ABSTRACT The benefits of Foreiqn Direct fri vestment for economic development have been well established in the exk~ting literature. Foreign investors need land to conduct their business when they move to in vest in a certah7 locailty. Yet llttle, if any, land in Uganda is vacant, idle and undaimecL As a result, many companies experience difficulties securing land for their operations. The researcher therefore set out to examine the laws governing lano, particularly in respect of access to la...
ABSTRACT The principle of banking secrecy under the Penal Code protection is not specifically stipulated and assured by the Burundian law, the purpose of this study was to critically examine the Law governing Bank Secrecy in Burundi. Specific objectives were to: identify the law and policy of the bank secrecy; analyze the applicability of the laws related to bank secrecy; and analyse the challenges related to bank secrecy in Burundi and also from other jurisdictions. The study used doctrinal ...
ABSTRACT This study was to establish aspects of environmental norms under the world trade organization and to determine existing conflicts between trade rules with Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). The study uses qualitative comparative case-study methodology to analyze ten environmental-based, GAIT article XX exceptions cases. Each of these cases had been brought before the dispute resolution mechanisms of GATT and WTO respectively. The study is driven by a desi;~e to gain some...
ABSTRACT Humanity has suffered greatly from pain and the ravages of armed conflicts that have claimed the fives of millions of people and because of this, different international Tribunals were found to prosecute the criminals of the most serious crimes to stamp impunity. The latest mechanism of international criminal justice is the ICC. The research answers the questions of whether the ICC provides criminal justice to mankina~, what challenges the ICC faces, what are the weaknesses of the ...
ABSTRACT This research analyzed the right to freedom of expression in Uganda; it begins by stating that Human rights are classified into four generations that is to say the first, second, third and fourth. Freedom of expression originates from the first generation rights which encompass all civil and political rights set forth under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). This right entails freedom of thought, conscience and religion; freedom of opinion and expression; freedom of ...
ABSTRACT The anti-money laundering law is recognized internationally as an important law in combating money laundering especially in banks. To detect money laundering in Uganda, the Anti-Money Laundering Act was enacted in 2013 to guide banks on what measures to implement. However, the AMLA counter measures have put a significant regulatory and compliance burden on the financial institutions and banks. These measures have not only increased the costs, risks, dilemmas incurred by the banks b...
ABSTRACT This thesis explored the position of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in the on-going internal armed conflict in South Sudan. This topic became a subject of exploration in this study because there has been minimal scholarly inf01mation regarding violation of IHL in on - going armed conflicts in South Sudan yet many humanitarian challenges and human right abuses as well as violations that have been. This study found out that International Humanitarian Law encompasses various asp...
Abstract This dissertation examines the question of Land Use in Uganda and analyses the legal and policy framework. It explores the nature of Land Utilisation; the need to regulate its use, the most suitable option land is put to use and most importantly the, the key aspects of land use; that is, land ownership (tenure) and accessibility. However, its focus stays on the legal and policy framework. Uganda has no sufficient laws governing the general issues of land use, though efforts have be...
ABSTRACT In this study, the researcher has focused on four questions mainly: in order to ascertain the measures to promote and enhance peace and security of general interest, what are the mechanisms adopted by EAC Partner States? With respect to the Treaty for the establishment of the EAC strategies which emphasizes peace, security and good neighborliness, explain the EAC strategies in the maintenance of regional peace and security. Despite their willingness to cooperate, what is the quality ...
ABSTRACT The thesis “Legal Analysis of Bank Duties Liabilities in Relation to Customer Protection in Uganda” is motivated by the background of the study to pertinently contribute remedies that can securely address the banking sector challenges in meeting duties and obligations to protect customers. It should be noted that while there is a law in place to govern bank duties and obligations to customers, in total this law has not been successfully drawn and implemented. The study examines t...
ABSTRACT Despite restrictive abortion legislation and all the efforts made by both the government and RHU in promoting family planning as a iii st step ~n r~du~ing unwanted pregnancies and the resulting abortions and mateiii~il n~nrtt~1it~, many ~ornen contirnie to seek and obtain unsafe abortions. Apart from causing death and other health complications, abortion has many undesired consequences to individual and the economy. Need was therefore seen to investigate a correlation, if any, betwee...
ABSTRACT The research is about the roles of NGOs in the promotion and protection of women's rights, the causes of women's rights violations, effects of violations of the women's rights, the state of laws concerning rights of women and the roles and procedures played by the NGOs towards the promotion and protection of women's rights in Gulu, particularly in Holy Rosary Parish, Laroo Division. The idea of Human Rights is proclaimed long time ago and the same were incmporated in the African Char...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION............................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL.................................................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION..................................................................................................................................iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.....................................
ABSTRACT This thesis establishes a critique of the law relating to refugee rights in Burundi in particular reference to refugees in Kavumu Camp in Burundi. This is geared to the fact that violations and abuses of refugee rights have become greater issues globally as most of the world’s refugees wait for durable solutions foi their predicament. While most refugees have been granted provisional or temporary asylum in neighbouring countries, they are not able to regularize their status or inte...
ABSTRACT The study made an examination of the law on the jurisdiction of international criminal court from African cases. The research steamed from the fact that on 12 th October 2013 the African Union made a decision that no criminal charges can be brought against a sitting head of state or government. 1 Following this decision, the African Union adopted the Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights 2 Given this empirical record, i...