 Research questions 71.5 Significance of study 71.6 Scope and Delimitation of study 81.7 Operational Def...
~sm2tcT This study was to assess the role of fragile ecosystems encroachment and loss of higher animals in Lake Sate wetland which is one of the riparian wetland lakes in the larger Yala swamp, located to the north of the swamp in Usigu division of Bondo District. The study conducted along the riparian areas ofthe Lake Victoria and in the wetland and its surrounding was anchored in settlement and agricultural activities as the main areas of focus as regards to the forms of encroachment and th...
ABSTRACT Slum development has been a major problem in the world especially in developing countries and Africa at large. According to UN-Habitat publication sub Saharan Africa hosts the largest proportion (7 1.9%) of urban population reside in slums. this study was carried out in kibera Nairobi district. The objective of the study included identifying the causes of slum development, the implication of these slum on the environment and what measures are have been put in place to protect the env...
ABSTRACT This dissertation presents the findings of the research conducted in Garissa District. It describes the effects of water availability on community health with the objectives of the study as; to identify the water sources, problems associated with water availability and what can be done to ensure that water is always available and that it has little impact on the productivity of part or whole community. Achieving these objectives would help increase the number of water sources in this...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT vList of Tables ixList of Plates XList of MapsList of Figures X~List of Acronyms XiiiABSTRACT XivCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Research objectives 31.4 Research questions 31.5 Significance of the study 41.6 Scope of the study 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Activities of nomadic pastoralists 52.2 Impact of burning Grassland zones on environment 52.3 Minimizing fi...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclarationApproval iiDedication iiiAcknowledgement ixList of AcronymsTable of contentsList of Tables xiiiList of Figures ixList of PlatesList of mapsAbstract iiCHAPTER ONE1 .0 Introduction1 Background of the study I1.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Objectives of the study 21 .4 Research Questions 31.5 Scope of the study 31 .6 Significance of the studyCHAPTER TWO2.0 Literature Review 42.1 introduction 12.2 The Value of the Wetlands $2.3 Human activities and wetland degradatio...
ABSTRACTSubsistence agriculture involves the growing of crops and rearing of animals on a small scale for home consumption, use of simple tools and more labour whereas Wetland conservation is aimed at protecting and preserving areas where water exists at or near the Earth’s surface such as swamps, marshes and bog. This study was therefore carried out to assess the extent of Subsistence agriculture and its role on wetland conservation in Bugolobi, Nakawa division. Th...
ABSTRACTSolid wastes are materials that have been discarded from the material flow pattern because they lack value to the owner.Solid waste management systems are a group of related, proved and effective tools that work together as a whole to reduce the volume of solid wastes from the generation points, storage, collection, treatment, recycling or reusing and disposing off the remaining waste material in an effort to reduce their effect on human health or local aesthetics ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVALDEDICATIONDECLARATION .IiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF ACRONYMS xiABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE3.0 INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background to the Study 1I .2 Problem statement 31.3 Objectives of study 31 .4 Research questions 41.5 Purpose of the Study 41.6 Scope of Study 41.7 Limitations and Delimitations of the Study 51.8 Definition of Key Concepts 5CHAPTER TWO2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 62.1 Types of solid wastes produced 62. 1.] Mitnicipal solid waste 62.1.2 Hazardo...
TABLE OF CONTENTS.Content PageDeclarationApprovalDedication ivAcknowledgment vTable of contents viList of Tables and Figures ixList of Acronyms Abbreviations xAbstractCHAPTER ONE:1 .0 Introduction i1.1 Background to the study i1.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Objectives of the study 31.4 Research questions 31.5 Scope ofthe study 41.6 Justification of the study 41.7 Significance of the study 41.8 Limitations of the study sCHAPTER TWO: LITEkATURE REVIEW2.1 Agro-forestry goods and services bein...
ABSTRACT A study on the impacts of deforestation on rural women livelihoods was carried out in Kangema division of Murang’a district in central Kenya. The reasons why on~farm sources of wood fuel were not enough, the impacts of deforestation on land productivity and measures that were employed to remedy deforestation were the main variables considered in the study. Data collection in the study included the use of photography, questionnaires, observation, interviewing and literature review....
LIST OF ACRONYMS EIA Environmental Impact Assessment FF1 Flora Fauna International 0 0 K Government of Kenya IUCN International Union Conservation ofNature KWS Kenya Wildlife Service NGO Non Governmental Organisation NEMA National Environmental Management Authority UNEP United Nation Environment Programme UNESCO United Nation Education, Scientific and Cultural organisation TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv LIST OF ACRONYMS v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of human activities on the wetland eco system in Nakigalala Zone Kajjansi, wakiso district Uganda. The major concern was the factors, activities and effects of human activities on wetlands. The study was conducted among surrounding outgrowers, labour workers, brick laying companies, among others The literature review covered relevant literature from other previous writers, journals, documentary reviews of the impact of human activi...
Medical wastes are highly infectious and hazardous wastes that may carry pathogens of dreadful diseases hence its management is vital not only because human health is important but also quality of the environment has to be kept into consideration. Mismanagement of Medical waste implies combinations of improper handling of wastes during generation, collection, storage, transport and treatment or disposal. However proper strategies for effective management are still the problem in urban areas a...
ABSTRACT A study on the effects of industrialization on the environment was carried out in the leather industry of Kenya limited, Makongeni industrial area, Thika municipality, Thika district. The main objectives considered include industrial activities carried out, the impacts of LIK on the environment and to the industry, current measures being undertaken to minimize the effects and the way forward through suggested recommendations to reduce the industrial effects on the environment and on ...