
Law Research Papers/Topics

The Role of Uganda Police Force in Peace and Conflict Resolution: A Case Study of Nothern Uganda

ABSTRACT The above research was carried out in northern Uganda with an intention of examining the role of Uganda police force in peace and conflict resolution in the republic of Uganda. The research attempt to trace the history of Uganda police force citing its development from the pre-colonial era to post-colonial times, it addresses the legal establishment and categorization of the force in different departments. The research critically looks at the role of the police with a considerable sc...

The Psycho - Social Impact of Torture On Victims and Their Families: A Critical Analysis of Article 1 Of The United Nations Convention Against Torture

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION: .............................................................................................................................. iii APPRECIATION: .........................................

Edu Frontiers 51 PAGES (10672 WORDS) Law Project
The Ethical and Legal Implications Behind the Legalisation of Euthanasia in Uganda.

ABSTRACT. The suggestion that euthanasia should be authorised by law, to a considerable extent raises some plausible moral, ethical, philosophical, and religious issues as well as legal and constitutional questions. In addition, the euthanasia debate has been fueled by a number of social and legal developments. These include the advent of modern medical technology and the availability and use of artificial measure to prolong life. Therefore, this study will examine and analyze all the factors...

The Implementation of Children's Right to Education in' Pader District

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................ .iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. iv CHAPTER ONE .................................

Juvenile Delinquency and Protection of Children in Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENT Declaration ....................................................................................... i Approval .......................................................................................... ii Dedication ...................................................................................... iii Acknowledgement ........................................................................... iv Table of statutes cited .........................................................

Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Legal Framework On the Protection and Enforcement of Work Rights in Uganda.

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to provide an analysis of the effectiveness of the legal framework on the protection and enforcement of work rights in Uganda. The study found out that numerous labour laws were enacted by parliament in the year 2006 to act as guidelines to both the employers and the employees in the pr?tection and observance of employees' rights in Uganda. These laws included the Employment Act of 2006, the labour Unions Act of 2006, the occupational health and s...

Save Edu Frontiers 71 PAGES (22173 WORDS) Law Project
The Impact of Imprisonment On the Health Rights of Female Inmates. A Comparative Study. A Case Study of Soroti Prison- Uganda

ABSTRACT KEY WORDS; Prisoner Health Rights, Health Care Service Provision, Nutrition, Activity, Hygiene and Sanitation. BACKGROUND: Female inmates tend to suffer poor health on a range of indicators. This Study sought to explore Female and Male Inmates' perceptions of the Impact of Imprisonment on their Health Rights and Well-being. METHOD: This Qualitative Study involved both adult Female (20) and male inmates (I 0) who were either Remands or Convicts at Soroti Prison in Eastern Uganda. Pa1i...

A Critical Analysis of Consumer Protection Laws in Uganda

ABSTRACT This thesis entitled "A critical analysis of consumer protection laws in Uganda". It's majorly to focus on consumer protection laws in Uganda which include; The Uganda communication Act of 2013(as amended), the Contract Act 2010, Sale of Goods Act Cap 82, and Uganda National Bureau of Standards Act Cap 327,the National Drug Policy and Authority Act Cap 206, Foods and Drugs Act Cap 278 the Hire purchase Act of 2009,Agdcultural seeds and plant Act Cap 28,the Bank of Uganda Act Cap51 an...

Analysis of Women Land Rights in Uganda (Makindye Division)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................. .iii APPROVAL ................................................................................... .ii DEDICATION ................................................................................ .iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................... v ..... . TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................... vi-vi...

Defilement: A Critical Analysis of the Law and Practice in Uganda.

Abstract The study's main objective was to critically analyze defilement law and practice in Uganda and the specific objectives were to; • To examine the existing laws in relation to defilement in Uganda. • To find out factors and practices that aggravates defilement in Uganda. The study was done in Kampala District Uganda and the respondents were sampled from the police, parents and law makers, overall a sample size of thirty respondents was reached and data was gathered about the topic....

Debt in the Financial Sector - An Examination of Law and Practice in Uganda a Case Study of Commercial Banks in Kamp Ala Central Division

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARA'rION ......................................................................................................... i APPRC)V 1I, ............................................................................................................... ii DEDICArION ........................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... iv...

Edu Frontiers 54 PAGES (14788 WORDS) Law Project
The Role of Ngos in the Promotion and Protection of the Children's Right to Education Case Study: Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT This study is a critical analysis of children right to education, the state of the law in promoting and protecting the same s well as the role played by the NGOs towards the promotion and protection of the right to education in Uganda. The study was undertaken because of the growing concern about of the illiteracy levels as well as the high numbers of school dropouts t all levels as witnessed in African countries, Uganda being an example. Children are involved in a number of practice...

Impact of Information and Technology in the Dispensation of Justice

ABSTRACT 1.9.1Computer and the law _Computer law is that branch of the law that regulates the technological aspects of information. Thus for example the law of defamation is not per se part of computer and the law but those aspects of defamation which relate uniquely too the information processing process activities will fall and therefore be treated as under the topic of computer and the law - particularly if the principals to be applied are much more complicated . A fair example would be wo...

Edu Frontiers 82 PAGES (24380 WORDS) Law Project
A Review of the Legal Framework of Refugees in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study reviewed the Legal Framework of Refugees in Uganda, and was guided by three research questions: what legal procedures are adopted in vetting refugees who enter Uganda? What rights as guaranteed by the international instruments do the refugees enjoy while in Uganda? What roles have the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Government played in facilitating the realization of refugees’ rights in Uganda? Using a triangulation study design, and a Researche...

Save SSA Research 187 PAGES (34510 WORDS) Law Thesis
A Critical Analysis of Electoral Rights in South Sudan

ABSTRACT .. • Throughout this research topic you will discover that it's based on person's intellect and interpretation of the Articles of the constitution. Under Article 196 of the transitional constitution of South Sudan grant right to vote for representative government and so does the National Election Act No 39 laws of South Sudan reiterates the same prayers. What is often abused by the politician is not the right but the time frame for holding elections and votes tallying or counting p...

136 - 150 Of 1434 Results